Monday, January 7, 2019

Sept. '18- Week 4- Flooring Done!, Alice Laughing Videos, Primary Program, Insta Poll About Alice's Mullet

Saturday was a busy day...Dan took a load of our wall and kitchen floor demo to the dump.  I took the girls to Kyra Koehler's baby shower.  Anna had a play date at Lizzie's.  Ben had baseball practice.  Later, McKenna went to Brinley's BD party at the rec center.  The boys got hair cuts and we went to In N Out for dinner and a treat at Dairy Queen.  

Sunday the youth sang Hope of Israel in Sacrament meeting.  I practiced and sang again with the Primary.  Dan taught all the youth the 3rd hour about "wellness."  That evening we had Webster family dinner and celebrated September BDs.

Monday Desi and Will Alexander came over to play.  After lunch Bethany fell asleep in the basement while playing.  We ate pasta salad at Ben's baseball game that evening. He had a great hit but got out. 

Tuesday Ben had a field trip to Cross E Ranch and had a blast! I went to Jan Evans's scripture class and drove kindergarten carpool.  We hung out in the basement a lot again and the drywall guy came to do another coat.  I helped again with Anna's class in computers.  After Anna had ballet and kids did homework, we had a soup dinner at Dan's mom and dad's house because we thought our kitchen would have been unusable due to more floor demo.  Turns out the floor guys came that morning and assessed that they needed more tools and another guy to help, so they wouldn't officially start work until the next day.  Arg! *By this point in our home improvement project, I was feeling like I was in a "funk" with our house in shambles.  I knew it was only temporary, but it was still hard.

Wednesday the drywall guy finished his job so all we needed to do was paint.  We had McDonald's breakfast and the flooring guys came to finish demo and start installation!  Because our kitchen was out of commission, I went and got Kneaders for lunch and ate it at Lewis Park while the kids played.  Shelly Jaynes, Erica Day, and Brynn joined us.  After kids got home from school, I babysat Jack Jaynes for a bit.  Anna had music that afternoon so we spent some time at Hogan park while we waited for her to be done.  

Floor progress shots.  
Dan met us at Ben's baseball game with tacos for dinner then he had church meetings that night.

Thursday I had a bad head ache!  The flooring guys came.  I packed a lunch and ate in the car while I drove carpool, then we had parent teacher conferences.  All the kids had AWESOME reports from their teachers! I'm so thankful for my amazing kids!  That evening we ate at Grandma and Grandpa's again because we still had no kitchen.   After eating, we went to walk through Swa and Jake's NEW HOUSE!  The flooring guys made so much progress that day, that we could take down the plastic and get ready to clean all the construction dust. 
Friday I went walking with Rachael.  Alice fell asleep in the stroller.  The flooring guys came to finish the job! 
I babysat Hazel during lunch.  After lunch the kids and Dan came home and the flooring guy FINISHED!  We asked Bethany to wash her face off after having Nutella and it ended up just looking like dirt smudges leftover on her face. :)  We hired Tuulikki (from the ward) to come clean and Dan and I worked along side her to help things move along quicker.  We were finally getting our house back together! 
Ben trying to get Alice to laugh. 
 McKenna and Ben went to the Lewis's to play. We had Zupa's for dinner.  After kids were in bed, we did paint prep by taping off.  

Saturday Dan worked on painting then we went to Ligi Ah Yen's baptism and lunch.  Following which Ben had baseball practice.  I went grocery shopping while Dan and McKenna helped Sarah Jane and Jake move into their NEW HOUSE!  Jonathan came over while Dan and I continued to clean and paint.  Mickelle came over later in the evening, we had pizza dinner and did baths.  
LOVING these "after" pictures!  

Sunday was our Primary Program!  I was so proud of all our kids, but especially ANNA!  She said her part and didn't even cry!  Ben of course loved bouncing in the chairs on the stand.  McKenna and Ben both said their parts well and they all sang beautifully! 
Ben took another cute video trying to get Alice to laugh. 
That evening was our ward "Walk About."  We stopped by the Alexander's and the Rowe's, then to mom and dad's house to nurse Alice and say hi.  

I took a poll on Instagram to see who would agree with me that Alice's mullet needed a trim?  The majority did agree with me. :) 

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