I'm realizing I love each stage of her life for different reasons. Over the past month I've really noticed more of her personality coming out.
- She will smile and charm perfect strangers.
Sorry for the poor quality. But that smile is just so cute!
- Still loves to play with her toes.
- She can pass objects from hand to hand.
- She can babble "ma, ma, ma" and "ba, ba, ba." I might have even heard her say "o-ba-ma" at one point. I never thought my daughter would be a democrat. ;)
- She still can't roll from back to front, but she can SIT UP! The doctor says sitting up trumps rolling over since it takes a lot more coordination to sit up. So he's not worried.
- Solid foods are going well. So far she loves carrots but doesn't care too much for sweet potatoes and green beans. We'll keep trying other foods one at a time of course. It's a fun little experiment to see how many bites it will take for her to come around and enjoy it, or press her lips together in protest. She also tried and liked both cheerios and animal crackers.
- One of my favorite things about McKenna at this stage is that when I pick her up from the babysitter after work, she CLINGS to me and is SO excited to see me!
- She is very aware of her mommy and daddy's voices. I love to see her drop everything she's doing when she hears her dad's voice as he comes home from work. She'll look around and around until she finds him.
Other exciting news for McKenna this past week is that we got a SWING! An older couple in our ward was nice enough to give us theirs since they didn't need it anymore.
And just because, here's a FUNNY video of McKenna "dancing." Apparently she really likes rap music :) We still have no idea why Dan has Eminem on his Ipod...