When Bethany was tiny, she loved to fall asleep with a blanket covering her face. Similar to that, on Monday I took this picture of her. She often buries her face in my armpit when I'm rocking her to sleep. Silly girl.
Monday evening we watched Anna's friend Gigi.
Tuesday we pulled out the exersaucer and Bethany loved it!
She sounds like a little squeak toy when she laughs sometimes.
Wednesday I went visiting teaching and McKenna had a playdate with Camille.
Thursday Dan was home sick with a yucky cough. Ben and Anna had friends over for a playdate. That night I gave Dan a haircut.
Friday we went to watch cousin Oliver participate in his preschool "olympics." Then we had a potluck lunch with aunts Swa and Brynn and available kids. That evening we attended our ward's Cub Scout spaghetti dinner fundraiser. The cubs provided the entertainment and it was brilliant!
That night we decided to take Anna's binkies away. In the past we waited until McKenna and Ben were 3 years old. Anna's not 3 until the end of June. However, the green round soothie binkies we received in the hospital have given her some cute buck teeth. So we decided not to wait anymore. The good news is, since she has given up naps, she's so tired at night that she goes right to sleep! She hardly cried at all! Lucky us...and her! And we have already noticed her teeth moving back into place.
Saturday we did some yard work and Dan took McKenna and Ben to a Utah basketball game with Uncle Sam.
I ran some errands with the baby girls in the afternoon. Anna found this back-up binkie in the diaper bag and used it for a little soothing before falling asleep. Silly binkie stealer.
Sunday Anna just couldn't keep her eyes open anymore around 5pm. Poor girl was also coming down with ANOTHER little cold and Dan was happy to give her snuggles.
Sunday night, this is how we watched the Oscars (Notice Dan's earphones? He watched something else on the iPad). ;)
Monday, Leap Day, I took Ben for his 5 year old well check.
Ben's 5 Year Stats
Height: 42.5in (2.5in increase in 1 year) 30th percentile
Weight: 39lbs (3lb increase in 1 year) 30th percentile