Sunday, January 9, 2022

July 2021- Week 2- Bethany's Burned Bum, YW Outdoor Movie, Ben Loses a Tooth, Youth Conference, Alice and Kaysen, Girls Game Night,

 Thursday I was able to attend the temple to do initiatories.  I took Bethany to run an errand and then McKenna and Ben had rehearsal after lunch.  The rest of us went swimming at Pres. Farnes' pool.  Sadly, Bethany decided to try going down their slide which didn't have any running water on it.  She started out trying to slide down on a pool floatie, but the floatie ended up stopping and her bum slid off and she pushed herself the rest of the way down on her bum (one cheek happened to be out due to a wedgie).  The slide was hot and her one bum cheek got burned!  It took a layer of skin off.  :(  I left Anna and Alice there to swim a little longer and I brought Bethany home to bandage her up.  This meant she wouldn't be able to finished her session of swim lessons, but Jason was nice enough to reschedule her.  Bethany stood to eat her dinner that night and when she did try to sit, she leaned so it wouldn't touch.  After dinner, McKenna's YW class came for an outdoor movie.  They watched Maleficent.  Rachael Alexander also came over to chat about Linda Lemon's health situation (spleen rupturing) and possibly transferring her from Lakeview.  

Friday Dan and I went walking.  The Alexanders and Taggart came over to play.  They played on the silk and played Among Us.  We had some left over pizza for lunch from John and Rachael helping with the food at Youth Conference.  I took McKenna and Ben to get their headshots for the Seussical program.  Bethany went to Hallie's birthday party.  McKenna babysat Emmy Johnson and Dan and I fasted with the ward for Linda Lemon.  Desi came and watched Anna's swim lesson.  After the Alexanders left, we changed Bethany's bum bandage and it was so so sad.  

Saturday I ran 2 miles and weeded while Dan mowed.  I cleaned up Alice and Bethany's room since all the water damage fixes were done!  I weeded some more and Dan took McKenna to get a debit card then organized the garage some.  Rai, Tanner, and Cooper played here some.  Ben and Dan gave each other haircuts.  I worked on Primary stuff, then we cleaned up the basement.  Dan went to Youth Conference alone, then came back later to get me.  Mickelle babysat because McKenna went to swim at Brinley's.  Dan and I went to dinner then went to hear Pres. Farnes' closing remarks at Youth Conference.  When we got home that night, we changed Bethany's bandage again.  Swa and Jake were so nice to bring Bethany a soft pillow to snuggle while we changed the band aid.  We hung out on the front porch that night and it was smokey from California wild fires.  

Sunday we were on time for church and we used bells during Primary Singing time.  After a quiet and normal afternoon (Alice fell asleep on me), Dan and I visited the Chadwick's and their new baby and took them a freezer meal.  After dinner, we had a dessert night with the Hornes, Moultons, and Jensens.  We had a lot of fun talking and even playing in the basement.  After they left and kids were in bed, Dan went to his parent's for a meeting about our upcoming family camping trip.  I worked on getting caught up on Marco Polo.  

 Monday I exercised on the bike because my hip was hurting. Bethany played with Arlee. Mabel and Desi also came to play here. I took McKenna back to school shopping at Old Navy, H&M, and Famous Footwear. Dan took Alice to swim lessons and after dinner I took Anna only as we continued to wait for Bethany’s burn to heal. I also took some flowers to a neighbor who had been struggling with her mental health. Lara hosted a Webster girls game night at her house and grandpa and Adam‘s girlfriend Baylee also came.  We played Code Names.

Tuesday I took Ben for an eye appointment, then we picked up Luke Voehl to come play.  Lola came here briefly after dance, then McKenna and Ben had rehearsal.  I worked on the computer in the afternoon.  The girls (A-Team) had their swim lessons.  Sam came over so he and Dan could season their new camp griddles together.  I had book club that night at Rachael's and we discussed "The Giver of Stars" which was about the women's pack horse library in the Kentucky in the early 1900s.  Very good read. 

Wednesday I went walking with Dan in the morning. I then took the kids to see “Angry Birds 2” and then got school lunch. I worked on my primary lesson while the kids did reading minutes then McKenna and Ben had rehearsal. I worked on picture collages on my phone and after dinner the girls had swim lessons. We also worked on packing for camping a little bit.

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