Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Dec. 2020- Week 1- Ben Last Basketball Game, Christmas Carol Lights in Layton, Christmas Lights at the Park

 Tuesday we had a normal morning and I listened to my book a lot in preparation for book club that night.  During homework, we took a picture of one of Bethany's assignments to send to her teacher.  We read The Velveteen Rabbit and she wrote about one of her favorite stuffed animals.  (The other picture is of Alice and a new place she decided to fill her diaper (under the Christmas Tree).  :)  I cleaned a lot and Erica Day, who was "hosting," dropped off the food for the evening.  I got so involved in cleaning that I forgot to take Bethany to dance.  Doh! Thank goodness for make-up classes.  After dinner, McKenna and Dan helped deliver fliers listing all the upcoming Christmas events.  Ben had a "double header" for basketball that night.  I went to the first game, which they won!  Dan went to the second game, which they also won!  Such a fun season for him! Especially to play on the same team as Henry Alexander.  At Book Club that night, we discussed the book "Thirst" about a man named Scott Harrison who started a charity called Charity Water.  They drill wells in Africa and other places that need clean water.  It was a really inspiring book!  We had 9 people in person and one join over FaceTime.  We were all masked and distanced and it was a fun night! 

Wednesday I volunteered in Bethany's class and drove carpool.  The kids also had piano and Bethany attended a make-up dance class.  After dinner that night, we watched the Ward Christmas Story Time with books read by the Holdstocks.  Ben and Anna did some "how to draws" that evening as well.  Dan had late Bishop stuff, so I caught up on Marco Polos and Instagram.  

Thursday I ran on the treadmill and my hip felt pretty good, but not all the way better.  I spent some time looking at possible audition songs for Ben since he was trying out for Backstage's High School Musical.  After homework, I called Jonathan then McKenna had to help Bethany with Let's Play Music at home while I drove Anna to dance. Afterwards, Bethany and Alice played at the Johnson's for a bit.  After dinner, we bundled up and went up to a park in Layton, with my parents, Mickelle, Adam, and Mia.  It was a walk through Christmas Carol light display completer with story tellers.  It was pretty darn cold but still fun and festive!  McKenna decided to attend Young Women's that night instead of coming with us.  After we got home and put kids to bed, Dan helped me make our neighbor gift tags.  

On Friday, McKenna and Ben both had student council meetings.  I worked on a grocery order and cut out the neighbor gift tags. After homework, Anna, Bethany, and Alice all played at the Johnsons and Alexanders.  McKenna had a Zoom with friends.  I read and napped with Alice.  Dan and McKenna hand delivered some Christmas cards. I worked on Ben's audition with him.  Dan and I went on a date to Kneaders for dinner, then picked up Ben and took him to his audition.  He did great!  After we took him home, Dan and I went back out to a movie theater to see "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" with the Leavitts, Spencers, and some friends of the Leavitts. Such a bad movie. ;) McKenna and Brittana babysat that night for us.  :)  

Saturday I ran again and my hip still felt ok. Dan ran errands and McKenna and I wrapped his gift from her and worked on neighbor gifts more.  McKenna and I also attended a Zoom baby shower for Jacob and Megan McKellar.  I took Ben to call backs that afternoon and also ran some errands to look for Christmas jammies.  We watched the "Grinch" and "Charlie Brown Christmas" that night in the theater room.  After kids were in bed, Dan and I went through and organized some gifts then Dan gave himself a haircut.  

Sunday was fast Sunday and Anna even tried fasting for breakfast.  After our Zoom Sunday School lessons, and while we were eating lunch, we got to watch a little bit of my dad teaching his Sunday School lesson in his ward!  Technology is sooo cool!  We had at home church (documented a picture of our live stream) and unfortunately the kids were rowdy and I'm not proud that I yelled a lot.  My family tried a new time for our conference call and I worked on collaging phone pictures.  After dinner, we watched the First Presidency Christmas Devotional.  After the little kids were in bed, McKenna and I tested out singing a few hymns together, she on the melody, me singing the alto.  We had a Webster family Zoom that night to discuss Christmas plans.  

Monday was a normal morning.  During homework, Anna got tired and decided to take a nap.  Random, but it helped her be more happy.  After dinner that night, we bundled up and went to see Christmas lights and inflatables at a park near Sam and Lara's house.  Then we had hot chocolate and donuts in the parking lot.  We also gave Abby her birthday present from us.  It was so fun to see lights with lots of cousins, aunts and uncles.  We miss being with them!  After kids were in bed, I messed around with the digital picture frame we bought for my parents for Christmas.  

Videos: Ben marble ramp, Alice dancing, Bethany and Anna Zoom dance performances, Ben and Bethany eat a lime.

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