Sunday, July 22, 2018

May '18- Week 3- Anna Preschool Graduation, LPA Spring Concert, Bntfl Chalk Art, Seminary Graduation, NFBD

Tuesday Dan stayed home sick from work with a bad cold.  I went running since I could leave the girls home with him.  In the afternoon while Anna was at preschool, Bethany watched "Leap," Dan did some work from home, Alice napped while I worked on teacher gifts and helped work on some of McKenna's diorama and student council poster.  After school McKenna had dance, Ben practiced baseball with Dan, and we finished the diorama. 

Wednesday I went walking with Rachael in the morning, then we went to Anna's preschool graduation program!  We weren't sure if or how much Anna would participate given how shy she is about giving a talk or prayer in Primary, but she did awesome!  She said her lines and sang all the songs! I loved how giggly and smiley she was during the songs that were silly and the lines that talked about underwear.  :) 
"Baby monkeys say a scritch screech scratch is the very best way to say Happy Mother's Day, Happy Father's Day."
Favorite thing to do at preschool? "Going down the slide too." 

Because it was early out for Legacy, McKenna and Ben were able to come.  Mickelle and Grandma came as well. We're so thankful for Ms. Paula and Ms. Tracy.  
Mickelle came back to our house for a bit and Anna had fun trying on her jingly necklace.  Bethany pretty much decided to give up naps and we decided it was ok since she was having a harder and harder time going to bed at night on days that she napped.  However, after several days of no nap, it all caught up to her at dinner time.  :) And here's McKenna's student council campaign poster! 
Alice slept through the night that night!  
Thursday Lizzie came over to play after lunch.  We also finally had a tree service come and cut down about 8 dead trees in between our house and the Gunnerson's!! In this video of Bethany doing her "Leap" ballet moves, you can hear the chain saws outside and it distracted Bethany.  
Thursday was also the Spring concert at LPA.  
McKenna- Splish Splash, Try Everything, and Million Dreams (with SOLO at 5min 40sec!)
Their displayed artwork
 We're so grateful Grandma and Grandpa and Mickelle could come.  
Friday we went to ladies lunch and Korie Brown came to play.   Then we went to the Bountiful chalk art festival in the evening.  

Alice in "Webster-land." They really had fun!  Don't mind the sad faces.  

Some adorable coos from Alice.
The girls had a sleepover that night in McKenna and Bethany's room while Dan and Ben slept outside in a tent since, unfortunately, the stake Fathers and Sons camp out got cancelled due to forecasted bad weather in the Uintahs.
Saturday morning Dan and Ben went to a Fathers and Sons breakfast then to a make-up baseball game.  They finished cutting down all the trees (the three obviously dead trees in the middle of this picture are now gone!).  When Dan and Ben got home, I went with McKenna to help at the YW window washing fundraiser.  We did some yard work in the afternoon.  Later, I took McKenna and Ben to see cousins Emma and Reed in "Singin' in the Rain."  They did so well!  Then we swapped some kids and Dan took M, B and A to see a play that Charlie Alexander was in and I took the little two grocery shopping.  It was a BUSY day!  

Sunday Grandma was getting some good smiles from Alice.  And Ben made Lego glasses.  
 We watched "Singin' in the Rain" after church.  Dan went to Seminary graduation that night.  

Monday was Anna's last day of gymnastics!  I'm excited for the break and we'll have to see if she wants to return or try something new.  When we got home I was messing around with the straightener on Bethany's hair.  Made her look pretty different and grown up.    
That evening we had to divide and conquer.  Dan took Ben and Bethany to a baseball game of Ben's and I took the other girls to the Nelson Family party for May BDs.  

Cute Alice and Ben snuggles before bed.  

Dan and I started a new Netflix show (documentary) "Evil Genius."

Monday, July 16, 2018

May '18- Week 2-Hokulia, Anna's School Picture, Baseball, Ben's Opera, Mother's Day, Mr. H Concert

Tuesday Dan went rowing again. Ben took this sweet selfie of himself snuggling Alice before school. In the afternoon we got some free Hokulia for posing for some pictures Lara took.  
McKenna worked on her diorama that night.  Cute smiley Alice video.
Wednesday we got back Anna's Spring school pictures.  I love her "watch" which is a flower hair tie. 
I caught Bethany relaxing and reading books in Alice's room while I organized some clothes. 
That night Ben had a baseball game and Grandma Sibber was nice enough to come. 

Ben also had his team pictures that night. 
Alice slept through the night again!  

Thursday I went walking with Rachael then Desi came over to play.  
That night we attended Ben's first grade OPERA!  His class opera was called "The Talking Pizza."  And Ben was one of the talking pizzas.  He was so expressive and said he loved performing.  Not the least bit shy or scared.  We went for McDonald's ice cream afterwards.  

Dan went to a family meeting to discuss the big Webster family camping trip.  Then Dan and all his siblings came over to recreate a family picture to give to his mom for Mother's Day.  

Friday was a normal day at home getting stuff done.  
Cute Bethany singing "Million Dreams" from Greatest Showman. 
Dan attended a viewing for the dad of one of his coworkers.  

Saturday the kids did some cleaning (a wonderful early Mother's Day gift) and we went through more kids' clothes.  McKayla Cardall was in the neighborhood and stopped by to say hi.  Dan cleaned the outside of some of our higher windows. Then McKenna, Anna, and I attended a baby shower for Rachael Alexander's sister Shelby while Dan got groceries.  

Sunday was a lovely Mother's Day! Our Sacrament meeting was filled with youth speakers only and it was so awesome.  Ben gave a scripture in Primary.  I made zucchini bread that afternoon and the kids gave me their sweet gifts.  

Dan made dinner then we went to Dan's parents' house to give gifts and cards to Dan's mom to celebrate her!  
I of course got to talk to my own mom on the phone as well as calling my Grandma Condie.  I'm so eternally grateful to be a mother to these 5 amazing children of God!  I'm likewise thankful for my own mother and mother-in-law who have done their best to be the best moms they know how to be!  

Monday Anna had gymnastics, then after lunch we went to Alice's 2 months check up.  (Stats on previous blog post.)  Anna got her kindergarten shots and was SO brave she didn't even cry!  
Baseball was cancelled that night due to a storm.  McKenna worked on her student council application.  That night Dan attended WX High's choir concert because it was the last concert Mr. H would be conducting. Dan said it was pretty wild to walk the halls with some of his high school buddies.  It felt like a different life!  **Alice slept through the night! 

April '18- Week 4- Sprinklers, McKenna Friend Movie Night, LPM Recital, Anniversary Date

Sunday before church, we caught Bethany reading to Alice.

Both McKenna and Anna recited an Article of Faith in Primary opening exercises, though Anna mostly stood there and looked sad while Dan said it.  She's too shy.  We enjoyed more time with Dan since he had only a few appointments. I took these pictures of the kids after church. :)

 In the evening we had dessert at Lewis Park with some ward friends.

Monday Anna had gymnastics.  I did some yard work and the girls played outside.  Ben had baseball practice and I helped McKenna go through her clothes to see what would still fit her this Summer.  That night, Dan and I started watching a new Netflix show "Lost In Space."

Tuesday I exercised, tidied up Anna and Ben's room, the girls watched Snow White. Started getting some good smiles from Alice.  And I finally got a picture of Bethany spooning up to Alice while I nurse her.  So cute!

Ben had his last day of Ninja Zone and also had a baseball game that night where he got two hits!
Wednesday Anna played at the Alexander's and Bethany had speech lessons.  Then we packed a lunch and headed to North Canyon Park with Rachael and kids.  In the afternoon, McKenna had Brinley and Camille over to play and run through the sprinklers.  That evening we worked on Ben's Pizza costume for his opera. (I love the colors of the new leaves sprouting on our rose bush.)

Thursday I went walking/running on my sidewalk for 20 mins then went visiting teaching to Amy Pugsley.  I attended a parent teacher conference for Anna then we played on her school playground for a bit.  While Dan was at church meetings that night, I wrote thank you notes and listened to my book club book.  

Friday we had Lizzie, Desi, and Paisley over to play.
 When Dan got home that afternoon we did some cleaning upstairs and down and then he mowed the lawn.  That night McKenna had 7 friends over from the neighborhood to watch "The Greatest Showman."  Dan and Ben and Anna attempted to camp in the backyard that night, unfortunately Dan had a bad allergy attack and had to come inside around midnight.  
Saturday Ben helped keep Alice occupied while I was waking up and getting ready to nurse her.  We also had Ben and Anna's Let's Play Music recital.  
He played an original composition called "The Broken Clock" and 
"Cockles and Muscles."
We were so proud of Anna for being brave enough to perform!
After the recital, kids had baths and Mickelle babysat while Dan and I went on a much needed date (Olive Garden and spending a gift card at the Gateway Mall).  We counted it as our 12th Wedding Anniversary date.  :) 
Bethany woke up with a croupy cough Sunday morning so I stayed home with her and Alice.  Anna let me curl her hair for church though. :) 
We watched "Leap," then Mickelle traded places with me and I went to the third hour of church to hear Dan teach a combined adult lesson about ministering.  That evening McKenna gave us a family home evening lesson about the Holy Ghost using something she got in Activity Days.  I worked more on our Summer calendar and Dan was getting some good coos out of Alice. 
Monday there was some snow and rain and we were a little late for gymnastics.  
Funny video of Bethany doing the "I'm watching you" two finger point. :)

I babysat the three Jaynes kids for a bit in the afternoon while Anna was at preschool.  That night Ben had a baseball game. He got a funny hit that was almost like a bunt.  
Dan and I watched more "Lost in Space." 

Sunday, July 15, 2018

May '18- Week 1- Dan Rowing, Anniversary, Alice 2 Months, RS Activity, Mickelle's BD

Tuesday I exercised and did some yard work.  I also registered the kids for some Summer camps.  McKenna had dance and we painted Ben's pizza costume for his opera at school.

Silliness with baby Alice.  This is what she'll look like with long hair. :)

(The kids love it when we put Alice in bed with them for a few seconds to snuggle her and say goodnight. :))
Wednesday Dan went for his first rowing lesson!  Rowing is something Dan has always been interested in and the recent book for book club "The Boys in the Boat" inspired me to encourage him to look more into it as a new hobby for him.

That morning my friend Amy Hamblin came over for a visit and some Alice snuggles.  We talked for almost 2 hours while Anna and Bethany watched shows and played.  When McKenna got home from early out and piano, she decided to make a Power Point presentation practicing some skills she learned at school.  I got a picture of Bethany's under curls, and Dan enjoyed a nap with Alice before dinner.  That night, the Priests Quorum came over for their weekly check in and once they left Dan and I watched more "Lost in Space."

Thursday was our 12th wedding anniversary! In the morning, I felt a little like super woman because it was my first time walking 2 miles pushing Anna and Bethany in the stroller and carrying Alice in the Bjorn.
Alice turned two months old!

My, she grew fast! 
Height: 22.5 in (40%)- 1.5in increase in 2 months 
Weight: 9lbs 8oz (5%)- 3.5lb increase in 2 months
Head: 75%

After dinner we went to Ben's baseball game and McKenna had activity days.  
After kids were in bed, Dan and I had popcorn, a pina colada smoothie, and watched our wedding video. 
 So so happy I married Dan 12 years ago!  I love the family we've created and how our life together thus far as turned out!  

Friday the kids didn't have school.  McKenna went to a park with the Roths.  I took the other kids on an errand and then met the Roth's at the new park on Mills Street.  Ben went to a BD party for his school friend Luca at Kangaroo Zoo. In the evening McKenna and Alice and I went to a Relief Society dinner and activity.  Mickelle came with us and we could celebrate her a little for her birthday! Dan enjoyed watching a Star Wars movie cause you know... May the forth be with you. :)
That night we also watched Black Panther after the kids were in bed.  

Saturday Dan took the older three kids to help clean the church. 
I got some adorable pictures of Alice smiling at Bethany.  We went to Kayla Koldewyn's baptism, Dan took Ben (and Anna) to batting practice.  
That night we got a babysitter and went out to dinner and to see the new Avengers movie for Mickelle's birthday.  
Sunday was a special day because Dan's Grandfather, President Nelson, came to our Sacrament meeting.  There was such a special feeling and it was so sweet to see the reactions of the people he greeted. It was Kyra McKamey's 8th birthday and she was able to give him a hug.  And Ben and Deanne Jarvis's little boy, Brooks, said "Prophet, shake?" Grandfather heard it and turned right back around to shake his hand.  McKenna said she wished he could come every Sunday because she felt like she focused better with him there.  I felt the Spirit very strongly testify that he is the Lord's prophet and that he brings the love the Lord.  Dan took Alice to YM's during the third hour.  We had Webster family dinner that night.  
Monday Anna had gymnastics and Paisley came over before preschool.  I did some vacuuming and laundry.  We went for a walk that evening after dinner and and watched "Lost in Space" after kids were in bed.  That was the first night Alice SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!!