Wednesday, August 22, 2018

May '18- Week 4- Zoo, Mom's Birthday, Baseball, Pedicures, Memorial Day Mantua, Dentist, Nelson News BD pics,

Tuesday we packed a lunch and headed to the Zoo with Rachael Alexander!  I love that Anna wore this little crown (with a comb attached) all day!  So thankful we have such wonderful friends like the Alexanders.  
And look at the baby elephant nursing!  
 We got to see the bird show and ride the train! 
 I, unfortunately, felt very impatient with the kids that night. :(  I also went to book club at Erica Day's where we talked about "Same Kind of Different as Me."  

Wednesday was my 34th birthday!  
I slept in that morning and Alice slept through the night again! 
I got Anna and Bethany ready for the day and Rachael came to pick them up for a play date so I could have some alone time.  I worked on my blog and Blurb.  It was a pretty normal afternoon with kids home doing homework.  Rachael was nice enough to take the kids again in the evening so Dan and I could go out for dinner.  We went to Taste of India then went back to get the kids and take Ben to his baseball game.  So happy to cheer him on any day! 

Dan and kids got me a new vacuum (our old one died) and made a wonderfully nice Instagram post about me. The comments and birthday wishes of the day were so uplifting and loving!  I always feel so loved and blessed on my birthday.  
Alice slept through the night again! 

Thursday Bethany had speech.  This is her cute teacher, Emily Farr.  Alice was adorable as usual.  I met Shelly and Melissa at Hogan park for a picnic lunch and visiting teaching.  (Bethany pretended to be asleep in the swing).  
That evening Dan worked on the sprinklers and I Skyped with my parents for my BD. 
Alice slept through the night again and I was pretty much getting excited about it this pattern! 

Friday I did a grocery order and then packed a lunch and met Kylee Behunin at Smoot Park. Then we went to the craft store to look for supplies for Alice's name for her room.  I also learned that if I took pictures of stuff at the craft store that Anna wanted to buy, she was at least satisfied with that and didn't ask to buy it again.  
McKenna found out that day that she made student council!  I'm so excited for her. Desi came over to play in the afternoon.  I took McKenna and Ben to Walmart to get groceries and Dan mowed the lawn.  He came inside and found Bethany napping like this.  Poor tired girl.  
McKenna went to the Roth's that night for a movie night.  Ben and Anna went to bed and me, Dan, Bethany, and Alice hung out outside in the hammocks.  We watched more "Evil Genius" after all kids were in bed.    

Saturday McKenna went to a school friend's BD party that had a bounce house and pony rides.  After lunch Mickelle took me, Anna, and McKenna to get pedicures for my birthday!  A fun girly time! 
After that, we headed straight to Mantua for the Memorial Day weekend with the Websters.  Dan swam with the kids and we had pizza or dinner then s'mores.  
After kids were in bed we played Cover Your Assets with mom, dad, Jake and Ailin, and Brynn and Brian went to the store. 

Sunday we went to the Mantua ward at 9am.  The talks were all about service.  We loved being able to sit with Dan and I'm sure he loved, as well. Apparently the seats in the overflow are less comfortable than on the stand.  :)
After church I played Apples to Apples with some of the kids.  Dan loved being able to hold Alice for so long in one day.  After some naps, the Winegars, Sam and Lara, and Dave and Laurie all came up.  We had a BBQ dinner then celebrated May birthdays for me, Lola, and Mila!  
After dinner, some of us went for a walk. Dan put all the bigger kids to bed while I took Alice.  We did some fun jumping pictures too.  We played more Apples to Apples with the grown ups that night.  

Monday was Memorial Day!  We had a lovely pancake breakfast then went to the park for some family kickball.  
Then we visited great-grandma and grandpa Webster at the cemetery.  
We went back to the house to swim and have lunch, and enjoy being with each other and going on ranger rides. 
The kids watched a movie while we cleaned up some.  We had dinner there then left by 7:30 and everyone fell asleep for the night on the drive home.  

Tuesday snuggles with Alice.  She had fallen back to sleep on me.
I took some cute pictures of Anna and Bethany and Dan to use in the Nelson News for their BD pictures.  

 McKenna and Ben had field day at their school. Ben's class all got monkey ears which we had fun trying on Alice.  

Cute coos and noises from Alice.
 Desi came over to play and I worked on Dan's father's day calendar.  After lunch Anna went to the Alexander's to keep playing.  McKenna had dance, then we went to Ben's baseball game and Dan's dad was nice enough to come.  Ben got 4 hits!  
Wednesday I did some sidewalk running.  McKenna and Ben had early out and dentist appointments in the afternoon.  No cavities! The kids always love the cool dress up things they have.  And Bethany held McKenna's hand unprompted to help her be brave.

Ben took these cute pictures of Alice!

I, unfortunately, had a bad headache that afternoon, but I made a new stir fry and quinoa dinner the kids actually really liked.  

Thursday we watched Charlie and Clara and after school Camille came over to play then they left to go swimming at the Novak's.  Bethany loves her baby sister!

Ben had his last baseball game that night and got 4 hits again!  Dan and I watched "Evile Genius" after the kids were in bed.  

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