Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Oct. 2020- Week 4- Shopping with Friends, L-Haircut, Backstage, Costume Parade, Carving Pumpkins, Halloween!

 Thursday was a pretty normal day.  I dropped off my ballot to vote!  I watched a little of the Presidential Debate that night.  We found out Jake Winegar also tested positive for Covid and was completely asymptomatic!  McKenna had a YW activity where they watched a scary movie. 

Friday I went walking with Rachael.  McKenna had in person band practice.  After lunch, McKenna and I went shopping with Sarah and Bridget Moulton, and Laura and Jojo Lewis.  We went to Farmington Station and went in H&M, Bath and Body Works, and Old Navy.  It was so fun to socialize that I wasn't even really interested in spending money.  ;) That night Dan and I went on a date and Brittana came over to hang out/babysit with McKenna.  When Dan and I got home, we watched "Enola Holmes" in the theater room.  

Saturday I ran outside.  After breakfast, Dan ran errands with McKenna, Ben, and Alice.  I worked on some Primary stuff and listened to Marco Polos.  After lunch, McKenna went to Aliza's house.  I got a hair cut and chopped it!  When I got home, I went through Alice's drawers and changed out her clothes for the season.  That evening, McKenna and I went to Backstage to see Lia Traeden perform in their Halloween showcase.  She did great! When we got home, we watched "Hocus Pocus."  After kids were in bed, Dan and I watched "Shazam!" which was pretty funny.  

Sunday the Hooks spoke in church.  Later in the afternoon we recorded the kids' Primary Program speaking parts.  After dinner, we finally finished our game of Scrabble we started three weeks earlier.  After my family conference call and the kids were in bed, Dan and I finished "Shazam!" 

Monday I decided to take it easy with the exercising and not run for a while because of some pain in my right hip, so I used the bike instead.  I vacuumed and cleaned a little before picking up the kids.  Once homework was underway, I continued cleaning.  In the afternoon, I went through Anna's clothes.  After dinner, McKenna and I had an Aladdin parent meeting over Zoom, then I went through Bethany's clothes.  Changing things out for the new season is always a big project, but feels so good once it's done.  

Tuesday after the kids left and I exercised, and when I was trying to get Alice to turn off "Daniel Tiger" (aka "Neighburt") to come eat breakfast, she threw quite the tantrum!  I left her in the basement for a while to calm down.  When I finally went back down to get her, I found her in the vacuum cupboard in the kitchen.  Silly girl!  After the kids were home, we ate lunch and got homework started, I got a call from Aliza Allred's mom saying they couldn't find Aliza after her orchestra lesson.  Turns out she decided to walk the 5 miles home because she watched her ride drive away and she somehow didn't think to use the school office phone.  The police were involved looking for her and it was kind of scary.  So glad they found her!  Ben, Anna, and Bethany played at Grace's.  Bethany had dance and dressed as Snow White for Halloween week at dance.  We had mini ghost pizzas for dinner.  I took Ben to his basketball game that night.  They had team pictures and they won by one point! 

Wednesday we had a garage repair man come and finally realign our sensors so it would function properly now!  The kids had a free dress day and I did some mending.  After homework and piano lessons, I made dinner in a pumpkin and while it was cooking, we ran a BD present for Russell over to Dave and Laurie's house.  I braided McKenna's hair that night so it would be ready for costume day at school the next day.  Dan did a bunch of tithing settlement interviews that night.  

Thursday the kids could wear costumes to school and I think the blue spray in Anna's hair turned out cool! I volunteered in Bethany's class for their Halloween party.  I read a story to them, did some riddles, jokes, sang some songs, and then played bingo.  We then enjoyed the drive by costume parade! I liked this so much better than the Fall Carnival they do every year, but who knows what they'll do in the future after Covid.  After homework I called Jonathan and ran the girls to music and dance, then I took Ben to get his glasses adjusted.  They had been bent out of shape due to the baseball catchers helmet.  We hung out outside for a bit and chatted with Meghan.  Dan fixed a squeak in his car then went to help Chitty move.  Ben had basketball practice and we had jack o lantern quesadillas that night.  I had to wash the blue spray out of Anna's hair that night.  McKenna had a YW activity where they carved pumpkins and Cate Gunnerson did cool wound make-up on some of the girls.  McKenna used it to prank her siblings.  After kids were in bed, I worked on mending Ben's pokemon costume.  

Friday I went walking with Rachael.  McKenna and Ben both had student council meetings.  Dan took his car into a local body show to get the rust scratches repaired.  We recorded a primary song for the virtual program with the Alexanders and the Johnsons, then we had a picnic lunch outside.  Dan and I had a lunch date at Fat Fish and it was yummy.  I did some cleaning when we got home.  Ben and Dan went shooting with Jasper.  Mabel came over to play in the afternoon.  That night we carved pumpkins as a family and unfortunately it was a little contentious, but we were still pleased with our work.  Once everyone was ready for bed, we watched "Room on the Broom."  Dan had an important Bishop Call that night also.  

Saturday was Halloween!  Dan and I went walking in the morning.  After breakfast, I prepped for Halloween.  I set out rolls to thaw for scones, I roasted pumpkin seeds, I did dishes, laundry, and ran a couple errands to the Stewart's and Winegar's.  After lunch, we took Ben, Henry Alexander, and Laura and Taggart Lewis met us there, to a skate park in Centerville.  The kids had a blast on their bikes and scooters and no one got hurt, so it was a win!  And mostly, I was so excited it was setting up to be a warm-ish evening for trick or treating!  My parents and Mickelle came over for mummy dogs dinner, then helped Dan with the scones.  They also brought McKenna a late BD present of dill pickle chips!  I took the kids trick or treating.  We had a pretty big group at first.  The Alexanders, Rai and Nate Scott, Mabel, and us.  We did the upper ward from 6-7pm.  Then Anna, Desi, and Mabel went to Mabel's house for a movie.  McKenna walked around with Lia and ended up at our house to watch shows.  I took Ben and Bethany to the lower ward from 7-8pm ish with the Johnsons, and Henry and Rachael Alexander.  They were troopers and lasted a long time.  After the scones ran out (about 72 of them), Dan went to Dr. Cope's house and got a flu shot and a candy bar!  This year there were of course lots more bowls out on porches and lots of medical masks being worn.  I loved seeing people's creativity of how to pass out candy while staying socially distant.  Once we were back to the house around 8, Ben went to Henry's to play video games, and Dan and I put the two little girls to bed.  Everyone was home and in bed around 10pm and it was the end of daylight savings as well.  What a fun, fun Halloween in spite of the pandemic!  

October 2020 Videos:
Ben baseball, Fall Break in Layton, Bethany drawing, McKenna’s BD, Virtual Primary Program

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