Saturday, November 14, 2020

Sept. 2020- Week 4- P/T Conferences, Park for Cousins BDs, Truman Play, Driveway Torn up, Lake Mary Hike, Ben Hike, Flu Shots, Webster Dinner

 Tuesday Bethany was still home sick from school with a cold.  We also finally got a school computer to use at home!  Sharing 2 computers with 4 kids was getting tricky.  Having just one more device helped so much!  Henry and Desi came over to play and Bethany had a zoom meeting where she wrote letters in shaving cream on a cookie sheet.  She loved it!  Bethany also had dance virtually.  After dinner that night, I watered our new plants and weeded some outside.  It was also Cooper Johnson's birthday and my kids invited themselves to participate in his pinata in their garage. :)  After kids were in bed, we watched a documentary called "Social Dilemma," which is all about social media and the tactics they use to keep us hooked.  It was pretty eye opening. 

Wednesday we had parent/teacher conferences over Zoom.  All of our kids got great reviews from their teachers and we feel so blessed!  We also noticed some of our new plants were getting eaten by the deer, so we temporarily borrowed some tomato cages from Brynn to try to protect them.  I spent most of the evening after kids were in bed cleaning out my email inbox.  Still have a lot of work to do there.

Thursday our kids only had school at home due to P/T conferences and it was the PM kids' turn to attend in person.  I helped Ben with his book report which was a book recommendation commercial.  He created an iMovie trailer recommending the first book in the Box Car Children series.  We packed a lunch and went to a park in Centerville and met Lara, Abril, Adam, Brynn, and Swa there to play and celebrate Hailey's 6th BD.  We also finally had a crew come and tear up our drive way approach and sidewalk that were crumbly and falling apart.  We'd been on a waiting list since April!  We had fun watching them work and I called Jonathan as well.  That evening, I took McKenna and Ben to see Truman and Henry Stewart in their school play "James and the Giant Peach" where Truman played James!  This was the play they were supposed to perform back in March when things shut down.  They had some technical difficulties with Truman's mic, but from what we could hear, he did so awesome!  After that, Ben was able to make it to 20 mins of baseball practice.  When we got home, lots of neighbor kids were outside playing in our torn up driveway and Dan was chatting with Nate Scott.  

Friday I went walking with Rachael and Ben had a student council meeting.  I talked with Meghan for a while and watched the workers lay the forms for concrete.  Ben went hiking with Caleb on the Bonneville shoreline trail.  Desi and Mabel came over from 12-4:30 pm. Henry and Taggart also came over.  McKenna and Bethany played at Lyla's.  That night, Aliza came to help McKenna babysit while Dan and I went on a date to In N Out, Wal-Mart, and Home Depot.  After kids were in bed, Dan and I watched "Knives Out" in the theater room.  

Saturday we packed a lunch after breakfast and drove to Lake Mary.  We hiked with the Moultons and Pugsleys.  It was still pretty, even though the Fall colors were mostly gone.  We got home around 2:45 and talked with the Johnsons.  I took the three big girls to Lyla's so they could use their equipment to do 'Peter Pan' flying in their big trees. The Leflers also have awesome dress-ups the girls were in heaven.  I took Ben and Alice to Target to trade in our old car seats.  Dan built better plant cages around our new plants.  I picked up the girls from Lefler's.  Dan mowed the lawn, but had a little trouble with the gas being too old, so he had to change it out.  After kids were in bed I did a load of laundry and cleaned.  

Sunday we had in-person church and Anna came this time.  Mickelle also joined us.  McKenna gave her first talk in Sacrament meeting and it was about service.  We hung out with Mickelle a little that afternoon.  That evening we had a Webster family dinner at Jake and Abril's outside and celebrating September BDs.  

Monday the kids had no school due to a teacher prep day.  Anna went to Emi's to play.  I took Alice on ministering visits to Janel's and Amanda's.  We had a quick lunch and then went to the health department to get flu shots.  Sadly, Ben had a reaction to it and threw up and almost passed out.  Poor guy, though he recovered just fine.  The girls played at a park, this time for cousin Charlie's BD.  We got our new cement poured!  Dan helped Sam and Lara move into their new house!  I put up Halloween decorations, tidied the basement, folded laundry, and worked on my Nelson News article.  

Tuesday was a heavy cleaning day!  I swept, vacuumed the basement and stairs, cut the hair off the vacuum, and cleaned the kitchen sink.  After homework Bethany had dance and we looked at some costume stuff at the Johnson's.  McKenna is excited to be Hermione!  Anna played with Desi and Mabel.  Ben played Legos at Johnson's.  After dinner we played outside and had otter pops. Dan had bishop stuff.  

Wednesday we had a normal morning and after lunch the kids had piano.  McKenna and Ben had virtual Harry Potter club.  I worked on the blog outside on the porch.  Ben had baseball practice.  I went to pick him up and the van battery died.  McKenna gave the three little girls showers/baths. I worked more on the blog while Dan was at church. 

September Videos:

Alice singing “I Know Him” from Hamilton, Ben baseball, Wind Storm clean up, Alice reading “More Spaghetti, I say!”

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