Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Nov. 2020- Week 2- Snow!, Alice Fever, Grandfather Letter, Friends and Family Zoom, Fun With Dry Ice

Sunday we had the Winegar kids over from 10:30-12:30.  Swa was teaching their Relief Society lesson and since Jake was out of town, she needed somewhere for the kids to go so they wouldn't disrupt her teaching.  They also stayed later so Dan could administer the sacrament to all of us together.  We streamed Sacrament meeting from home which was so nice because we had a big snow storm hit right when it was time to go.  Later that afternoon, kids played out in the snow.  I put new pictures in frames around the house.  After dinner we played the singing game Spontaneous with Ben and McKenna.  We watched the second installment of the virtual Primary Program.  After kids were in bed, we watched an announcement from Governor Herbert about some new 2 week guidelines to slow the spread of Covid.  We decided we would hunker down for two weeks leading up to Thanksgiving and not socialize with anyone outside of our family.  Kind of sad, but it felt like the right thing to do to be obedient and to feel more peace of mind hosting my at-risk parents for Thanksgiving.

Monday I tried running again after a two week break, but my hip was still hurting a lot.  After kids were home and homework was done, Dan and I left to sign papers for refinancing our home.  The kids wrote their Santa letters.  After folding laundry, we read and discussed the letter that was written to us from Grandfather for Thanksgiving.  It was so tender, personal, and heartfelt.  It felt like these were some of the most important things he wanted our family to know.  After kids were in bed, Dan and I went over our finances.  

Tuesday our carpool with the Whitchurch family was finally back on!  The kids chose to match all their uniforms with light blue and khaki.  McKenna had a little project where she wrote a story about being a rain drop and going through the water cycle.  Ben finished the creative part of a book report by drawing a portrait of Thomas Jefferson.  After taking Bethany to dance, I ran errands with Ben and Alice (air in tires, post office, library, get gas, and drop stuff off at Winegar's and Hamblin's.)  After dinner we had a dance party, and had a Zoom call with all the Websters to discuss Grandfather's letter.  Dan proved what an awesome #girldad he is by taking Bethany's hair out at bedtime but not losing any clips (all in his mouth).  

Wednesday we had FaceTime piano lessons.  I blogged a lot.  Dan had late Bishop meetings.  

Thursday Alice wasn't acting like herself.  She ate a little less than usual and needed more snuggles than normal.  I kept thinking she might throw up!  Thankfully she did not, but she did start to feel warmer than normal.  Once I took her temperature, it was about 101*.  Poor baby!  She fell asleep in my arms right before the kids got home from school.  Thankfully, McKenna got home first and was able to help all the other kids have lunch while I just held my baby.  It was so nice to snuggle her.  After lunch and some medicine she thankfully perked right up.  I helped kids with homework and called Jonathan.  Anna did dance virtually and I worked more on changing out pictures in frames.  I also made new updated Pilgrim people for our Thanksgiving decorations.  

Friday we woke up with Alice in bed with us.  Thankfully, her fever never came back and no one else got it.  Anna had a Zoom meeting with her class for spotlights.  Dan went to his Murray office and his car was also in the body shop to fix some rusted out scratches.  I tidied the mud room, then the kids all did their own things while I listened to my book and colored, cut out, and glued a paper Christmas village.  Ben had a friend Zoom with Henry and Taggart.  McKenna tried to make cookies but ended up running out of flour so they didn't turn out so well.  Anna played the piano lots.  That night Dan and I went on a date and then did some online Christmas shopping.  We were woken up by a big thunderstorm that night, which is quite rare for November!  

Saturday we picked up Dan's car from the body shop and it looked great!  Dan picked up groceries, the kids played Legos, and watched the BFG.  I did a load of laundry and washed my wallet and make-up bag as well.  We had a chill afternoon napping and watching football.  Anna had a group FaceTime with Desi and Mabel.  My parents stopped by to visit and my dad brought some dry ice for the kids to play with.  We had pizza for dinner.  I also mended the toiletry pouch from my diaper bag and listened more to my book.  *Dan was able to FaceTime Grandfather earlier in the week to discuss some family Christmas gifts and he said it was so fun to see and talk, just the two of them for a few moments!  We also sent a thank you note to him for his Thanksgiving letter and he sent us a thank you email.  He's too thoughtful!  We love him and miss him! 

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