Monday, January 7, 2019

Oct. '18- Week 1- School Pictures!, Duel Creek Hike, Alice Pig Tails and 7 Months, Basement Flood, General Conference

We got school pictures back! Picture of a picture.  

 Quite possibly one of my favorite memes ever! 
 Monday Anna went to Emi Atkin's for a play date.  I clipped the rose bush back and swept our front steps.  That evening we went on a Fall hike with Amy Pugsley and kids up Deuel Creek.  Ed unfortunately forgot and had to work late.  The leaves were pretty great and it was very nice weather.  
We had a late dinner and once kids were in bed, Dan caulked and painted baseboards.  

Tuesday I went to Jan Evans's class again.  After lunch and drop off, Meghan Johnson came over to help me talk through some home decor stuff.  Anna had a hard time going to ballet and McKenna started really digging her heals in about wanting to quit piano lessons.  Of course we just say, "sorry, too bad" in so many words and tough it out.  After dinner, Ben had his first night of Jr. Jazz instructional league.  He really liked it and it gave him a good workout! 

Wednesday I went walking with Rachael and where I noticed Alice and I were kind of matching.  McKenna and Ben had piano, Anna had music, and I nursed at Hogan park while Ben and Bethany played.  I noticed Ben's top teeth were finally growing in after 11 months!  We found out that night that our basement had water in it! :(  We had water coming in behind the walls up through the foundation.  We're pretty sure the cause was because our gutters weren't functioning/draining properly, so water was pouring down and into a crack just behind the house.

After baths Ben was playing with Alice and he put her in the bin with all of McKenna's stuffed animals.  Not sure she liked it very much.  
 After big kids were in bed, I hung out with Alice in her room while Dan and his counselors were setting up fans in the basement to dry things out.  Dan called this their "working Bishopric meeting". I decided before I cut Alice's mullet, I would try out some pig tails!  She looked adorable and a little like the character "Pinkalicious."  
Alice also turned 7 months old!  
 Thursday Rachael was nice enough to watch the three little girls while I went running. I only attempted 1 mile and boy am I out of shape.  
I took these pictures of Alice when I got back.  I love comparison pictures! 
Alice also got her first tooth!! I prepped the basement since the Bramalls would be coming over to help move some furniture so we could dry out the wet rooms.  We had more heavy rain that evening and Ben's baseball game was cancelled.  McKenna had Activity Days.  All the kids slept in the upstairs bedroom, and I sorted through the papers from the desk that were still sitting on our fireplace.  

Friday my brother came over.  I went walking with Rachael.  Dan cleaned out the gutters.  And because Jonathan was here, Dan took me out for a lunch date at Sweeto Burrito.  We babysat Hazel. Ben went to a BD party at Kangaroo Zoo.  After dinner we got Halloween decorations out! Unfortunately, that night as we were cleaning up the Patio room, we found out the back corner of the room was soaked and had mold!  
Saturday was General Conference Day!  A new 2 hour church schedule was announced, along with the "Home centered, Church supported" curriculum.  I went through kids' school papers while listening.   
McKenna and I were able the General Women's session in the conference center while Dan was at Grandma and Grandpa's with the other kids for a pizza/movie party.  Grandfather gave 4 challenges to the sisters.  1.) Read the Book of Mormon by the end of the year, 2.) Social Media fast, 3.) Make time for the temple, 3.) fully participate in Relief Society.  
Sunday Dan and McKenna went to the Conference Center for the Sunday morning session.  At the end of the PM session, 12 new temples were announced!  Then we hopped in the car to head down town to the Church Office Building for the Nelson Family Conference Recap.  A new tradition was born for dinner-- Conference Quesadillas (yummy Six Sisters recipe in the crock pot)!  The kids did well sitting for so long in general throughout the weekend.  McKenna did say she felt "overloaded."  I can totally relate.  Sometimes General Conference can be a LOT to take in and ponder!  I came into this weekend wondering what I can do to be a better wife and mother.  I feel like my answer was to get back to the temple regularly, spend less time on my phone, and be more present with my kids.  

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