Friday, June 7, 2019

April '19- Week 1- SPRING BREAK!, Midway Crater, Mantua, Play Dates, General Conference!, Alice FIRST STEPS!

Slow mo video of Ben shooting Lego Nerf Gun and Ben, Bethany, and Eli Forbes smashing their magnet creations.
Monday we started the day by going through school papers and being productive with laundry, phone calls, piano lessons, dividing chicken to be frozen, and listening to my book club book.  After lunch, Lia and Arlee came here to play. Then we went to Bountiful Park for some outside time.  After dinner, we drove to Midway to spend the night!

Tuesday we hung out and enjoyed Midway!  It was cold and drizzly, but the kids still played outside a bit.  We also played scrabble and watched Studio C.  We had lunch and then went swimming at the Homestead Crater.  It was super warm, relaxing and fun.  We cleaned up, stopped for ice cream, and left by 4pm. We drove to Mantua and everyone napped in the car.  We had soup and rolls for dinner then watched "Hook."  After kids were in bed, we watched "Avatar" and I edited a bunch of pictures on my phone.

Wednesday we had another slow morning, editing pictures, finishing "Hook," playing video games, and showering for the day.  After lunch we went to see the new "Dumbo" which I didn't really care for.  We went back to Mantua and played Apples to Apples and Headbands.  After kids were in bed, we finished "Avatar" and I finally finished editing pictures.

Thursday we did laundry, played more headbands, Dan took the snow plow off the ranger, and went through his Dad's closet to bring home clothes he didn't want anymore.  We left Mantua and went to the Ogden Treehouse Museum on the way home and played for two hours.  We had dinner at Dan's parents' house that evening with other extended family then went home to unpack and settle back to home life.

Friday Eli Forbes, Paisley, and Lizzie, all came over to play.
McKenna organized the kitchen desk area on her own and we decorated for Easter.  The kids did hide and seek, stamps, colored, and playdoh.  In the afternoon, McKenna had Whitney, Lia, and Brittana over to sell pens and pencils on our street while I weeded a little.  Then Anna and Ben went up to the Alexander's to play.  Lia stayed later with us to have pizza and play at West Bountiful Park to get our wiggles out before a weekend of sitting listening to General Conference.

Ben lost tooth #7 in Dan's car that night.  Before bed, Dan and I set up a note taking board for conference!

Saturday we had our traditional french toast and we all did pretty well listening!  We took notes on our board, snuggled, jumped on the tramp during songs, and I did a super long connect the dots!

Also, Alice took her FIRST STEPS!!
Dan did some yard work in between sessions and I went through Ben's school papers with him.  I also continued to go through boxes of mine from the basement.  We went to Grandma's house for soup, salad, and donuts while Dan was at the Priesthood session.

Sunday Mickelle came to babysit while Dan, McKenna, Ben and I attended the morning session at the conference center.  It was Ben's first time (and Oliver and Eli's) at the Conference Center!  We also took some cute pictures afterwards of those three baptism boys! After the afternoon session, we met the Nelson family down town at the Church Office Building for our recap.  Something that stood out to me was that Grandfather doesn't ask the reason, or the "why" of a revelation, he's just "following orders" from Heaven.  We had our conference quesadillas for dinner and I had my conference call with my family after kids were in bed.


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