Saturday, November 14, 2020

Sept. 2020- Week 1-New Carpet, Bethany 5yr Check-up, Labor Day Weekend at Mantua, Grandfather's 96th BD

 Tuesday morning Dan conducted the funeral for Marilyn Hammond's mother.  After school, the kids played with the Alexanders and I hung out outside and listened to my book. Bethany had her first day of dance for the new school year!  Dan ripped out the old carpet in the family room, master bedroom, and master closet.  McKenna hung out with Brittana and they made lip gloss using a kit McKenna had.  Ben had batting practice and Dan also went to a missionary setting apart for Harrison Bartschi.  After kids were in bed, Brian Stewart and Mat Ulmer came and helped rip out carpet staples ...which is such a tedious task.  Dan and I slept in the basement that night after lots of sweeping.  

Wednesday our new carpet got installed!  It feels heavenly!  Bethany had a play date at cousin Mia's.  I deep cleaned the family room windows and shutters before we moved the couch back into place.  I listened to my book a lot.  Dan Bramall came over to help Dan move our bedroom furniture back in our room.  Tanner and Cooper came over for a bit.  Ben had baseball practice and I spent a lot of the evening cleaning the kitchen floor.  

Thursday Bethany had her 5 year old check-up.  

Height: 42.1in (2.7 in increase in 1 year) 20th%

Weight: 33lbs (2 lb increase in 1 year) 5th%

We also got word early in the morning that the kids' piano teacher and our loving neighbor, Marilee Novak, was hit by a car!  The driver was blinded by the sun and just didn't see her.  Thankfully, it was more of a side swipe and her only injury was a badly broken ankle and a sore back.  After lunch, Brynn and Brian stopped by to see the new carpet.  The kids played with the Alexanders then Bethany and Anna had music and dance.  Dan took Ben to the Holdstock's for batting practice.  After dinner Dan and McKenna went to help lay sod at the Boes' house.  After kids were in bed, Dan and I finished the "Last Man on Earth" series.  Such a funny series and we wish it hadn't been cancelled.  

Friday I ran outside and then we cleaned up a fresh gopher mound.  After breakfast the kids did homework and their first virtual art lessons.  Anna made an apple, and Bethany was exploring shapes and elements of art. Their teacher, Ms. Chris, is so awesome! I went outside to weed and listened to my book.  Ben, Henry, and Taggart played together.  We picked up groceries and put the camping trailer back in storage.  Anna played at Alex Boes' and McKenna had Lia over.  That night we had pizza at Dave and Laurie's and watched the new live action "Mulan." I loved it!

Saturday we packed and headed up to Mantua for Labor Day weekend.  We stopped in Layton first to have lunch with my parents.  My dad made french toast and my mom made apple pie cheesecake mini tacos that were amazing!  They spoiled us.  We played games with them and the girls did dress up.  We got to Manuta by 3:15 and sadly Dan had a headache which required him to rest for a while. We had pizza for dinner and the kids swam.  We  did showers and Abril braided the girls' hair.  After kids were in bed, we played Skull King and golf and I had a rough night sleeping due to Ben sneezing a lot and other kids or things in the room being loud.  

Sunday I fed my three little girls while the rest of us fasted.  We had family sacrament meeting and testimonies were shared.  We then watched and participated in the family Zoom meeting for Grandfather's 96th Birthday!  It was so great to see everyone in the Nelson family even if it was virtually.  It was especially wonderful to hear Grandfather teach us the ABCs or increasing our Spiritual Light! A- Be Attractive, B- Be Bright, C- Build Character.  For the Webster family contribution, we rewrote the words to the song "Favorite Things" from The Sound of Music and sang about our favorite things about Grandfather.  The whole call was about an hour and 45 mins and Alice fell asleep on me.  After dinner the Stewarts came up and we played outside on their hover boards with go-cart kits.  Once kids were in bed, we made peach shakes and played more card games and then played a game Sam had on his computer and we projected on the big screen.  

Monday was Labor Day.  I went running and Dan went biking.  After eating, we went to the park.  The kids played at the park while the grown-ups played pickle ball on the courts.  After lunch, the Winegars and Dave and Laurie came up.  We all hung out by the pool for the afternoon. D and L brought a waterproof speaker which made it so fun to have music out there.  Then we reminisced about old songs and played a bunch of them! We had a yummy dinner and then left for home by 7:15pm.  When we got home, we prepped for a wind storm that was headed our way.  We brought in cushions and the water table and moved the grill.  

*While we were at Mantua, Abby and Alice we pretty cute together and played nicely a lot! 

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