Wednesday, September 1, 2021

May 2021- Week 1- Marjorie's Book Launch, 15th Anniversary!, Painted Front Door, Bethany Rides a Bike!

 Saturday morning McKenna had open silks.  After breakfast Dan and Jake Winegar spent some time loading some stuff from Dan's parents' storage shed to bring over to the new house.  We all spent some time over there.  I weeded my whole yard in 30 mins. The kids played outside and Dan mowed.  I also taught McKenna how to shave her legs!  Ben played at the Alexander's.  Our family went for a bike ride on the Legacy trail, while I stayed in the car and worked on my RS Conference talk.  Dan and Ben got haircuts.  McKenna babysat while Dan and I went to Marjorie Lowder's children's book launch party.  Once the crowd started thinning out, and we knew most of us had been vaccinated, it felt amazing to be around some Nelson family members and socialize without masks!  We arrived home to McKenna and Ben reading our old family scrapbooks and laughing so much!  


Sunday I sang in church with my three middle kids with Amy Pugsley and her three oldest kids.  We sang, "Mother Tell Me the Story."  I did Primary with the kids at home and had Zoom Sunday School.  After lunch, I had my Zoom story writing class but had a bad connection.  After dinner, we went for a walk. After kids were in bed, Dan helped me with my talk and I started to feel like it was coming together! 

Monday was our 15th wedding anniversary!  We had a normal day of school, homework, and laundry.  Dan also painted our front door a new color, which matches our patio cushions perfectly!  We went on a dinner date to the new Bountiful Olive Garden, and while we waited for a table, we went to Costco to buy new pots and pans!  McKenna sent us a cute picture of them all playing Harry Potter Clue together.  We also got some beautiful yellow flowers from Megan Rowe's garden.  We watched our wedding video and folded laundry after kids were in bed. 

Tuesday Lyla came over to play after homework.  I also got a call from our neighbor Meghan Johnson about Alice admitting to scratching Meghan's car with a rock!  I felt SO awful but was not surprised with how much Alice loves rocks these days.  Meghan was so nice about it and I gave her the name of a body shop we've used and told her to please let us pay for it!  Ben had baseball practice.  McKenna babysat for the Jonhsons.  She did face "paint" on them (more like crayon) and we played outside after dinner.  I worked more on my talk.  
Wednesday I got up a little early and made a soup for a teacher appreciation lunch.  After school, the kids had piano and I worked on my talk.  The kids played outside and I talked with Meghan and Nicole Boes for a bit.  Bethany decided to officially learn how to ride a two wheeler bike!  The smallest bike we have is still a little too big for her, so she borrowed Cooper's bike for a few and she totally got it!  

Thursday we got woken up early by a low battery smoke alarm going off. :(  I worked more on my talk and after homework I read outside and chatted with Meghan.  Dan worked on sprinklers.  Anna and McKenna had dance and silks.  Dan's YM activity was making hand prints in plaster of paris for Mother's Day. We also found out that the house across the street sold to the MOULTON family in our ward and we could not be more excited! 

Friday I went walking with Rachael.  Dan's parents flew in from Hawaii for the weekend!  Anna played with Desi and Mabel.  Dan's parents napped for a while and then came over for lunch.  Ben went to Caleb's and McKenna had Lia and Aliza over.  Bethany went to Hallie's and Anna went to Aspen's.  I took McKenna and her friends to shop at a new store called "Five Below."  The bought a couple matching shirts and jewelry.  I picked up Anna and groceries.  Dan, Ben, and Anna worked on delivering lunches to Relief Society sisters in the ward for the Stake RS conference the next day.  After dinner, Dan and I went to Ben's baseball game.  I felt like a hardcore parent because it was cold and it rained on us but we stuck it out! We got some hot chocolate after and Dan and I put the finishing touches on my talk for the next day.  

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