Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Feb. '18- Week 3- Ben's Mexican Fiesta, Snow Day, No School All Week, Book Club,

Thursday I went with Anna to music, then I worked on clearing pictures off my phone and dropbox to get ready for the massive amounts of pictures we would take when our new baby arrived.  We had our usual busy evening with McKenna going to activity days and Ben to music.  Dan had late church meetings that night.  

Friday Dan took off of work to be with Anna and Bethany while I volunteered in Ben's class for their Mexican Fiesta Day.  They had a "photo booth," made maracas, played pin the tail on the donkey, spent their paper pesos at a "store," and had a pull string pinata.  
They also had tacos for lunch.  YUM!  I loved it being able to play with Ben a little at recess too.  :)
After school I stayed to help sell Beauty and the Beast tickets.  That night we had pizza, watched the Olympics, then went to Ugurt for a treat! 
Saturday was a "crack the whip" kind of morning.  We used it to clean up the family room, patio room, kitchen counters, basement, move the crib level up in the baby's room, do some laundry, and move car seats around.  

After lunch I went and got a haircut and picked up groceries.  To reward the kids for their morning's hard work, we took them to play at a park.  Unfortunately the first park we chose was way too windy and cold (Tunnel Springs Park).  So we went to Lewis Park instead (lower elevation).  We did showers and baths and after dinner we played games! 
Sunday was a nice chill day with just our family.  Our milk had my due date on it!  I took a selfie with Bethany where my belly looked really large! Ben built a nice block tower, and before bed the kids had a dance party to Greatest Showman songs.  We also watched Mulan 2, finished our scrabble game from the day before, and a snow storm rolled in later that afternoon.  
Monday was President's Day and the kids didn't have school and the snow was so bad, Dan's boss told everyone to work from home if they could.  The kids had fun playing in the snow and sledding in our yard!   
We had grilled cheese and hot chocolate when they came in. The kids still did some homework in the afternoon before we watched the Emoji movie as a family.  
 We received the sad news a lady in our ward, Bonnie Chatelain, passed away that afternoon.  Dan went and spent some time with their family.  After dinner McKenna and Ben planned a Family Home Evening about forgiveness which included a story from the Friend and a puppet show.  
 The kids didn't have school the rest of the week.  Apparently the parents at our school voted whether to have a longer Christmas break or a shorter Christmas break with a full week off in February.  Normally, we most likely would have used this "off season" break to go and do something fun!  But being 38 weeks pregnant, we were not about to go anywhere.  

Tuesday, Camille came over for a playdate and we played Cover Your Assets.  That evening was my turn to host our book club so I prepped the food all afternoon and McKenna helped make some cute signs/labels.  Even though the big kids didn't have school, Anna still had preschool and Ben had gymnastics that day.  Everyone came to book club except Shelly and we had a good discussion about "Siblings Without Rivalry."   I felt like I got a few new strategies to help me handle my kids arguments and fights.

Wednesday I didn't sleep well in the early morning due to a frenzied mind wondering if I over shared at book club or if we even had a good discussion.  Bethany had speech then I took the kids to the library and lunch at Keva Juice and Great Harvest.  That afternoon was spent reading with McKenna and Ben and helping McKenna with play practice.  I helped take dinner to the Pugsleys then went to a double baby shower for two Maxfield cousins.  Dan had the priests over for their activity that night.  

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