Tuesday, September 11, 2018

June '18- Week 3- McKenna's Recital, Alice's Baby Blessing, Chalk Art, NFBD, Summer Camps, Lemonade Stand, Gpa Mike's Work Party

Friday we went to 5 Points Park for ministering visits with Shelly and Amy.  Then I took the kids straight to Grandma's house for Grandma's camp where they did some cooking (muddy buddies and blueberry scones).  
The kids were home for lunch and my parents and Mickelle came over.  The kids got to have more grandma time and made a craft with my mom.  I took McKenna to her recital dress rehearsal.  My parents and sister stayed for dinner and I worked on some laundry and grocery order after kids were in bed.  
*I was so thankful for my parents and Mickelle's help in the evenings while Dan was gone at his camp out!  I'm also grateful for Val Mills who called to offer to bring a fruit platter for Alice's baby blessing on Sunday. 

Saturday morning was normal with chores and kids playing.  Anna got some cute giggles out of Alice.  
Dan got home around lunch time and I made a breakfast casserole for the brunch for after Alice's blessing.  The Panter's were nice enough to watch Anna and take her to Lizzie's BD party while the rest of us went to McKenna's dance recital.  Unfortunately, Dan had to miss the recital and went to the chalk art festival for work. McKenna danced to a hip hop version of Be Our Guest and did great! We were able to watch cousin Lola as well! 
We got dinner on the way home and did baths and bed time.  Bethany once again went poop in the potty and was excited to get her microphone back! 
Sunday was Father's Day and Alice's baby blessing.  Thankfully, she slept through the night the night before.  She also fell asleep right before it was go time.  I'm so thankful for my Grandma Pat and Dan's Grandfather who were able to attend!  The Ah Yen's are so nice to give Dan a Hawaiian Lei every Father's Day Sunday.   A couple things that stood out to me about Alice's blessing were that she was blessed to have charity and that her older siblings will look up to her.  
A sweet sister in our ward, Cheryl Freebairn, has always done us a great service by taking notes during all of our baby blessings.  This is the first time she emailed me the notes so I thought I would include them here.  

Notes on blessing of Alice Katherine Webster, June 17, 2018, by her father, Bishop Dan Webster:
Sweet Alice, we give you a blessing and an expression of love, as the men in your life to look up to. We bless you with a knowledge of the restored Gospel, that you will always have it in your life, seek to share it and as you do so, find great joy and happiness and bring others to knowledge of truth. Bless you with . . . Spirit. As the Lord feels necessary, blessed with ability to help others and use gifts in building up the Kingdom of God.  Most of all, gift of charity, have a deep love and feeling of affection to those who are closest to you and those you don’t know . . . Your presence has been a blessing in our home. Cultivate that joy in lifting others and inspiring. Bless you that as you go throughout your life that you will be given opportunities to share the Gospel. Progress along covenant path and waters of baptism and temple. As you are sealed to a spouse of your choice   . . . find great happiness. Alice, you have remarkable women in your life, with us and beyond the veil who will be guardian angels to you and inspire you. As you listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost that you will be  . . . God’s will. Know of our love. You came into our family when we needed you to come. Be cohesive . . . among siblings and seek your guidance. We love you and leave these blessings upon you and all others that our father in Heaven wills.
 My dad got to hold sleeping Alice for the rest of the meeting.  
We gathered in Dan's Dad's office (he's our Stake President) right after Sacrament meeting where Grandfather and Wendy gave us some sweet momentoes.  
 FOUR Generations!  (Daddy-daughter, Mother-Son, and Daddy-Daughter)
 My dad caught this "behind the scenes" picture of me fixing Alice's shoe.  
 The brunch after was delicious and lovely to be with family.  
 SO grateful my parents could be in town and for Dan's parents hosting.  
All the amazing priesthood holders (missing Jake Winegar and Grandfather) who stood in her circle.  After we got home, we celebrated Dan and my dad for Father's day! 
My dad took this picture of a lazy Sunday afternoon with many of us napping.  One of my favorite things to do on a Sunday afternoon like this is to nurse while both Alice and I sleep. 
 When everyone woke up we headed to the Gateway to see the chalk art we missed the day before.  
The two pictures on the top are the same drawing just taken from right side up and up side down.  Two different pictures in one.   
We had scones and bacon and fruit for dinner and played Banana Grams. I went ahead and tried eating dairy again to see how Alice would react.  She was ok but did have a couple larger spit-ups that evening.  So I decided to stay off dairy for a little longer.  

Monday we did some cleaning in the morning.  McKenna had a playdate with Brinley.  Ben's glasses were broken and when he dozed off in the car on the way home from Brinley's house, they fell off his face. :) 
That evening was the Nelson Family party at the Irion's so the kids got to go swimming.  They especially loved the hot tub. 
Happy Birthday June babies! 
Tuesday the kids had summer camps (cute Bethany and Daisy Behunin playing while we wait for their older siblings), then Brittana came to play for a bit.  After lunch McKenna and Brittana did a lemonade stand.  
Alice was being especially adorable and in a good mood. 

Ben turned into Olaf with his stick arms.  
Tuesday evening we went to my Dad's work picnic.  This year they had it at This is the Place!  The was the same (always delicious) and this year they had train rides, bounce house slide, face painting, and games and prizes!  They went all out! 

We stayed so long that at the end they had so many prizes to get rid of they were pretty much throwing them into a crowd of dancing children.  
Wednesday we had a cousin swim day at Mantua with Ailin and kids and Stewarts. 
My parents came over for dinner that night.  

Thursday the kids had Summer camps and I sorted through lots of toys.  Unfortunately, this was also the day Dan's dad went into the hospital with a punctured stomach.  They decided to put in a stent to bypass the hole in an effort to help the hole heal up. More on that later...

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