Thursday, October 1st was my mom's BD! I had a dental cleaning in the morning then we attended McKenna's parent teacher conference in the afternoon. Her teacher only had good things to say about her and she's doing very well academically. We're so proud of her! In the evening I had my first meeting with the other Stake YW camp committee members.
I caught Dan being sweet.
These are the toys you get in the Wendy's kids' meals. I've hated them for a long time and have thrown many of them away. Only recently we have saved enough that Ben has been getting really creative and building fun things with them. This is a fancy airplane!
Friday McKenna went to a birthday party for a neighbor friend. It was a "fashion" party so McKenna asked if she could wear make-up. She loved it! :)
Friday evening Dan and I went on a fun double date with some friends from church. We ate at Boba World and then went to see Everest. A really intense movie that was quite sad!
Saturday was a day of General Conference, yard work and grocery shopping in between sessions, THREE new apostles called (Rasband, Stevenson, and Renlund), and soup salad and donuts with the Websters at Dan's parents' house.
Sunday we had our traditional french toast breakfast then enjoyed two more sessions of General Conference (doing our best to listen while 4 young children also needed our attention).
We did have a somewhat quiet 10 mins or so during Dan's Grandfather's talk. All 6 of us were piled on the love seat.
For some of the day the kids actually played nice and quietly together.
In the evening we went to the Conference re-cap at Dan's parents' house with a 150 Nelson family members.
Monday I took a field trip with two other Stake YW camp people to check out Camp Piuta where we will be camping this coming Summer.
Tuesday I went to Ben's preschool for a "Be There" activity. The fire dept came and taught a little about fire safety.
They made these darling fire dog hats. Anna loved it too. :)
Wednesday McKenna had crazy hair day at school. We practiced the night before and she won a prize in her class! I also had a crazy hair day and CUT my hair so short I can no longer have a pony tail! I love it!:)
Anna had her two year well check (a little late).
Anna's 2 Year Stats
Height: 35.1in (2.9in increase in 7.5 months) 50th percentile
Weight: 26lbs 14oz (3lb increase in 7.5 months) 40th percentile
Head: 90th percentile
The doctor said she's a pretty "textbook" two year old. :) Healthy, busy, and gaining independence.
Funny/important things about Anna:
- We've had to start doing 'time out' with her. She was kind of confused the first few times. Once after Dan put her in there, I went to talk to her and she said, "Dad lock a door."
- She strokes Bethany's head and kisses her and says, "I luff her."
- She loves to (loudly) alert me to whatever Bethany is doing: "Mom! Betany sneeze!" "Mom! Betany smile!" "Betany so tute!"
- Loves to be "Super Anna!" and "Doctor Anna."
- Calls Princess Jasmine "Damiss."
- She can now tell me her favorite part of her day when I tuck her in a night. :)
- Saying a little more in her prayers than the just the last word of a phrase.
- Can help sing a few songs.
- Can almost sing ABCs.
- Can count to 13!
- Can put on her sandals by herself.
- Not the least bit interested in potty training but tells me almost every time she starts pooping in her diaper.
- She may be ready to give up naps... :(
- Still LOVES her binki and blanket!
- Loves to play whatever McKenna and Ben are playing!
- Can pick out/find the capital letter A (for Anna!)