Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Feb. '19- Week 1- Utes Game, Stake Conference, Alice 11 Months, Snow Day!

Friday I started to feel a little better.  I listened to my book while I did some cleaning.  After school Paisley and Eli Forbes came over.  We spray painted McKenna's castle and she worked on her talk for Ben's baptism.  We worked on collecting items around the house to finish off a large purge we were doing.  
Cute videos of Dan and Alice playing.  

Saturday after breakfast Dan and Ben ran errands (taking lots of stuff to the DI).  Lizzie came over to play with Anna.  McKenna and I worked on her castle, then she had rehearsal.  Ben got a haircut and Ayla Hamblin came over to babysit while we went to the Utes Basketball game, which we lost. Though Swoop walked right by us! :) 
 Mickelle came over to babysit in the evening while we went to the adult session of stake conference. I left towards the end to run home and nurse Alice to sleep, but then joined the group for a treat at Nielsen's.  
*Dan and I felt a new motivation to change the way we're doing Come Follow Me!  We heard some wonderful talks from families who were doing a section EVERY day and we knew we needed to do the same!  So we decided to do it every morning at breakfast! 

Sunday Alice turned 11 months!  She did not love the headband I put on her, and she's fast to crawl away.  :)  We didn't have Stake conference until later in the day, so we did our Come Follow Me lesson right after breakfast.  Ben did play dough, I bathed Alice and braided McKenna's hair while Dan was at Priesthood leadership meeting.  During Stake Conference, Katie Stewart gave a beautiful and poised testimony about her experience reading the Book of Mormon with Brynn.  We went to mom and dad's house that night for the Super Bowl game, but mostly for the food and togetherness. :)  
Monday Charlie and Clara came over for a bit.  I did laundry and after lunch I ran some errands.  McKenna wrote her script for her middle ages product sales commercial.  That evening we went out for ice cream with the Pugsleys.  Bethany still had quite the constant cough, so McKenna slept downstairs on the couch.  

Tuesday I exercised and started attending Jan Evan's scripture class.  It started snowing while I was out and about dropping off Anna and Bethany to their respective schools, but thankfully I made it home!  Ben had Jr. Jazz again and McKenna worked more on her castle and her Helen Keller report.  

Wednesday Dan had a snow day.  McKenna's student council did a skit called Super Flex!  Dan drove carpool for me and Ben and Anna played in the snow when they got home from school! 

I went with Anna to music and we cancelled some plans to go to a Grizzly Hockey game with Mickelle due to the weather.  

Thursday I exercised, ran errands, and in the afternoon we had parent/teacher conferences for ALL my kids! They all had wonderful reports and Ms. Walter's said, "McKenna is the kind of student you never forget!"  I worked on getting some of Ben's baptism stuff ready.  Dan's cold had made it so one of his ears wasn't hearing so well, so we tried some drops in it and it didn't really do anything.  

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