Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Feb. '18- Week 1- Bethany Sick, Stake Conference, Webster Fam. January BDs, McKenna Sick, Be There

Thursday I went with Anna to music.  After lunch Anna went to play at Paisley's house.  Bethany was still adjusting to her big girl bed.  She was taking good naps during the day still, but that meant at night she was having a bit of a difficult time falling asleep quickly.  Thankfully, she wouldn't cry or scream.  She would just play quietly.  Also grateful that she did not disturb McKenna sleeping on the top bunk.  It was fun to watch her in the monitor and hear her thump against the door every once in a while.  (Notice the blanket on her head in the picture on the right.)
We've also found her on the floor, sleeping in front of the door several times.  This is pretty much just like all our other children have transitioned.  
Friday was Groundhog Day.  I worked on our grocery order in the morning then took Anna and Bethany to Swa's house while I volunteered in McKenna's art class.  Bethany LOVED playing with baby Hazel!  We also found out that we had a broken spring on our garage door.   That's expensive.  Bummer!   After school, Dan went with the youth in the ward to do baptisms at the temple.  I made our traditional "dirt cups" for dessert that night.  After dinner, McKenna went to a movie night at the Roth's.  Unfortunately, also after dinner, Bethany started throwing up. :( It was a rough night for Bethany and mom and dad.  
Saturday Dan helped with a youth DI drive.  We went through kids' school papers and cleaned off counters.  The weather was nice enough after lunch that Dan took the kids biking at the church parking lot while I went and got groceries.  
This was Bethany early Saturday morning.  She had dry heaved so much (nothing left in her little body to throw up) that she popped a blood vessel in her eye.  Still managed some half smiles.  
I went to the adult session of stake conference that evening while Dan stayed home with recovering Bethany and the other kids.  The Cowley's spoke about agency and I loved the reminder that it's not my job to control my kids, but to love and teach them.  There were two "youth" speakers that spoke about learning how to follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost and the youth theme for 2018 of "Learn of Me."  Charlie Hall then gave a wonderful talk sharing many personal experiences and how they shaped his life.  Dan's dad spoke last about prophets and showed little videos of what some of the prophets were most well known for.  He then shared some personal experiences about our new prophet, Grandfather!  

Sunday morning Dan went to the Priesthood leadership session of Stake Conference.  
Here's another belly comparison shot.  6, 7, and 8 months pregnant!  All look about the same to me.  
After Stake Conference, we celebrated January BDs at Webster family dinner (and watched some of the Super Bowl).  Ben loved his heely things from the Stewarts and of course was so excited about a new LEGO set!  
 Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for spoiling him!  Another cute picture from the night was the "Fashion Cookies" designing their very own logo.  So cute! 
Bethany singing "Where is My Hairbrush?" from Veggie Tales.  
Monday Anna had gymnastics and we ran an errand to get some dance clothes for McKenna's play.  Bethany seemed to finally get her appetite back that evening.  Unfortunately in the middle of the night, it was McKenna's turn to start throwing up!  Super unfortunately, her first time did NOT make it in the toilet.  Another rough night of sleep for us three.  

Tuesday McKenna stayed home from school.  At gymnastics, Ben found out that he advanced to a yellow level in Ninja zone!  After dinner, McKenna spiked a fever, but thankfully, meds helped bring it down.  
A funny thing Bethany said that day... She kept telling me, "Mom, bye.  Me charge."  Meaning, she wanted me to leave so she could be in charge.  Funny girl! 

Wednesday McKenna stayed home again from school.  Dan stayed home in the morning so I could go to a doctor's appointment.  I had my first cervical check: only dilated to a 1cm and 70% effaced.  I went with Anna to a preschool "Be There" activity.  They talked about eating healthy.  
Then we all went to McKenna and Ben's parent/teacher conferences.  They both had great reviews from their teachers!  Dan went hiking to Donut Falls with the priests and McKenna and Ben went to their neighborhood art class.  
Bethany showing me some tricks! :)

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