Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Nov. 2020- Week 4- Break from School, Gratitude Posts, Thanksgiving, Decorate for Christmas, Visit my Parents, Nelson Zoom, Nov. Videos

Sunday we streamed church at home. The girls painted nails and all the kids played nice in the basement for most of the day.  After dinner and kids were in bed, we FaceTimed both sets of parents.    


Monday started our kids' Thanksgiving break from school!  It was still my laundry day and I called my Grandma Pat.  After lunch I got to FaceTime with one of my best high school friends, Stephanie Ericson Moger.  We talked for 2 hours and it was so wonderful to catch up!  It made me dig through some old high school pictures to find some photos of us to share.  Dan helped Ben clean his room.  The girls built a big fort in the basement.  I tidied up the school table. Dan and Ben punched more holes for the student council service project.  After dinner and laundry, we watched "Lego Star Wars Holiday Special."  Dan went to give David a blessing before his sinus surgery.  

Tuesday we spent the morning going through toys in the basement and deciding what to keep, give, or throw away.  We try to do this in November to prep for Santa bringing more toys in December.  After lunch, the kids played and I punched more holes.  Bethany did dance at home.  Kids played outside for a bit.  Dan and McKenna ran errands to the post office and library.  Dan took Ben to basketball and I had dinner with the girls.  After kids were in bed, we watched "Mandalorian" in the theater room.  

Wednesday I ran to Smith's in the morning to grab some last minute things for Thanksgiving.  Dan set up our Christmas tree, but we did not decorate it yet.  McKenna and Ben Zoomed with Brinley.  The kids had piano lessons over FaceTime.  I worked on putting Christmas lights on the front bushes and railing.  McKenna and I watched a virtual viola recital for her friend Sophia Madrid.  We filled out our leaves for our Thankful tree.  
We shopped online that night after kids were in bed.  Bethany did a cute ponytail at bedtime.  Alice hid under the table to poop.  
Thursday was Thanksgiving! That concluded my week of daily gratitude posts.  I posted about 1.) Family, 2.) Healthy body, 3.) My Savior, 4.) Technology, 5.) Music, 6.) Education, 7.) Modern conveniences, God's creations, snuggles, service, and a living Prophet.  
We watched the Macy's Parade after breakfast.  The Rockettes performance was seriously lacking this year.  So sad.  Around 11am my parents, sister, and brother came over!  Jonathan being here was a huge surprise to us all!  We weren't sure he would travel with Covid numbers being so high, but he really needed to be around family!  Alice clung on so tight to him when we came!  She wouldn't let got a long time.  My parents bought a prepackaged Thanksgiving dinner from Costco and all we had to do was heat everything up.  We got the turkey breast in the oven and the kids played on Jonathan's Switch to pass the time.  Everyone wore masks as best we could.  Mickelle brought Sadie in her crate and the kids loved playing with her.  We ate around 2:30 and had tons left over,  called the Smiths in AL, then the kids put on a little music recital in the piano room.  We had pie for "dinner" then cleaned up and played a game with the kids.  Everyone left around 7:15 and we put the fort away in the basement.  We also put away all the Thanksgiving decorations.  After kids were in bed, Dan and I watched "Crazy Rich Asians" and FaceTimed his parents in Hawaii.  

Friday after breakfast we decorated for Christmas!  After lunch we finished up the downstairs tree and the little tree in Ben's room.  We did some Christmas Mad Libs then Dan and McKenna did a DI run.  I found Alice dressed up and rocking out in the basement.  After pizza dinner, we watched "The Santa Clause" and after kids were in bed, Dan and I finished "Crazy Rich Asians."  Dan and I still have moments were we feel like this is not our house.  I've been very much looking forward to putting up OUR Christmas decorations in this new house and it was finally something to help us feel more like it is OUR house.  :)

Saturday I took pictures of the kids for their virtual school Christmas concert.  The theme was "Sounds of the Season," so I took pictures of laughter, music, and jingle bells.  Dan and I went on a lunch date and bought a couple more decorations.  We went to my parents that afternoon so we could spend more time with Jonathan.   My parents got two robot vacuums and it was great to see how much they have unpacked and tidied up their place.  The kids loved playing air hockey on their new table.  We also played Bunko and had spaghetti dinner.  After we got home and put kids to bed, I hot glued some more red ornaments and berries on a new front door wreath and garland.  Dan worked on this 5th Sunday lesson for the youth.  

Sunday we had combined RS and Priesthood where Dave Moulton taught about giving thanks.  Dan taught the combined youth lesson.  We had in-person church and I gave the closing prayer.  We had a Nelson family Zoom meeting that afternoon with Grandfather and Wendy for Thanksgiving.  It was great to see everyone again and hear a lovely message from Grandfather.  I also took pictures of McKenna for her virtual school Christmas concert.  She's learning to play the flute this year and is basically teaching herself since there is no in-person band.  She's doing great! 
Monday was a normal morning.  After kids were done with homework, I had a Zoom meeting with Amy about primary music stuff.  Alice fell asleep on me after she tripped and fell outside while getting the mail.  She scratched up her cheek. :(  I called the state office of education to ask about teacher relicensing and I found out some good news.  The requirements are much easier now!  After dinner I worked on making a Names of Christ Advent calendar.  

November Videos:

“All You Need Is Love,” Alice crazy while folding laundry, Ben slow mo kick of dominos, Alice falling asleep while eating, Thanksgiving Pilgrim people, Alice piano, Alice and McKenna “chicken butt,” Anna “Jingle Bells.

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