Sunday, April 19, 2020

Feb. '20- Week 1- Superbowl, Snow Day, Packing, Utah Game, YW Midway Sleepover

Saturday Dan and Ben left to help Jonathan move.  I worked on cleaning the primary colored drawers we had in the garage.  The girls worked on making their Valentines.  I ran an errand and got word that while Dan was at the dump, he accidentally stepped on a nail.  He went and got a tetanus shot and came home and showered before we had friends over.  We had Jordan and Lindsay Jensen over as well as Sara and Riley Stewart who bought the Roth's home.  We made homemade pizza in our new pizza oven.  It turned out pretty good and then we played a cool game called "Double Ditto."  

Sunday was fast Sunday and we watched the Book of Mormon videos.  We were a little late for church and I taught Nephi's courage in primary.  Ben worked on his Valentines and McKenna stayed after for choir so she and Dan got home at the same time.  The girls them built a fort while Dan made hot ham sandwiches to take to Dan's parent's house for the Superbowl viewing party.  Brynn and Brian and Adam were there too.  Alice loves snuggling Grandpa!
Monday we had a 2 hour delay start for school, but when it came time to take the kids, I shoveled and Dan drove them, but the train track crossing arms were malfunctioning.  Because he had to wait so long, we decided to call it a snow day ourselves and he brought the kids back home.  It turned out to be a tender mercy because we then started packing and we were able to ask the kids right them what stuff they wanted to keep and what stuff they wanted to throw or give away.  The snow finally stopped around dinner time.  We told Cody Johnson that night that we would be neighbors.  We got so much packing done!  

I love that Bethany went back and forth down the sidewalk making snow angels.  McKenna played "mama cozy" when we came in.  
Tuesday I got the van's oil changed and Kyrenia Reid who was also there.  The rest of the afternoon was pretty normal.  Funny and cute pictures of Alice sleeping with her blanket over her head and then chillin' on the couch watching Descendants.  
Wednesday I exercised, emailed about Valentine's parties and paid medical bills.  I volunteered in Ben's class and then ate lunch in the car while waiting in carline since it was early out for parent/teacher conferences.  We picked up McKenna from the temple, Ben had piano, and played at the Alexander's.  Dan and I did more packing that night.  

Thursday we woke up to more snow and we were late for school.  We had lunch in the car again after Bethany's dance while we waited to pick up the kids.  We were only home for a bit before we went back to school for conferences.  Ben's was first, then Anna's and McKenna's.  We received such wonderful comments from all their teachers!  We picked up Ben and Grace from rehearsal, then I drove around for a bit to help Alice get a quick nap in the car.  Anna had music and I cleaned out our dishwasher that evening.  Also that night, Ayla babysat while Dan and I went out with Dan's parents to dinner and Utes basketball game.  We won in overtime!  
Friday I exercised and went to Burt Brothers to get new tires on the van!  I worked on a grocery order and went to ladies lunch at the church.  I mostly talked with Kim Ulmer and Erica Day and told some people about our move.  Jonathan babysat overnight while Dan, McKenna, and I and Dan's mom went to the YW sleepover at Midway.  We had a blast and ate some delicious food!  Dan's mom gave a wonderful fireside about Pres. Nelson and Becky talked about goals and the Holy Ghost.  Dan spoke about the First Vision.  We played three rounds of Murder in the Dark!   I loved being able to watch McKenna but not be too embarrassing to her.  ;)  

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