"Because I'm Happy..." dance party!
I had to document this face. Why, you might ask? Because McKenna has this look on her face ALL the time! It seems like she's concerned about something, but I think it's her "pondering" face. She most often looks like this when she's watching something; a movie, a play, a story read aloud...
Also big news about this girl- she lost her first tooth!! I first noticed her bottom right tooth was loose on April 1st, and she lost it on May 1st! I totally called it too. The day it was SUPER loose I said, "Today will be the day." And it was. :) She had a string of beads on her shirt (pictured above) that she was playing with in her mouth. Then all of the sudden, she said she felt something on her tongue, and it was the tooth! No blood at all, so you know that thing was ready! She was a little embarrassed at first about her new looking smile, but she got over it. That night, the tooth fairy brought her a gold, Sacagawea dollar coin, and left a note about brushing well so her smile will sparkle! She isn't too money driven yet, so she didn't seem as excited as we thought she might. But she still enjoyed the surprise.
Dan and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary! We went to dinner at Olive Garden, one of my favorites. Then we went mini golfing...something we had never done together! Not sure how we never went mini golfing while dating in Provo. Everyone does that.
Then we walked around City Creek and got a smoothie. Such a great night with my honey and an amazing 8 years! Can't wait to spend eternity with this guy!
Some cute bed head on Miss Anna.
She was clearly not too pleased with me taking a picture instead of holding her. "Come on mom. I just woke up." :(
We made a lovely birthday dinner for my older sister who turned the big 3-4!
Of course the kids helped blow out the candles.
Randome selfie.
Anna thought she was so funny tickling my feet.