Thursday, December 5, 2019

Sept. '19- Week 3- School Pictures, Ben hit in Ribs, Dan Hurt His Back

Sunday morning Benny was reading with Alice in her crib.  Such a darling big brother!  We had our Primary Program practice in the Primary room and Anna actually got up and said her part!  She cried after, but she did it!  Later, I asked her about it and she said they were happy tears!  I also cried a lot during the kids singing "I'm trying to be like Jesus/Come Follow Me," it was powerful.  

After church, all the girls decided they were going to match with their "Webster" shirts and pink shorts.  Well, Ben didn't want to be left out, at least for the picture. :)  He changed shortly after.  We had our family dinner and then dessert at Sam and Lara's (peach cheese cake) and the kids played outside a little.  

Monday Dan worked from home, I went walking with Rachael, and then Dan conducted to Bob Goodwin's funeral.  Ben had a baseball game that night and got hit in the ribs with the ball during kid pitch, but he was tough and it hardly bruised.
Tuesday I exercised, cleaned the basement a little, and did some mending and patching while watching Grandfather's talk at the BYU Devotional.  He gave a wonderful message of LOVE.  I cleaned out my emails and registered for some UEN classes for my teaching license.  I went to music with Bethany then picked up my new RED glasses!  McKenna and I went to an Activity Days BBQ and then I went to my ministering interview at the church.  

Wednesday I went ministering to Janel.  Unfortunately, Nicole got mixed up who we were visiting first and she visited Shelly while I was at Janel's.  I made pumpkin bread before the kids were home for early out.  We got their school pictures back!  Look how cute they all are!  All three older kids went to piano (Anna likes to go and sit and listen), and Ben wanted to try the treadmill after that.  He walked/jogged 1 mile.  After dinner, our family went to the Waikoloa home (an assisted living facility in our stake).  We did a quick lesson on the armor of God and served the pumpkin bread as a treat.  That morning Dan went to stand up from the table after Come Follow Me, and his back froze up!  He was in a lot of pain all that day!  

Thursday, Dan wasn't able to walk his back hurt so much!  We gave him some meds and a heating pad and I got the kids to school.  I watched Hailey and Abby for a bit.  We played outside while Bethany was at dance.  After lunch Swa came and picked up Hailey and Abby.  I helped out with reading in Anna's class and drove Anna and Oliver to music.  After dinner, Dan stayed home with the girls and I took Ben to Cub Scout Pack Meeting.  We left early thinking we could split the time and do some of the pack meeting and some of his baseball practice (they were scheduled at the same time).  However, by the time we got to baseball, they were ending early, and when we got back to scouts, they were done and Ben had missed doing his part in their skit.  We both felt sad and mad and learned a lesson that night to NOT try to split the time and just decide which is MOST important!  After kids were in bed, Dan and I started watching "Yesterday," the movie about the Beatles.  Then I fell asleep on Dan. :) 
Friday Dan's back still really hurt, so he made an appointment to go to the chiropractor/wellness center.  I had been having some neck pain as well and used some warm moist heat to try to relax the muscles.  I was able to exercise later.  Dan worked from home and Lizzie came over to play in the afternoon and Ben went to the Lewis's. Desi later came over to play and the Alexander's picked up their ellipitcal I had been borrowing.  That night, McKenna and Brittana babysat at the Chadwick's.   Dan and I watched the Utah game.  

Saturday Dan was still taking it easy and icing his back and watched more football.  I got groceries and later my parents came to babysit while Dan and I went to an open house for the new town homes being built where Winegar's used to be.  We had a free lunch then did sealings at the temple. We got home in time for baths, tacos with Gma and Gpa and my family conference call.  Dan and I finished watching "Yesterday."

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