Sunday, January 9, 2022

July 2021- Week 1- Mantua and Midway, Backstage Performance, Ward Breakfast, McKenna School Friends, Swim Lessons

 Thursday I ran 2 miles and did some yard work.  Bethany packed for Mantua and went up early with Adam to be able to be there for Mia's Birthday boating and dinner.  McKenna went to Whitni Walker's house and Anna went to her dance friend Bailey's house.  We had another worker come work on the basement. Ben and McKenna had Seussical and I chatted with Meghan while Alice played.  After I showered, Tanner, Cooper, Billy, and Rai were all over to play.  I packed for Mantua.  After a quick dinner, we headed to Mantua and enjoyed Mia's birthday dessert and hanging out.  After kids were in bed around 9:45, we just chilled. Dan even rocked baby Will to sleep.  

Friday morning was slow going and we didn't start swimming until 11.  Some of the kids set up a "massage parlor" and Anna rubbed my feet.  After lunch, we went boating and I had my longest run wake surfing which was still only about 20 seconds, but it felt good!  We swam some more and left by 6pm eating dinner on the road.  Once we were home, we had stuff to set up in our front yard for the Independence Day breakfast that would be the next morning.  

Saturday was a busy morning.  McKenna and Ben had to eat and I had to have everyone dressed and ready by 8:00am!  I took McKenna and Ben to their call time for a performance at Centerville park for Backstage.  I came back home and ate with the roughly 120 ward members on our yard then took Alice and went back to watch McKenna and Ben's performance.  They did great but it was pretty hot to sit there!  We got home by 10:15 and the breakfast was all done and Dan was cleaning up.  I tidied up the house and I felt like I was on the verge of a meltdown.  It was a very busy but fun weekend! We packed up food and games and headed up to my parents' for the afternoon.  We chilled and watched "The Sandlot."  I worked on my Primary lesson while the kids played games.  We had hot dogs for dinner and played more games.  We got back home by 9:15pm and watched the Eaglewood fireworks on our lawn with the Alexanders.  Poor Bethany's forehead got 8 mosquito bites.  

Sunday was the 4th of July!  Dan didn't schedule any meetings which was nice.  We sang "My Flag" during primary.  After church we napped, packed and headed back to Mantua.  We had ribs for dinner and then tie dyed shirts, hung out, and played games.  There was a big storm that night and we had a nice family discussion about controversial topics.  

Monday I went for a run/walk around the lake with Laurie.  The kids went swimming and we all cleaned and left the house around 2 so we could get to Midway for the Nelson family party! We all brought our own dinners  then played yard games and had treats.  We were lucky to have a special visit from Grandfather!  First he drove by and waved, we all took a family picture, and then we got to hear a few words from him.  It was wonderful to see him in person for the first time in over a year, but it was still sad we could not hug him due to Covid.  What a fun and busy holiday weekend!  

Tuesday I did lots of laundry and the basement carpet guy came to finish the job. We ran errands and then had lunch.  Desi came to play while McKenna and Ben had rehearsal.  I enjoyed computer time and made a Costco picture order.  Alice had swim lessons and Dan's parents came to eat dinner with us, then Bethany and Anna had swim lessons.  After we folded laundry, we played baseball at the Moulton's.  

Wednesday McKenna had some friends over since Olivia Stock was in town.  Lia and Lyla also came over and they FaceTimed Aliza .  They had lunch here together and left in time for McKenna and Ben to get to rehearsal.  Alice had swim lessons, we ate dinner, then Anna and Bethany had swim lessons. We hung out and played at the Moulton's again, then did baths and bed time while Dan was doing Bishop stuff.  

Videos: Boating at Mantua, 4th of July Seussical Performance, Games at Grandma and Grandpa’s, Swim lessons, Bethany’s Birthday, Get Air.

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