Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Jan. '23- Week 2- Ben's Ordination, Book Club, Jungle Book Starts, School Gas Leak, Ben's First Time at Temple, Dan at Mantua with Priests, Date and Games with Alexanders

Jan. 8th- Sunday: Dan had early meetings. I fed Bethany and Alice breakfast, the rest of us fasted. The kids took showers and baths. I did fancy hair on Anna and Bethany. Dan left after the Sacrament for another stake meeting. I shared my testimony about temples and how I’m grateful Ben will get to attend on Friday!  I’m also so grateful we live so close to a temple and I couldn’t imagine my life without that! I’m grateful we get to serve the dead and our ancestors. I'm grateful the temple brings me peace and moments to pause. During the second hour of church, we attended Ben’s Aaronic Priesthood ordination. I'm so grateful for our family who came! (Leaders: Tanner West and Kevin DeAngelo.) During YWs, the new class presidencies we’re set apart. The three girls had lunch when we got home. I had my conf. call and then made pot stickers for dinner. We watched our Line upon Line videos and got the girls in bed. Bethany accidentally took an iron pill instead of Melatonin, but thankfully spit most, if not all, of it out! Dan and I both did stuff on our computers. 

Jan. 9th- Monday: I exercised after the kids left for school. I started laundry, ate, showered, and then Alice and I were late for Let’s Play Music. I worked on my "to do" list a little, then Alice and I had lunch. We gave Kaysen his BD gift when we picked him up for preschool. I napped and worked on the Legacy 'Intent to Enroll' stuff. I listened to the Christmas Chronicles for book club. It rained a lot! I drove carpool. I read with Ben. McKenna and Ben left for rehearsal. I made dinner. The girls folded their laundry. We ate and then I folded and I finished listening to the Chronicles. Dan played games with the three girls. I went to book club at Amy Pugsley’s and enjoyed talking about what made and makes Christmas so special for everyone.

Jan. 10th- Tuesday: Dan drove the kids then took Alice to work with him. I had an OB check up at St. Mark’s. I picked up Alice from Dan’s office after that. We got home and I practiced voice. We had lunch and then I napped and worked on posting a dress for sale on Facebook Marketplace. The kids got home and I read with Ben while he folded laundry. Anna had her first Jungle Book rehearsal! I attended the parent meeting and volunteered to help with choreography. Anna had gymnastics. We had dinner and the rain turned to snow! Dan took Ben to his first Jr. Jazz game! I got the girls to bed and started watching a movie with Kenna. I worked on picture collages a little. *I took screen shots of the Church News Instagram stories from a podcast that interviewed 3 of the Nelson children and the Instagram stories included some pictures of our family. :)

Jan. 11th- Wednesday: I subbed in Ms. Huggard’s Kindergarten class. They were more talkative than last time, so my voice was more tired. Dan took Alice to work and then preschool. I took the three middles to piano and then napped a little and caught up on Marco Polos. McKenna got home and then I had to pick up preschool and piano kids. I started dinner while the kids played and did computer stuff. McKenna and Ben ate early and went to Newsies. After dinner, Anna had her primary activity. I cleaned up and hosted the younger YW class at our house for a game night! Bethany had hip hop. Dan did showers and baths. We cleaned up in the kitchen afterwards. I looked over Jungle Book choreography stuff and started a grocery list. Dan worked on his talk for Sunday on forgiveness. 

Jan. 12th- Thursday: I drove the kids to school, and then stayed for a meeting with Tandi about being the assistant choreographer for Jungle Book, along with Michelle Godfrey (Claire's mom). Alice came with me. When we got home, we played the game pounce and then she did Upstart and I worked on computer stuff. We went to my voice lesson and Jenni and I spent most of the time talking before I got messages from the school about a gas leak and I needed to pick the kids up asap! So we left right away and got home by 12:35. Alice and I ate lunch and then Sayge came over to play with Anna. Dan got home and we took a nap. McKenna got home from school. We talked a little bit. Then Dan and I both worked on the computers. I made a grocery order and then started tinfoil dinners. McKenna had piano. Dan helped Swa by driving Oliver and Ellie to their ninja class. We cleaned up dinner and the three middle kids did their first crunch labs subscription box. Dan left for an elders quorum pickleball activity, and I got the kids to bed and then measured Ben and looked at baby pictures with him since we didn't do it on his birthday.

Jan. 13th- Friday: I did light exercise before the kids got up. Dan took Bethany and Anna to school. Alice went to the Cundick’s. Dan and I went to the temple with Ben and Mckenna for Ben’s first baptism for the dead. We’re so thankful both sets of grandparents could come with us as well!  When we got back in the car, Ben immediately asked when we could go again. Dan took them to school and I showered while Alice did Upstart. She had lunch and then went to preschool and I went to ladies lunch and ran an errand. I Marco Poloed my roommates and then it was time to pick up Alice and Kaysen. Kaysen came back to our house after preschool to play for a while. Dan packed and got ready to go to Mantua with the priests’ quorum. I worked on mounting the Jesus robe picture to a board while the kids did homework and Bethany worked on her half-birthday spotlight poster for school. I napped a little. We had dinner once Kaysen left. I played games with Ben while McKenna gave Bethany a makeover. Anna colored and Alice played. The three girls got to bed around nine and McKenna and Ben stayed up a little more. I listened to the Church News podcast about Grandfather and made picture collages. Ben and I FaceTimed Dan for a couple minutes. 

Jan. 14th- Saturday: I woke up around 8. McKenna and I exercised in the gym. We ate and McKenna and Ben got ready for rehearsal. They left and I took Anna to her make-up gymnastics class. I showered and Dan got home from Mantua. I had lunch with the three girls. I left to pick up groceries and the Newsies kids. We got home, put groceries away, and Dan and I left for the temple to do initiatories. We came home and fed the kids dinner. Megan Hunter came over to hang with McKenna. The three middle kids put together another one of their Crunch Lab kits. Dan and I left for dinner with the Alexanders at Nacho House. We tucked the kids in bed and then went to the Alexander's house for games!  The Johnsons, Chadwicks, and Nelsons all came. We played “Just One” and the card game Scum. 

January Videos:
Dan and Ben at Rose Bowl, Alice won’t sleep, Ice Skating, Ben’s Birthday!, Mom and Alice playing, Crunch Labs box

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