Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Nov. 2020- Week 1- Decorate for Thanksgiving, Family Pictures, Ben's Baseball Pizza Party, Ben Play at Caleb's, Grandma and Grandpa Visit

 Sunday was fast Sunday.  I fed the three little girls then gave Alice and Bethany a bath.  We had Zoom Sunday School where Kristi Nelson taught.  After church, I packed up the Halloween decorations and got out the Thanksgiving stuff.  Ben has been doing stop motion Lego videos on Sundays.  The girls played nice downstairs.  Sam and Lara had brought us Halloween cookies to decorate, so we did that after dinner and watched the first video of the virtual Primary Program.  We also watched "The Great Pumpkin- Charlie Brown."  

Monday started a carline week at school.  I worked on figuring out our outfits for upcoming family pictures.  After kids were mostly done with homework, I ran errands to the Library, Michael's, At Home, and Smith's.  I found some new Thanksgiving decorations.  :)  We played Skyjo after dinner and folded laundry.  I FaceTimed Lara for opinions about our outfits since she would be our photographer. 

Tuesday was election day and a normal morning.  Alice wore a shirt with "Love" on it because I felt that was word was pretty important after such a divided campaign/election season.  After homework, I drew a new "Thankful Tree" and patched some clothes.  I wrote Becca Nicholes a 40th Birthday letter.  Dan worked on hanging Christmas lights outside.  After dinner, I went with Ben to his Basketball game.  Dan watched Frozen 2 with the girls.  After kids were in bed, I worked on a Costco picture order and we watched election coverage.  We knew a winner would not be declared that night, but it was still interesting to watch.  

Wednesday Alice went to Rachael's while I volunteered in Bethany's class.  I worked more on our family picture outfits and completely changed the color pallet.  The kids had piano, then afterwards, because the weather was so nice, I took my kids along with Desi, Henry, and Mabel to Lewis Park to play for a bit.  Alice kept going down the slide the "tricky" way according to her.  Erica and Kylee came too.  We took a picture of one of McKenna's art pieces for a virtual art show.  Dan worked more on Christmas lights.  McKenna had her first Aladdin rehearsal.  After kids were in bed, we watched a little of a documentary about babies.  

Thursday was a bit of a rough day with everyone bugging everyone.  I hate days like that.  :(  Lyla and Desi came to play later.  I talked with Meghan for a bit.  After running Anna and Bethany to music and dance, I picked up some clothes from Laurie's for Anna to wear in family pictures.  Dan worked MORE on hanging lights and I vented about how it was a rough day.  

Friday I went walking with Dan.  McKenna had an SBO meeting and in-person band practice.  Amy Hamblin came over for a porch visit.  After lunch we got everyone ready for family pictures.  We took pictures at Kays Creek and I love how they turned out!  Lara did a great job!  Afterwards, we went to West Bountiful Park for Ben's baseball team pizza party to celebrate the end of the season.  Kylee Behunin had invited other moms to meet at that same park which made it extra fun.  Erica and Jacquie Cloud came.  Dan finally finished hanging lights and we went on a date to Cubby's.  After kids were in bed, we watched the "Current War" about Thomas Edison.  

Saturday I went walking with Dan and did a little weeding.  After breakfast I went back out for a little more yard work.  We put the back patio cushions away.  Anna played with Mabel, Ben went to Caleb's and played in the leaves.  McKenna worked on her YW lesson.  We had a lot of rain in the afternoon and Brittana came over. The girls made cookies which didn't turn out too well.  Bethany went to Hallie's too.  Later, my parents stopped by.  McKenna went to the Winegar's for a movie night.  We received a beautiful Thanksgiving letter from Grandfather.  We FaceTimed Dan's parents that night to talk about the letter.  I finished my Costco picture order.  

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