Saturday, September 7, 2019

June '19- Week 2- Watching Lola and Mila, Ben's Last Baseball, New Insulation, Beginning of Cabinets, McKenna Dance Camp,

Saturday I ran 3 miles!  Ben had an eye appointment since he broke his glasses at volleyball camp and needed an updated prescription anyway. Dan got home from youth conference!  After lunch, we went across the street to hang out with the Swansons for a bit.  The kids loved holding their little bunnies.  Then we enjoyed some time with Dan since we'd missed him so much!  I gave Alice a hair trim that night.  

Sunday we learned "Love One Another" in Primary.  Mickelle spent the afternoon with us.  We watched Studio C and Random Acts.  Our Come Follow Me lesson was about Gethsemane and we watched some videos about an olive press.  We had dinner that night at Sam and Lara's.  We started watching Lola and Mila that night while Jake and Abril were on a trip with Eli.  

Monday I ran 2.5.  The three middle kids started their WX City Summer camps: Anna- arts and crafts, Ben- flag football, Bethany- Music.  I enjoyed hanging out at the park with other moms from the ward (Rachael Alexander, Meghan Johnson, Kylee Behunin, and Erica Day).  
 After that, we went and had free kids lunch at Bountiful Park.  The food was not great, but it was worth trying once.  After that, McKenna started a dance camp at Backstage studio.  
 That afternoon we babysat Audrey Day.  Alice didn't love sharing her toys, but Audrey was so cute and pretty much silent the whole time!  After dinner, Lola and Mila left with another babysitter and we went to Ben's baseball game...which they won! 
Dan and I folded laundry that night and watched "Hidden Figures."  

Tuesday Bethany played at Arlee's.  We went to school lunch again then took McKenna to dance camp.  I went to the first Personal History Story writing class started by Sarah Moulton.  She encouraged us not to write only about out life story chronologically, but to write about events that helped shape us.  Every week we would share a story with each other and would help critique each other's stories by asking for more details or clarification on somethings.  I added all of my stories to my account in Family Search.  After the class, we went swimming at the Gunnerson's.  Then Anna had dance and Ben had another baseball game, which they lost and it put them out of the tournament.  He had a great season!  
Wednesday I ran two miles with Sarah Moulton.  The kids had their summer camps at Mills Park and McKenna and Ben had piano. Emi came over to play.  Then we had some new insulation put in the attic by the "Energy Experts."  Jordan also came over to play that afternoon.  Bethany did a cute ribbon dance I got a video of.  
(McKenna's crimped hair looked so pretty before baths.  :) 

That night I went to my ministering interviews then Dan and I got the kitchen drawers ready to be picked up by the cabinet people.  

Thursday we babysat Clara Koehler for her mom's last day of work.  She was so cute and fun.  Alice had a bit of a hard time sharing again so she made sure "establish her dominance" by crawling all over her.  Anna loved feeding Clara her bottle. :) 
Grace Eckman also came over to play.  I worked on mending clothes.  McKenna had dance camp, and our cabinets were all removed to start off the reface project!   I had to get creative to keep Alice out of the kitchen.  I didn't work real great, but at least helped slow her down.  
That afternoon, I took the kids to Dan's work where they watched a movie while Dan and I attended an open house down the hall for his boss (CEO), Kelly Peterson, who was retiring.  I went home and made dinner and Dan took McKenna and Ben and went to the ward game night, which got rained out, so they went inside.  

Friday I did some light jogging and the cabinet guys showed up bright and early, so we went to McDonald's for breakfast! After that, I went and got my annual thyroid blood work done then we ran another errand.  McKenna had dance and the rest of us got Wendy's for lunch then played at 5 Points Park for a bit.  (Cute video of Alice sliding- above)
We only stayed for a little while since McKenna's dance camp was having their end of camp showcase showing the two routines they learned.  McKenna was so cute and reminded me of ME. :)

Come Alive!

BTS Song (with Alice interruption) 

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