Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Jan. '19- Week 3- Bethany's 1/2 BD, Alice Messy Spaghetti, Anna Field Trip, Wendy's Funeral,

Tuesday I exercised and finished reading the Book of Mormon which I started right after General Conference in October!! I loved reading at a faster pace this time which helped me gain a greater understanding of the story line.  I also loved highlighting references to God and Christ.  I started out just listening and NOT highlighting, then I realized I wanted to get more out of my reading this time, and I'm thankful I did!  There were really only a small handful of pages I remember NOT highlighting anything on.  This book truly testifies of God and Christ! 
Bethany celebrated her 1/2 birthday at preschool and I watched Jack Jaynes for an hour.  Ben went to the Alexander's after school and after dinner he went to Jr. Jazz.  

Wednesday I watched Hazel for a bit.  Ben and McKenna took our walkie-talkies to Piano lessons.  :) McKenna and Bethany painted craft boxes and Anna had music.  Alice got to take a bath in the big tub that night.  
Thursday I exercised and Anna's carpool friends came over because they didn't have school.  After lunch Anna painted her craft box.  Dan took Bethany to buy a new bathroom faucet because the old one was leaking.  Ben had scouts and Dan made spaghetti in the instant pot.  I let Alice eat it with no clothes on so she could make a big mess and she loved it and made cute poses after! 
Ben and Dan worked on Ben's Pinewood Derby car and McKenna had Activity Days at the Church History Museum.  

Friday Alice started getting good at pulling up!  Dan was able to go with Anna on her kindergarten field trip to the Gateway Children's museum.  I watched Hazel again for a bit then Dan and Anna came home. 

After school, Dan took Anna on an ice cream date to reward her for going to ballet nicely 5 times in a row.  We all then met at the Library to help McKenna find a book for her biography book report.  That evening we went out for dinner and then attended Wendy Maxfield's celebration of life gathering (instead of calling it a viewing).  

Saturday Mickelle was nice enough to babysit the three youngest girls while Dan and I took McKenna and Ben to Wendy's funeral.  It was a beautiful service!  Nothing like a funeral to make you think about how you want to be remembered.  I felt inspired to be a better mom by being more FUN and always making my kids feel like they are IMPORTANT!  I also felt like I need to call my own mom more often. 
We went to Cafe Rio for lunch, picked up groceries and got home at 3.  That evening after the kids were fed and bathed, Dan and I went on a date to Lowe's, Target, and then got a treat at Crumble.  McKenna babysat--even Alice!  

Sunday we were actually on time for church!  The heater in Dan's Bishop office was broken so I took him a space heater.  After dinner we played games as a family and McKenna went up to Grandma and Grandpa's to play games with Swa and Whitney who were there as well.  

Monday was Martin Luther King Jr. Day and the kids had no school.  We got TONS of snow so thankfully Dan's boss told everyone to work from home if possible!  McKenna ended up playing at Olivia Stock's house all day.  After lunch, the snow finally stopped and Ben and I went with Aunt Lara to Temple square to take Ben's baptism pictures.  We had pizza and games at mom and dad's house for dinner.  
Alice getting good at climbing and Bethany's creative dress up!  

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