Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Dec. 2020- Week 2- Virtual Dance Recitals, Let's Play Music Recital, Snowflakes, Cookies' Hotel Night, Alice Fat Lip, "Elf"

Tuesday was a normal morning.  After homework, Ben and McKenna watched Harry Potter #4 for a book/movie comparison book report which Ben had to do.  Bethany had dance and we watched her performance via Zoom.  After dinner, for Light The World, we anonymously decorated the door of the Hernandez family.  

Wednesday morning I did not exercise.  I take one morning a week off to snuggle Alice while we watch the news and read her books.  :)  The rest of the day was normal. The kids walked to piano, McKenna had Aladdin rehearsal, and the kids played with the Johnsons.  After dinner, we did baths before the Zoom Ward story time.  We heard a funny story from Jeff Jarvis, and then Christmas stories from us that we previously recorded.  

Thursday after school we took the kids to shop for toys to donate to the Larry H. Miller toy drive.  I called Jonathan, Bethany had music, and Anna had dance and her Zoom performance.  After dinner, we cut paper snowflakes.  After kids were in bed, Dan and I watched "Batman Vs. Superman."

Friday Anna had a class Zoom meeting.  Ben worked on his book report and had a student council meeting.  Right after lunch, Bethany had a Zoom Let's Play Music recital.  Anna and Ben played a little something as well.  

Dan took Anna on a little date to see Randall Lake's art studio and to get a treat.  

Ben played at Henry's.  I took Bethany to make a quick stop at Arlee's to say Happy Birthday, then she went to Ellie's to play. 

 That night, McKenna and I had dinner at Olive Garden, and stayed at Sam's hotel (Hampton Inn, where he left us a nice note) with Swa, Whitney, Brynn, and Katie, to celebrate Whitney's BD!  We swam, played games, and ate lots of snacks.  It was tons of fun!  Unfortunately, both McKenna and I had a crappy time sleeping that night.  Oh well! 

Saturday McKenna had Aladdin Rehearsal so we left the hotel by 9:30am.  At home, we chilled and watched some football.  Ben went to Caleb Arnold's for the day to celebrate Caleb's BD.  They ate out for lunch, went to a theater to watch the new Crood's movie, and played at his house.  Ben was gone from 12:45-7pm! We missed him, but he had a great time!  Dan and I went on a date that night to a Greek restaurant named Spitz in downtown Salt Lake.  The food was decent, but I didn't care for the music or atmosphere in the place.  That must mean I'm getting old and grumpy. ;)  

Sunday we had in person church and McKenna ushered.  When we got home, we filmed our little part in the Nelson Family nativity.  McKenna joined some of the Young Women to do the symbols of Christmas scavenger hunt around the ward.  I had my family conference call.  We later recorded our singing part for the Nelson Zoom Christmas party (in one week), this time with Dan.  Dan took the kids to deliver the "First Day of Christmas" to the Sara and Riley Stewart family.  After dinner, McKenna and Dan attended the virtual temple and priesthood preparation meeting for incoming 12 year olds.  McKenna even gave a talk about temple attendance.  

Monday morning snowplows woke me up at 4:30am.  Not fun, but it was good to get snow!  I started a load of laundry before breakfast and was thinking I was so on top of it, when I realized I washed the haircut sheet that Dan had NOT shaken it off yet.  So at the end of the cycle, there was wet hair all inside the washer!  Grrr! I wiped and vacuumed it out as best I could and had to continue on.  After school and homework, we had some coupons and took the kids to see the movie "Elf" in the theater.  After dinner, we delivered our neighbor gifts, which were small candles this year.  That night, while getting ready for bed, Alice stepped off of the bathroom stool and hit her lip on the counter.  She bled some and it was a pretty purple the next day. :(  Monday was also my parent's 42nd wedding anniversary!  They celebrated at a SUPER fancy restaurant.  I love them so much! 

Videos: Let’s Play Music at home Zoom Recital, Nelson Nativity Part, McKenna and Ben Christmas Piano songs at Marilee’s

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