Saturday I got out of the house early for a Stake Relief Society Activity. I rode with Brynn and Swa (Sibber was out of town). We ended up getting there 30 minutes early and thought we were funny comparing ourselves to the menfolk getting to their sporting events an hour before it starts and showing an empty venue. They served a yummy lunch and I sat and talked with Amy Hamblin a lot. I got home and got Anna ready to go bowling with her dance company "sister," Kate. I spent the afternoon at the old house cleaning with friends who were nice enough to come help! Rachael Alexander cleaned my fridge and Sarah Moulton cleaned the kitchen cabinets. I spent most of my time doing the master and hall bathrooms. Amy Hamblin and Nicole Boes also came to help! We got so much done I was SO thankful!! We ate dinner out that night and we all slept very well!
The RS Activity was about the 200th anniversary of the Restoration.
Sunday morning McKenna had a YW meeting at Becky's house and I went to ward choir while Ben babysat. We were a little late for church and we did a conversation heart activity for singing time. After we got home and had our smoothie and snacks, I laid down on the bench seat in the kitchen and dozed off. Around 4:30 my family came over for dinner. We had pasta salad and gave them a tour of the house. Alice loved played with my mom. We played Cover your Assets and then I cleaned the kitchen and a bit of the laundry room. As we were about to go to bed we heard a thud upstairs and when we checked to see if Ben had fallen out of his bed and he seemed dead asleep. I had a hard time sleeping that night.
Monday I drove the kids to school and then went to the Gateway for McKenna's 5th grade JA Biztown field trip. I worked at the KSL studio with Maren Hilbig and I loved checking on McKenna as she was the CEO of RC Willey. She was stressed at the beginning and thought the day was too short (which it was) but she had fun and loved selling and buying products.
I parked at in the carline, ate lunch and napped. Jonathan babysat all day while Dan worked at the old house doing yard work in the back and painting and patching. When we got home the three middle kids jumped on the tramp while I did more cleaning and laundry. Adam dropped off the white bed and Holley Searle brought dinner. Dan and I met with Cari at the old house. After kids were in bed, Dan and I organized our clothes a bit and set out our pantry food.
Tuesday I had a fairly normal morning routine and had to meet the contractor at the old house to talk about the roof. I folded more laundry. Anna and Desi played after school. Brittana also came over to help McKenna babysit while I picked up and be and went with Bethany to music. Alice cried a lot that evening after dinner unless her songs were playing on the echo dot. After kids were in bed McKenna worked on a book report and I blogged. I also took these pictures of Alice for the Nelson News since she'll be turning TWO in March.
Wednesday was "dress your future self" as part of Spirit Week, and McKenna dressed as a mom with a messy bun and carried two babies (one attached to her leg). :) Amy Hamblin came over to plan primary music stuff and I gave her a tour of the house. I also cleaned the laundry room floor and half bath by the garage. We had our busy afternoon running around. We matched paint for our front door at the old house and Anna's had music with Ms. Geri working on her composition. Dan and McKenna went to the youth activity that night at the Roots Tech convention and it was so so crowded so it wasn't much fun. Late that night, Dan's parents got home from their trip to Panama.Thursday was crazy hair day at school. We put a cup under Anna's pony tail and Ben thought his spikes looked like bowling pins, so we added a "bowling ball" which was an M&M stuck on with Kayro syrup. McKenna dressed "classy" that day. The kids loved seeing Grandma and Grandpa in the morning and Alice didn't hesitate to snuggle Grandpa. I got to observe the last 15 minutes in Bethany's dance class. After school, Anna went to music and McKenna had piano, but I took the other kids to Hatch Park play with Adam and Mia since the weather was lovely. Ben did some woodchip art. We also saw Bethany's friend Arlee there.
Dan met us at the park and I headed home to make dinner. I worked on Blurb that night and talked with Grandma and had popcorn.
Friday was crazy sock day/school spirit day. We also got a new roof on the old house which ended up being covered by insurance thanks to some hail damage--a HUGE blessing!! I did some rearranging and unpacking for more towels and blankets. That afternoon I attended maturation with McKenna. It went well because she said she already knew everything we talked about and she said she liked the "girl talk" and didn't want it to end. I really appreciate that the teacher (Kora's mom) focused on building the girls' self esteem and self worth. We had normal afternoon of homework and playing outside.
That night, Dan redeemed a Christmas present from me which was night out with his high school fellas for dinner and ax throwing! They had a blast! McKenna went to Lia's and the rest of us watched Toy Story 4 with Grandma.
Saturday was Leap Day, Feb. 29th! Ben had rehearsal and McKenna babysat while Dan and I went to the old house around 10:45. He painted the laundry room cabinets while I cleaned the basement bathroom and did other paint touch-ups. We ordered Sweeto Burrito for lunch and McKenna continued to babysit at home. We finally left and went home around 4:30pm! Dan's mom worked hard on continuing to pack her office. We had Zupa's for dinner and Mia came over while we did baths. We watched some Pixar shorts before bed.
I had to document Anna's unicorn drawing. So so cute!
Feb. Part 2 Videos:
McKenna JA Biztown, Bethany Dance, playing at the new house.