Sunday, April 29, 2012

Fun with Family Visitors

I mentioned before that my mom was in town visiting from Chile for a while.  She went to Alabama at the end of February to help my older sister who just had baby number 4!  And then my dad was coming to SLC for work mid April.  So it just made sense for her to stay in the states until my dad came out so they could fly back to Chile together.  We loved having her stay here!  My brother is also in between semesters at school and stayed with us almost the whole time too.  Between the two of them, we pretty much had live-in babysitters for about 6 weeks!  I know... feel sorry for us.  They were both SO incredibly helpful during that time while we were working on our home improvement projects and going to rehearsals for the Savior of the World play.  We really couldn't have done it all without them!  THANK YOU!!! xoxox

I think she enjoyed her stay with us too. :)  

Always fun to play on the iPad with Uncle Jonathan
Since the weather was starting to warm up while they were here too, there was lots of playing outside as well.  We got this awesome wagon (or "boat" as McKenna calls it) from our friends (thanks M family!).  The  kids could go for walks in it all. day. long! 
McKenna also loved playing with all of Grandma's fun things.  

And here are a couple extra cute shots of the Ben boy.  He's getting pretty good at maneuvering up AND down steps, especially this BIG step up on the hearth.  
The BIG step down is, at times, daunting.  :)
Ahh, kids are so easily entertained.  :)


Alyson said...

The cute part is how everyone keeps that plastic cuppy thing on Ben's tray so that he can keep smacking it around. Not only are children easily entertained, but sometimes grown ups are easily manipulated into keeping them entertained! I can only imagine how fully awesome it was to have so many helpful visitors for so long: lucky!

Mr and Mrs Smith and Co said...

2 Things I love:
1) That daunting face picture. Pretty priceless.

2) That Benny walks around without pants on. Glad I am not the only one. the end :)