Thursday, April 25, 2024

March '23- Week 4- YW Paint Night, Stuffed Animals for Dan's Work, Layton Visit, McKenna to see Lola, Ogden Temple, Webster Dinner March BDs, Snow Day, Ben and Alice Doc. Check, Bountiful Museum, 2nd Grade Immigration

Mar. 22nd- Wednesday: Bethany stayed home sick again. McKenna went to Collette’s for a birthday breakfast!  We ate at home, Bethany did piano, then we went to the gym and Bethany sat on the side lines and played on my phone rather than go to the child care. We ran two errands on the way home. We had lunch and Alice went to preschool. I came home and showered and then checked Alice out of preschool early for her LPA kindergarten orientation.  She was a little shy at first, but enjoyed it!  It was raining and snowing lots when we got done. I took Alice back to preschool and parked and waited to bring her and Kaysen home. We picked up piano kids, and then I had some quiet time in my room. McKenna stayed after for track.  After dinner, Anna played with Emi Atkin. Ben played video games for YM. McKenna and I and the YW had a paint night with the Pugsleys. Here are a couple examples of our painting and our inspiration. Mine is the mountain one, Emily Horne painted the pitcher and apple.

Mar. 23rd- Thursday: Bethany went back to school. I watched the news. Alice and I ate. She did Upstart and then we did her music homework. I worked on my long “to do” list and stayed off Instagram to help with that. I talked with Ginger about YC food stuff. I napped. I got dressed and practiced voice. Alice and I ate lunch, then Kaysen came over to play. I worked on phone calls and a grocery order. We took Kaysen home when it was time to drive carpool. Ben stayed after for crochet club. The kids played outside some. I worked more on a grocery order. McKenna had piano. We had dinner and Ben went to church ball. The three girls had a sleepover in the basement living room on the couches since they had no school the next day. I blogged a little and Dan and Ben watched a show. We bought McKenna a new swim suit. 

Mar. 24th- Friday: We got to sleep in a little. McKenna got herself off to school. A big snow storm moved in!  I ate with the 4 younger kids and did CFM. They did reading and piano and I talked with Dan. I showered and listened to my book some. Alice ate lunch and we took her to preschool. The snow had stopped for a bit, then another snow squall came through. We headed to Murray and had lunch with the three middle kids at Costco, then we went to Dan’s work storage unit and loaded up TONS of stuffed animals for their Sunday Supper event. We got home and shoveled and snow blowed. I picked McKenna up from school. We left for Layton around 4. We visited for a bit and Alice got some birthday presents.  We checked out Mickelle’s squash mellows and then she packed for dog sitting. McKenna, Bethany, and I played Cover your Assets. We had pizza for dinner and then I asked Grandpa Mike to share memories of his dad, my Grandpa Dave, since it was his birthday today. He would have been 92!  I miss him a lot.  The kids played the piano and played Beat Saber, then we left.  The three girls had another sleepover on the basement couches at home. 

Mar. 25th- Saturday: McKenna got up early to go with grandma and grandpa Webster and Katie and Whitney to see Lola perform her solo at a dance competition. I exercised before breakfast. Then I showered. Dan got groceries. I got the girls ready. Dan left with McKenna and Ben to do baptisms at the Ogden Temple. I took the three girls to a bridal shower for Nicholas Nelson's fiancé, McKenna. We rode with Lara. We got home by 2:30 and Anna’s friend Zoe came over to play. I snuggled Bethany some. She and Ben played in the snow a little. I took McKenna to shop at TJMax for some exercise clothes. The kids had Mac and cheese and Dan and I went on a dinner date to a local taco truck. We went home briefly to take McKenna and friends to a birthday party. Then Dan and I went shopping at 5 Below for Easter stuff. We got a McFlurry and sat in the garage and talked for a while. Then we needed to help out Stewarts and pick up Henry from a friend’s house. We got home and Dan and Ben showered and I made picture collages. Then we talked with McKenna and Ben. 

Mar. 26th- Sunday: I got to sleep in till 8. Dan had early meetings. I fed Bethany and Alice, the rest of us were fasting. I gave Alice a bath after she ate. McKenna worked on picture collages. I showered and did the girls’ hair. Dan and Ben shoveled because we got lots of snow again. The YW practiced our Easter song and had our lesson in the chapel choir seats. After church, I went to a Youth Conf. meeting till 4. Meghan used our ovens to make her rolls. I made tater tots for Webster Sunday dinner. We celebrated March birthdays!  We also found out Jake and Abril are pregnant with baby #5 and it’s a boy!! Dan had a Sunday Supper event for Foster Care and came later to dinner. We got the kids to bed late, and then Dan and I calendared. 

Mar. 27th- Monday: We woke up to messages of the Davis district having a two hour delay due to snow. The LPA kids still got up and started eating, then we got notified their school had late start also. Dan and I tried to go back to sleep. I exercised and found out both schools were calling it a remote learning day!  Sadly, Anna’s field trip to the Planetarium was canceled (they said they would try to reschedule). The kids watched shows, then started their reading and piano. I started the laundry and ate with Alice. The kids got on their computers and I showered and listened to Don’t Miss This. We had lunch, then Alice and I went to her Let’s Play Music class later in the day. We got home and the kids played in the snow. I chilled in my room. I helped Bethany with her money counting for a math assignment. I napped and blogged a little. We had dinner together then watched our CFM videos. Dan and the kids started playing games, and I went to book club at Melissa Smith’s talking about neurodiversity and autism.  It was a very helpful and enlightening conversation. Dan and I folded laundry. 

Mar. 28th- Tuesday: I watched the news after the kids left. Alice and I ate and got dressed. We picked up Ben and went to Ben and Alice’s doctor check-ups. Unfortunately, they both had to get shots. Ben laid down for his and did not have a vasovagal response! I’m grateful both kids were healthy and growing!  We took him back to school.  Alice and I had lunch. She watched shows and I napped. We went to my voice lesson and I felt pretty good about preparing for the Tab Choir auditions this Summer!  We picked up Ben from orchestra and then McKenna from band (both after school rehearsals). Anna came home upset about her field trip being rescheduled on a day we would be gone. I helped her process that and started dinner. I spent some quiet time in my room. Anna ate and I took her to gymnastics. Bethany played outside a lot. We ate, then Dan picked Anna up. We played with playdoh and bananagrams, then got the kids to bed. I blogged and McKenna and Ben showered, Dan watched a show. We talked about Dan’s work stuff. 

Ben's Stats

Height: 58.2in (2.2in increase in 1 year) 40th%

Weight: 75lbs (7.4 lbs increase in 1 year) 18th%

Alice's Stats

Height: 42.2 in (2.5in increase in 1 year) 48th%

Weight: 38lbs (4.6lbs increase in 1 year) 48th%

Mar. 29th- Wednesday: I watched the news after the kids left. Alice and I ate with McKenna. McKenna left for her band festival field trip at USU. Alice and I went to the gym with Brynn, then we ran a couple errands. We had lunch and Alice had preschool. I napped and then showered once the three middles left for piano. I got caught up on Marco Polo. Once the kids all got home, I worked on texts and stuff in my room. We had dinner, then Anna had activity days and Ben, McKenna, and I had YM/YW. The younger YW class went to the Bountiful Museum with Sandy Inman. She’s done such a good job with it and the girls enjoyed it! We got ice cream after. We talked with Dan and Ben when we got home and we got more rain/snow! 

Mar. 30th- Thursday: I got up and got ready before the kids had breakfast. I took the kids to school and stayed to help with the second grade Immigration Day!  I got to be in the “hospital” area and I loved chatting with the other moms. We had more down time than in years past, but it all worked out. Chelsea Chadwick watched Alice for me.  We had lunch and then she did Upstart and I prepped some food for Friday lunch with the sisters. Alice watched shows and I napped. I drove carpool. Ben had crochet club and McKenna had track. It was cold and snowing more while they did event testing. Poor girl!  We watched the Johnson kids for a bit because Meghan’s dad was in the hospital.  Dan had a great conversation with his dad. He gave some advice for Dan’s job and our long term financial goals. (Little did we know then, this would change our lives!) McKenna had piano. We had dinner. Bethany had a make-up hip hop class in Centerville and Ben had church ball. After the three girls were in bed, I worked on a grocery order and Dan helped me with a few things and watched a show. 

Mar. 31st- Friday: I drove the kids to school while Dan donated. I exercised, made soup, and showered. I hosted the Webster girls and grandpa for lunch. It’s always so great to talk about mothering with my favorite mothers. Dan took Alice to preschool, then went to Murray. He also had a tough conversation with his boss, Mike, about the future of his work and pay.  I cleaned up after everyone left, then took a nap.  Alice got home and I did stuff on my phone.  The three middles came home and I snuggled and talked to them. I picked up McKenna from track. I worked on moving pictures to the hard drive. Dan picked up groceries on his way home. We made Mac and cheese for the kids. Dan and I went to Zao and then to do sealings at the temple.  Sister Ardith Kapp was in our session. She was the Gen. YW President from ‘84-‘92 and just turned 92 years old!  (She once looked over one of Pres. Nelson’s talks and suggested some edits.) We got home and the kids played an early April Fools joke on us by surprising us with confetti and hiding in McKenna’s room. I worked on the General Conf. Bags once kids were in bed. 

March Part 5 Videos:

More Jungle Book, Organizing Game closet, moving stuffed animals for Foster Care, Oculus, Snow Day, Bethany Immigration Day.

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