Tuesday, May 3, 2011

More Egg Hunts

I'm a little behind in blogging post-Easter events, so these pictures will have minimal captions.

Dan's trying to snag a picture of Kenna before she started the hunt with all her cousins at Grandma's house.
And she's off...

Can you tell who took these pictures? Must be someone tall. :)
Some sidewalk chalk, bubbles, a candle for mommy, stuffed dinosaur for Ben, and a rubber band airplane for Dan. :) Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Webster!

We were pretty excited this was the first official visit from the Easter Bunny to our house. So we probably took a few more pictures than we will in the future. Here's the set up he left:

Candy and eggs all over her dollhouse...
on the rocks...

The Easter Bunny also brought Kenna a new Dora book.
Easter morning

We are also so thankful to be able also celebrate the true meaning of Easter- the infinite Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ! We're still trying to think of ways to teach a 2 year old about the Atonement. Any ideas? :)


ME Moon said...

I liked Dan's "morning hair". And you've got stuff hung on the walls!!! That means you're REALLY moved in.
As for 2 year olds and Easter--Melissa Roth says Sugardoodle has good stuff for that. :)

Mr and Mrs Smith and Co said...

Holy moly! That child had a ton of Easter Egg hunts!!!! We also have that exact Dora book :) As for teaching a 2 yr old about the Atonement, I got nothing. We wait until they are a bit older :)

joel and laura michelle said...

great job easter bunnies! looks like you guys had many fun easter celebrations. lots of love!