Thursday, May 21, 2020

March 2020- Week 1- Alice's BD, Be There, Anna Lost a Tooth, Ben and Alice check-ups, Anna to Gymnastics, Anna's Dance Competition, Dan Utah Basketball Game

Sunday we fasted and we were on time for church even with some snow coming down.  We taught the song "We Are Different" in Primary.  Mickelle came by after church and played games with the kids.  Grandma had a cold that was giving her some breathing episodes which is always scary.  Dan was able to give her a blessing.  Adam and Mia came over for dinner and we played Skyjo.  After kids were in bed, we unpacked and organized some office stuff in the kitchen desk area.  

Monday started a carline week at school for us.  After kids left for school I played Cover Your Assets with Bethany.  I volunteered in Ben's class later on and had a normal laundry day.  Dan packed up a few more things from the old house and we had baked potatoes for dinner.  After kids were in bed, we brought up boxes of Dan's parents from the basement for them to go through.  

Tuesday was Alice's 2nd Birthday!  I wanted to start by making note of some funny things she says.  Gonkey=Donkey.  Book of Mornin'= Book for Mormon. Neighburt=Daniel Tiger.  To get the Frozen 2 soundtrack to play she says "Frozen 2 track" to our Alexa.  She calls meat "protein" because she's been listening to me teach the kids about variety and food groups.  She loves nursery at church and can repeat almost anything now!
We started the day (after kids were off to school) by Bethany and I singing to her!  I had to run down to the old house to let in a drywall repair guy.  We had a normal day after that... When kids got home from school, Brittana, Desi, and Lizzie came over to play.  Bethany had music and I picked up Ben and Grace from rehearsal.  After dinner, we gave Alice some presents and we had ice cream to celebrate Alice!  Dan had church appointments and I went to book club at the Pugsley's to discuss "Pollyanna" and "We are All Paralyzed."  My take away from both books was to always focus on the positive and that God is in charge.

Wednesday morning Dan's parents left for Europe with their itinerary slightly changed due to a new virus that was spreading across the world called Covid-19, or new Coronavirus.  They were planning to visit all the temples in in the cities of London, Paris, Rome and Lisbon, but they took Italy off the travel plans entirely.  A few days after they left, temples around the world started closing due to the virus.  I went to the Toyota dealership for an emissions test on the van.  When I got back, Meghan Johnson was nice enough to babysit while I took advantage of the nice weather and did yard work at the old house (mostly raking and blowing).  I didn't finish, but I got home in time for lunch and then Meghan babysat Alice again while I went to a "Be There" activity with Bethany at preschool.  When I got home, the big kids were home because of early out, so we snuggled and then took Ben to piano.  McKenna did not go to the temple this week because Sophia wasn't available.  Anna had dance and McKenna had Backstage.  On the way to dance, Alice was mad that Anna was in her face and she waved her hands around, hit Anna's mouth, and accidentally knocked out Anna's other front tooth!  Ben and Henry Alexander babysat Bethany and Alice while Dan and I went to the old house to finish up the yard work.  McKenna had a spa night activity for YWs that night.  And boy, was I pooped!

Thursday morning Alice and Ben had their yearly doctor check-ups and were all healthy! 
Alice stats:
Height: 32in (.5in increase in 6 months) 10th%
Weight: 24lbs 8oz (1lb increase in 6 months) 23rd%
Head: 75th%

Ben Stats
Height: 50.7in (4in increase in 1 year) 23rd%
Weight: 55lbs (8lb increase in 1 year) 15th%

We took Ben to school late and then Bethany to dance.  She ended up having a really hard time and I had to pick her up early.  :(  We got the carpets cleaned at the old house and when I went to check on things, the CO detector was going off.  So I moved it out of the house and it stopped.  Something in the carpet cleaning chemicals... weird.  Clara came over for a bit before preschool.  After naps, I went to do reading in Anna's class.  Anna had music and McKenna had a hard time walking to piano.  We had a freezer dinner night and after kids were in bed, we did the final cleaning of the old house since the drywall repairs were done.

Friday the kids all put on matching uniforms and it was cute!  I worked on moving pictures to the hard drive.  Sadly, McKenna called before lunch not feeling well.  She had another episode where her eyes can't focus, she gets numb hands, a head ache, and feels nauseous.  She came home and napped and felt better.  She's had this two other times and we think it's related to being over tired.  I worked on a grocery order  and when kids got home from school we played outside.  I ran down to the old house to sign the listing agreement while Cari Moss was there to take the final staging pictures before listing the house for sale!  Anna went to a Utah gymnastics meet with Desi Alexander that night and had a blast! After dinner, we watched the Lego Movie in the theater room while Dan was at the Alexander's for a YM game night.

Saturday Anna had her first dance competition!  It was up in Ogden and Dan also took Ben to rehearsal.  McKenna went to an ice skating party at the rec center for Zoe.  I LOVED watching the dance competition and sat with Holley Searle for a bit and also Jake and Abril.  We had lunch with Anna's team at the Pie Pizzaria, then we went back for awards.  Anna's jazz routine won FIRST PLACE for their age group!  After the awards, they had a master class which Anna and I sat and watched for a bit, but she was super tired after being up late with Desi the night before.  Dan took Alice and Bethany to the Utah Basketball game with a bunch of ward members.  I took McKayla Searle home and picked up groceries and McKenna (from Aliza's) on the way home.  Later, Dan and I worked on unpacking the game closet and after kids were in bed I went down to the old house to film a final walk through video of the house for our family history.

March 2020 videos- Part 1
Alice’s 2nd BD, Alice Singing Frozen, Anna Dance Comp

Video- Our Old House 288 W. 3400 S. 

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