Wednesday, September 1, 2021

May 2021- Week 2- Stake RS Conf. Talk, Mother's Day, Ben Rubik's Cube, School Spring Fling

Saturday I gave my talk in Stake Relief Society Conference that I had been thinking about and working on since they asked me in January!  My topic was, "I am a child of God: making family history meaningful and fun."  I was nervous, but I felt good about it and was so thankful for the opportunity to study about this topic.  I love to journal, blog and document my family so I shared a little about that and also about the importance of family stories.  I even shared Aunt Majorie's video of Grandmother Dantzel Nelson singing "Pudding on the Moon" which she used to sing to her posterity! The technology worked great and everything went smoothly!  Afterwards, I ate my boxed lunch with Brynn and Swa who were hanging out at Dan's parents' new house.  Dan spent the morning cleaning out our garage.  I also tried to scrub some stuff off the side of the house.  Cousins Eli and Mila came to play for a bit.  Anna went to the Boes to play with Alex during Tori's birthday party.  She had a blast!  The rest of us at pizza and played games at Grandma and Grandpa's new place.  
Sunday was Mother's Day!  Dan scheduled no meetings so he helped us get there early so we could practice our song with the Pugsleys.  After the meeting it was fun to hang out outside and chat a little with friends before Dan was ready to go home.  We left right after that for Sam and Lara's house for Will's baby blessing! We had lunch there and had a blast being with cousins. 
We got home around 2 and my sweet children and Dan showered me with cards and gifts! Ben (with help from Dan) made an awesome wood block infinity cube and put family pictures on it! Super cool!  I also got a cute new shirt and comfy pants.  I can't remember a time when I didn't want to be a mother and I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have to be one in this life and forever!  I'm so thankful for all the women who surround me in my life and are awesome examples to me.  After a nice nap, we had dinner at Dan's parent's house and played games.  

Monday after lunch we watched William Alexander.  After he left, we went to West Bountiful park to play with Jett and Aliza Allred.  We're all sad they're moving to Tennessee. Jeanne Voehl was also there with her kids.  Ben has been close friends with Jett and Luke this year.  After dinner, we were able to serve the Moultons a little by weeding in their back yard to help them get ready to list their house for sale.  

Tuesday after homework I needed to run up to Layton to pick up a bin from my dad that had some stuff of theirs from South America.  I also stopped by Laurie's to pick up a 4X4 Rubik's cube for Ben to borrow for a school project.  I chatted with Meghan for a bit while Bethany practiced riding her bike more!  Ben had baseball practice and Alice had a particularly hard time with dinner.  After kids were in bed and Dan had church meetings, he installed new door stops at his parents' house.  

Wednesday Meghan watched Alice for me while volunteered in Bethany's class teaching about 2 of the 7 continents (Australia and South America).  The kids had piano.  That evening, Dan and I got to attend Ryan Olson's endowment session at the Jordan River Temple in preparation for he and Sophie's sealing!  It was awesome as always to be back in the temple.  We ate dinner on the way home.  Dan had late night with Bishop stuff.  I felt very grateful the kids were happy and safe while we were gone so far away and unreachable.  Such a nice blessing of being in the temple.  That night Ben also figured out how to solve the 4x4 Rubik's cube!  I took a picture of Bethany's chair in her room with some books and fake glasses on it because it reminded me of an old lady.  

Two funny things Alice said recently, she wanted to join in on a hug between Dan and I, so she runs up to us and says, "And ME!" and grabs us!  She also started praying one evening and I think she forgot what she was doing.  She kind of started talking, like stream of consciousness talking, and then ended her prayer with, "And so, yeah."  :) 

Thursday I decided to clean the porch after kids homework.  The cushions all needed a good vacuum.  I called Jonathan and took Anna to dance.  Anna also had activity days where they made friendship bracelets.  Since Sunday was going to be my first time teaching Primary singing time in person since the Pandemic started, I was looking for shakers in the Nursery closet.  Dan performed Tayah Brown's wedding that evening.  

Friday I went walking with Rachael, then McKenna had her last student council meeting.  I weeded for two hours.  The girls had a picnic lunch outside.  Emi and Arlee came to play with Anna and Bethany, respectively. McKenna and Ben practiced their auditions.  We took pizza that night to the school Spring Fling Fundraiser.  I chatted with Erica Day a bit.  We enjoyed the art work and the Jr. High band, orchestra, and theater performers.  McKenna stayed with her friends and the rest of us went to Ben's baseball game.  
May videos part 1: Ben and McKenna laughing, Bethany rides a bike, Anna making Alice laugh, Ben baseball, Emma piano, Alice silly face

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