Wednesday, September 1, 2021

June 2021- Week 4- Newsies, Summer Camps, Anna's BD and Baptism, St. George Trip, Dan's BD, Toilet Papering

 Tuesday we woke up with Alice in bed with us.  It's cute but also annoying.  ;) I went walking with Dan, then we went to the park for their Summer camps.  Ben came back with this catapult kit.  Anna and McKenna also had piano.  Henry Alexander and Rai came to play.  McKenna and Ben had Seussical.  After dinner, McKenna and I went to see Trevin Hamblin in Newsies at Centerpoint Theater.  He did so great!  

Wednesday the kids had camps at Mills Park again.  Bethany and Anna did painting.  We went and got school lunch.  Anna played with Aspen.  McKenna and Ben had rehearsal.  I ran to WalMart to get some birthday party stuff for Anna.  Hallie came to play with Bethany.  One of the things we did to prep for Anna's BD was turn a donkey pinata into a unicorn pinata. :)  After dinner, Ben went to his Primary Activity and they built their favorite scripture story out of Legos.  Dan gave Anna her baptism interview that night and we took her on a tour of the baptismal font.  

Thursday Rachael drove the kids to summer camps because Dan and I went to the temple for Jaron Hamblin's endowment.  We got to be the witness couple.  Afterwards, we went on a date to Santorini's.  We also took the van in for an oil change.  When we got home, Dan cleaned out our sink drains and we cleaned our bedroom and bathroom.  I also helped Anna and Bethany to clean their bathroom.  Tanner came to play.  McKenna and Ben had rehearsal.  Dan's parents, Mia, Sam, and Jake came over and we got China Platter for dinner.  We gave Dan's dad his later Father's Day gift, which was a poster of himself which had been in the stands for last year's football games...later autographed by the Utes Football coach Kyle Whittingham.   Ben also had fun once again with the cartoon app.  Anna had a primary activity and McKenna had a swimming acitivity for YW at the Gunnerson's.  I did some birthday party prep, then after kids were in bed, Dan and I visited the Hayford's and their new baby.


Friday Anna and I ran an errand to the store, then we went hiking up Holbrook Canyon with Laurie +2, Brynn +5 and 2 Winegars, and Abril +4.  Alice did surprisingly well again. After lunch, Grace Eckman came to play with McKenna.  I worked on my primary lesson.  Anna said she wasn't feeling well and took a nap in my bed.  I was super worried we were going to have to postpone her party AND baptism, but thankfully, the nap helped a lot and she felt much better.  Anna went to part of Bailey's (dance friend) birthday party.  Dan and Ben ran an errand to Alpha Graphics to print some things for me.  After dinner we had Anna's 8th birthday party!  We played Pin the Horn on the Unicorn, did some water color painting, ring toss, and a pinata.  We also opened presents and had cake and ice cream.  Last, we watched a movie on Netflix called "Wish Upon a Unicorn."  Everyone left by 9:45 and we quickly put kids to bed.  Ben vacuumed for me and I cleaned up some decorations. Because Anna had napped that day, she was up late and helped me get ready for hosting the baptism lunch the next day.  

Saturday was Anna's 8th birthday and her baptism day!  I got up early and made some #8 sugar cookies that crumbled a lot and were such a pain.  Dan's parents stopped by to give her new scriptures!  We got to the church in good time and set everything up.  Emma came early to play prelude and the Stake Primary President, Dawn Sorokine, gave Anna a little gummy bear gift to help her remember the "Bear" covenants she would make.  Anna had so many friends and family come to support her, she felt so loved!  The program went beautifully and we had the Smith's in Alabama and Uncle Jonathan participate via Skype.  We took lots of pictures then went back to the house and waited a while for the pizza.  We ate and enjoyed hanging out till about 3:30.  Desi ended up staying most of the day and played great with Anna.  Anna got to open a few more birthday presents from Aunt Mickelle.  I did laundry, mopped, and also tried to nap.  We had sloppy joes for dinner and ate outside.  After baths and kids were in bed, Dan and I chilled on the front porch.  

Sunday I taught the Baptism song in Primary and Ben gave a talk, Anna did the Article of Faith, and Bethany gave a scripture.  When we got home I worked on planning the next week's singing time.  Alice had a bit of an upset stomach and took a nap on me.  After dinner, we took treats over to the Alexander's and had dessert with them and the Pugsleys.  After kids were in bed, I worked more on singing time and wrote the Nelson News.  

Monday after breakfast we packed, Dan picked up groceries, and we borrowed a 12 passenger van for a quick trip St. George.  We left by 1pm and ran a quick errand.  We had snacks for lunch in the van, I listened to my book a lot and the kids watched "Minions."  Everyone was loving having so much space to spread out!  We stopped in Scipio for gas and there was a little traffic here and there.  The kids also watched "Lego Movie".  We stopped in Cedar City for dinner at a burger place and we saw Susan W. Tanner who was a past YW general president.  We got to our hotel by 8:45pm and put the kids to bed.  

Tuesday Dan left early to go to work.  He was helping his coworkers move the St. George office to a new building.  I took the kids to get breakfast and then to the Children's museum and splash pad.  They loved it!  We had a picnic lunch at the splash pad and left at 3.  We met Dan back at the hotel and I grabbed a quick nap.  We then went to swim at Dan's coworker's house.  It stormed on us a little and Alice fell in with no floaties on, but overall we had a good time.  We went to a Mexican food place for dinner then found a cool park to play at.  Last, we went to a fancy dessert place called Sweet Roll tacos.  Everyone slept great that night!  

Wednesday was Dan's 39th BD!  After breakfast, I hurried back to the room before everyone and put up some quick decorations.  We gave Dan one of his gifts, then packed and got ready to leave.  We left St. George by 11 and I listened to my book a lot.  Dan and I talked finances too.  Crazy enough, Dan also made a stop at an Ace Hardware to visit an old ward member in need of some love.  The kids watched the live action "Beauty and the Beast" and "Mary Poppins."  We also stopped in Scipio for a quick hello to my Thompson Grandparents' graves.  We got home around 5:15 and unloaded and unpacked.  We cleaned out the van and kids took baths and showers.  After kids ate, Dan and I went out to dinner at Hug Hes for Dan's birthday.  We were both super tired, but I needed Dan gone so the youth could give Dan a birthday surprise of toilet papering our house!  They did a great job!  And thankfully they stayed to help clean up as well!  Alice had a hard time falling asleep that night since she had napped in the car, so she came out of her bed and played until she crashed on the floor. 

June Videos- Part 2:
Anna and Bethany dance recital, Ben catapult, Bamboleo dance, Ben iMovie cleaning a toilet, Anna’s birthday and after baptism party, St. George Children’s museum and park, Dan’s Bd youth TP house.

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