Wednesday, October 17, 2018

July '18- Week 4- Mantua with Webster Family, Bethany and Alice Check Up, Camping Mirror Lake

Sunday Dan gave a combined youth lesson about Grandfather's youth devotional.  Adam and Grandma got some great Alice snuggles.  I was able to get my temple recommend renewed that evening and it's amazing what a wonderful feeling I had just knowing my recommend was current again.  After dinner we played Banana Grams and Surprise Slides.  
Monday I french braided all the girls' hair.  I enjoy the practice, but it sure took a long time.  We ended up cancelling a friend Mantua swim day due to lack of attendance.  So instead we went to the Moulton's to let the kids run through the sprinklers, have otter pops, and play on the trampoline.  The McKameys came too.  
Tuesday was Pioneer Day! Ben had science camp then we watched the Days of '47 Parade on TV and saw David, Laurie, Emma and Reed, Andrew, and Russ.  
We also started packing for Mantua with all the Websters.  
Russ McKamey also came and finished the back stairs in the morning as well.  They turned out so nice! 
In the evening we went to my Aunt Joan's house for a pot luck gathering with the Thompson side of the family.  We found out my cousin Emma Lee is roommates with AnnaLeah Boren from our ward.  
Wednesday we vacuumed, did laundry, cleaned bathrooms and finished packing.  We had lunch on the road and left for Mantua, arriving by 3.  The kids swam for a bit, then we gave them showers and headed to a fun dinner at the American West Heritage Center in Logan.  They had cool displays in the main building, then a quick wagon ride to the dining building.  Unfortunately, Dan's dad wasn't feeling well this night, so he had to stay at Mantua.
We were serenaded while eating! 
Then we loaded up our bison encounter.   What made it more memorable was a pretty big storm rolled in a dumped on us for a few minutes.  We joked about how the pioneers probably wouldn't have complained about the rain, but would have welcomed it thankfully on a hot summer day! :) 
After the bison we got to pet some goats.  
McKenna slept in a tent outside with cousins.  
Thursday we had family pictures with Kelly Sansom bright and early! 

We got back to the house by 10:30.  People played 9 Square (borrowed from the Wendels), swam, and McKenna went boating.  
I took some fun slo-mo videos.  Hamburgers and hot dogs for dinner and had s'mores before bed. 


Friday Dan went to the temple early in the morning.  McKenna went on a bike ride with Lara, Joe, Katie,  Whitney, and Henry.  After lunch Dan went boating with Ben, Anna, and Bethany.  McKenna and I went swimming and I jumped off the top of the slide!

 I even had time to shower and nap on the couch while McKenna did some reading.  We helped Sam and Lara with dinner that night.  Then we played carnival games with tons of prizes provided by Grandma! 
After dinner, we celebrated July birthdays including our Bethany! 
Saturday was chillin', ranger rides to the store, cleaning, and grandma painting rocks with the kids so they could play tic-tac-to outside with the rocks and chalk.  
Cute picture of the Sylvias! 
We were home by 4 to unpack, do laundry, shower, grocery shop, and prep for our family camping trip on Monday.  

Sunday after church I worked on prepping our camping food.  

Monday I took Alice and Bethany for their well checks 
(I lost her paper so these are not exact.)
Height: 37in 
Weight: 28.5 lbs

Height: 24.1 in (1.6 in increase in 2 months) 12%
Weight: 11.3lbs (1.5 lb increase in 2 months) Below the chart
Head: 45%

We left for camping around lunch time and as we approached our campsite we quickly realized it was 30 degrees cooler than back home!  We set up camp and then went exploring around the lake and gathered wood.  
After dinner another camper (a young dad and his two kids) came to visit and chat for a while.  Sadly, as we were getting the kids ready for bed, Alice had a big throw up. :(  I was a little nervous since she had gotten shots that day at her appointment and had a low fever.  Dan gave her a blessing and I slept in the van with her that night.  Thankfully, after the blessing I felt calm and peaceful after the blessing.  I nursed her at 3am and 6:30am, so I was a tired mama, but all was well.  
After breakfast we headed up to hike Bald Mountain!  It was 1.4 miles but it was steep!  The last part was a bit of a scramble so we decided not to go all the way to the top.  Dan was a little disappointed, but I was very proud of what we did do!  It took us about 1 hour to go up and 1 hour to come down. Phew! 
We got back to camp and had some lunch then changed into swim stuff to go out on the lake in the Schmutz's kayaks.
I stayed on the beach while Alice slept in my arms for a bit.  That kayak was a beast to carry back to camp, but again, I was proud of myself! 
Alice did great sleeping in the pack n play and our red umbrella stroller acted as the entertainment for much of the time.  
The kids got to play Cover Your Assets in the trailer before bed.  

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