Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Feb. '19- Week 2- Ben's BD Date, Ben's Baptism, Jazz Game, Knight's No Slip Grip, Charter Day on the Hill, Jr. Jazz, Hair Cut, Valentine's Day!

Friday I was able to go to the temple in the morning then Amy Hamblin came to visit.  We waited in line for a while after school to buy Peter Pan tickets.  After that, we got Keva Juice and Great Harvest bread for lunch.  Then my parents came into town for Ben's baptism the next day!  I trimmed Anna, Bethany, and Alice's hair.  The kids did a heart craft with Grandma Kelly, then Ben left for his BD date with Webster grandparents!  All the 7 and 8 year old boys got to go on a group date with Grandma and Grandpa!  They ate out and received matching blankets to snuggle with while Grandma and Grandpa are on their mission.  
Saturday we got ready and scrambled a bunch of eggs then we headed to the church at 10 to decorate and set up for Ben's baptism luncheon.  Here are all the Baptism pictures Aunt Lara took that were on display at the lunch.  He's such a sweet and good little boy! 

McKenna and Anna helped set up the display tables.  
The brunch was lovely.  We had all the Websters (minus Emma), my parents, Mickelle, Jonathan, Grandpa Condie, the Eppersons, Chuck Thompson, the Holdstocks, Alexanders, and Lewises.  

The kids loved running around in the gym afterwards.  
We're so thankful for all the love and support for Ben and our family.  Lots of people helped clean up the lunch as well so I didn't have to worry about it.  
Grandfather was so sweet to attend.  He knelt and greeted Ben when he came in the chapel.  So many ward members came to support Ben as well.  The Bramalls, Novaks, Becky and Alana Smith, and his school teacher as well.  

The Program:
Grandma Kelly- Piano
Lara Webster- Chorister
4th Article of Faith- Opening Song
Grandma Sibber- Opening Prayer
McKenna- Talk on baptism
Cousins- Sang "Baptism"
Dan- Baptism Ordinance
Bro. Thompson and Bro. Epperson- Witnesses
Grandpa Webster- Talk on the Holy Ghost
Dan- Confirmation
Grandfather- Closing remarks. He called Ben up and talked about the Covenant Path
He Came for Us- Closing Song
Grandpa Mike- Closing Prayer

I'm so thankful for the priesthood power and authority to perform this ordinance for Ben!  He said, "I've never felt so calm before in my entire life!" I felt like it was such a perfect day I didn't want it to end! 

Dan's parents gave Ben some new scriptures and he received a new scripture case from my parents!
We were home by 1:45 ish and Alice took a good long nap while my parents babysat and Dan and I went to the Jazz game with Dan's parents. 
We had a nice chill evening at home that night.  

Sunday Ben laid out his shoes and *new scriptures just like McKenna does before church.  He also stood in Sacrament meeting to be recognized for his baptism.  My mom took Alice for me during YW and she took a nice snooze on her. :)  We practiced our song in YW again.  We did Come Follow Me when Dan got home, then he went to Sis. Womack's setting apart for her mission.  We had dinner at the Webster's as a big snow storm was coming in!  We celebrated February BDs (we gave to Truman). 
  Monday I did the usually laundry, and Anna played at the Alexander's.  My parents came by to hang out and my brother Jonathan started a new job at eBay! My mom helped put together a new Fall wreath for my front door.  The kids worked on their Valentine's along with their homework.  
Alice has a thing for belly buttons and makes the funniest sound when she sees one.  My kids love playing piano duets with Grandma Kelly when she's in town.  
My parents stayed for dinner and then we filmed McKenna's sales product commercial for school.  She (and I) made balloon stress balls filled with water Orbeez.  She called them the "Knights No Slip Grip" since it would help strengthen their grip.  
Tuesday I exercised, went to Jan Evans's class and took my turn in the nursery.  I finished my book club book, "Educated." McKenna got to go on a field trip with Student Council to the Capitol for "Charter Day on the Hill." 
I took Ben and Henry to Jr. Jazz that night with Anna and Desi. 

Wednesday I visited Amy Pugsley. The girls had a tea party to celebrate Rachel's BD. We went out to lunch with some family for Swa's BD, and Skyped Kelsey for her BD.  My mom and Mickelle came over for a bit.  McKenna stayed up a little late that night and we read about our Disneyland memories from 2014.  

Thursday was Valentine's Day!  I picked up my mom from Mickelle's place and then visited Shelly and got a hair cut.  In the afternoon I went to Ben's class for his Valentine's party.  
After school, I helped decorate for McKenna's 4th grade middle ages day.  That night, my mom was nice enough to babysit while Dan and I went on a date, even though she was away from her Valentine, my dad.  We went to Hug-Hes restaurant and then the Utes Basketball game (we won!).  

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