Tuesday, September 11, 2018

June '18- Week 2- Splash Pad, Webster June BDs, Park Recital, Swimming at Winegar's, Summer Camps, More Potty Training, Dan's High Adventure,

Friday we went to ladies lunch at Lewis park and then went to the splash pad.  The Lewises and the Moultons came with us.  It's always more fun with friends!  I was so proud of how brave Bethany was as well.  

That evening we went on an impromptu picnic and hike up Mueller Park Canyon with the Pugsleys.  
I feel so grateful to have such solid, uplifting friends in the neighborhood!  Bethany continued to do well with potty training.  She had no pee accidents and only one poop accident.  

Saturday I went running 1 mile with McKenna!  She did well! I took Alice to a brunch with Mickelle, Bonnie, and Jonathan at Original Pancake house then I ran a few errands.  
McKenna was lucky enough to go with a school friend to Hale Theater's production of The Music Man! (Bottom picture is from Ben attending Henry Alexander's BD party.)
That evening I finished a few projects I'd been working on (painting Alice's name and Dan's Father's Day calendar).  
Sunday my parents came to town!  We spent a restful afternoon with them and then went to Webster family dinner where we celebrated June birthdays (Dan and Anna from our family).  
Monday we ran some errands in the morning then met Laura Lewis and Kylee Behunin at the new Creekside Park.  That evening McKenna had her recital kickoff park performance.  She was so fun to watch and Bethany loved putting on Grandma Kelly's necklace and earrings and my high heals.  
**I finished up a 7 day fast from Instagram and wanted to make note of a few things.  It was easier than I thought it would be.  I didn't miss it as much as I thought I would.  I unfollowed around 10 accounts.  I found myself thinking about people who post a lot. :)  I moved the app to another screen so I don't mindlessly click on it.  And most of all, it helped me realize I don't NEED Instagram, but I need to make sure I'm using it for the right purposes (to connect with family and friends and use it as a missionary tool when possible).  

Tuesday I found Alice with one arm out of her jammies. The rest of the kids started Summer camps!  McKenna and Ben had basketball camp, and Anna had adventure camp.  Meanwhile, I loved having a morning at the park to play with Bethany and talk with Rachael and Kylee.  I took all our old baby boy clothes to a ward friend; the ending of an era storing all those clothes just in case we had another boy. :)  That afternoon my parents came to babysit while I went and had my yearly blood work for and ultrasound on my thyroid.  Anna played with Desi and Ben played at Taggart's while McKenna went to dance. Bethany finally popped in the potty so she could earn her Shimmer and Shine microphone!  
We had a nice dinner that night with my parents (grilled salmon!).  

Wednesday Dan left for the high adventure camp out with the priests.  We went swimming at the Winegar's with cousins...Alice's first time in the pool!  She liked it! No fussing at all.  

Aunt Lara got some great videos! 

We got home and everyone was a little sun burned, very tired, and hot! Thankfully my parents came to babysit so I only had to take Ben and Alice to Ben's last baseball game.  This was a tournament game which they unfortunately lost.  But he received a participation trophy and said he had a good time!  
That night was a particularly rough night for some reason, and since Dan was gone on his campout, it all fell to me.  Bethany pooped in her diaper, Anna was up from 3-5 ish, and I fed Alice at 4:45. Ugh!  

Thursday the kids had Summer camps and McKenna had a stake activity days activity.  
Tried Alice out in the Bumbo so Bethany had to try it too.  Alice needs a little more core strength to hold herself up. :) 
Ben played at the Alexander's and Anna played at Paisley's.  We went to lunch and visited with Grandma Pat that afternoon.  McKenna had dance again (extra practices leading up to the recital).  Ben stayed with my parents while I took to the three little girls to play at a park while we waited for McKenna to be done at dance.  We had dinner with my parents and then the kids worked on their Father's Day cards.  

Dan sent a couple pictures from their activity.  The Star Valley Temple and their amazing feasts cooked by Steven Day.  
They had a lovely time and the boys learned important lessons about sun screen and rapids. 

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