Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Dec. '22- Week 2- Savior of the World, Piano Recital, Anna Gymnastics, Eli Piano, Prelude to Christmas, "Elf" Event, McKenna Braces, Christmas in Color, Anna JK Rowling, Ben Caleb's BD, Alice Dance, Snow!

Dec. 8th- Thursday: After the kids left, we took the van in again to fix the shaking. I exercised. Alice and I ate and then did her music homework. I showered and we picked up the van. We had lunch and then I paid some medical bills and did a grocery order. I drove carpool and then took Ben to Backstage. We watched Mia for a bit. Anna worked on her wax museum book report and McKenna had piano. Dan picked up mom and Mickelle in Layton on his way home from Ogden, and my dad met us here. We all ate and then went to the Savior of the World play. Dan and I loved it SO much and sang along with all the songs! Tess Poulson babysat Alice for us. We stopped for a treat at the gas station and then got home around 10:30. 

Dec. 9th- Friday- I drove the kids to school and Dan donated. I took McKenna and Alice to McKenna’s orthodontist appointment, then took her to school. I worked on a grocery order and Alice played Hullabaloo. The internet was out for a bit. When it came back on, she did Upstart. Alice had preschool and I went to Ladies Lunch. Dan and I napped and then Alice came home and we worked on more Christmas shopping. I took Ben and Anna to Prelude choir practice and Leanna Wilmore's cold sounded worse. :( McKenna and I went shopping for a BD gift for Jojo. We ate and then went to the kids’ piano recital!  They all played so well and we were lucky to have both grandparents come! McKenna went to a friends’ house and the other kids went to bed. I had a headache and worked on an Instagram post. 

Dec. 10th- Saturday: Dan and Bethany went to a work event in Ogden. Alice went to the Winegar’s to play while Ben, Anna, and I went to Prelude rehearsal from 9:30-11:45. McKenna went to Jojo’s birthday party. Ben and Anna finished their book reports. We watched some home videos. Anna went to her school friend, Claire’s house. Then we all met at Anna’s gymnastics demonstration. McKenna's friend Adrie came with us. We got gas at Costco, then Dan picked up groceries and pizza. We ate and cleaned up a little and then went to Eli’s piano performance!  He did so well!  We got courtesy cones and then came home and did baths and showers. Adrie stayed till 10:15. Dan worked on his lesson. I had phone time. Both Ben and Dan got haircuts. 

Dec. 11th- Sunday: Dan had early meetings. I had a meeting with Amy and the bishopric about the youth goals for 2023.  YW was combined with the RS. Rachael Alexander taught about “willingness.” After lunch, we watched our videos and I made a soup for dinner. I napped a little before Dan and I went to the temple and priesthood preview with Ben!  Rachael then came over to our house to help us practice the song we’d sing on Christmas Day.  I ate a quick dinner, and then went to Prelude. Dan brought Anna and Ben a little later. We performed at 6 and 8pm. My parents could not come because they didn’t feel well, but lots of other Webster families came. It started snowing as everyone was leaving. We snacked and talked when we got home. Dan and I calendared. 

Dec. 12th- Monday: I cleaned up the laundry room and  exercised once the kids left. Alice and I ate and she went to music. Once Alice got home, I kept laundry going and set out the 12 days of Christmas stuff. She did Upstart and I listened to Marco Polos. We had lunch and she went to preschool. I ran errands to Walgreens and Wal-Mart. I showered, then drove carpool. McKenna had an after school band rehearsal. We had pancakes for dinner and then McKenna and Ben went to rehearsal. I took the three girls to Sandy for a Foster Care event for Dan's work. The Governor and First Lady were there as well as Crumble, and some Utah football players. We got lots of free treats and watched “Elf.” Everyone got to bed late!

Dec. 13th- Tuesday: McKenna had an early appt to get her braces on!  The snow on the roads was bad! But we made it. We stopped at Dan’s work and picked up Alice. She face timed Hazel. I got Kenna a smoothie and took her to school. It snowed a lot so I decided to not go to my voice lesson. Alice played with Parley Cundick and Sarah Moulton got a cute picture of them walking together. Alice and I had lunch and played a game when she got home. We went to Anna’s class Wax Museum where she presented about JK Rowling. I drove carpool home. Ben went to Caleb’s birthday party at a trampoline park. He hurt his foot a little. We went to Christmas in Color! The Walker family joined us!

Dec. 14th- Wednesday: My parents' anniversary! I drove the kids to school because Dan left early for the airmen gift delivery event. I drove McKenna to an early band rehearsal. Then I shoveled and had a nice chat with Meghan while she shoveled. Alice and I ate, I showered, and then we picked up Bethany from school. She got her tongue clipped at the dentist. She did so well!  We took Alice to preschool, then got gas at Costco. Dan and I had lunch, then the kids got home from early out. I napped and then Dan and I went to see Alice perform at dance! She did great and said she was a little nervous. I worked on medical paperwork on the computer. I took dinner to Mariana and Tanner West who just had a baby. We ate, then I went to YW, which was a babysitting service activity. We had 20 kids and 9 girls helping!

December Videos- Part 4:
Amy Hamblin’s YW Poem, McKenna videos with friends, Bethany and Anna piano recital.
December Videos- Part 5:
Ben and McKenna piano recital, Anna gymnastics, primary singing in RS.
December Videos- Part 6:
McKenna/Adrie video, Foster Care “Elf” event, Anna JK Rowling Wax Museum, Christmas in Color with Walkers, Santa Brigade, Alice Preschool Dance demonstration.

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