Saturday, September 7, 2019

May '19- Week 4- My BD!, Preschool Carnival, Pack Meeting, McK's Utah Day, Mantua Memorial Day, NFBDP, Anna Kindergarten Grad., Last Day of School!

Wednesday Desi and Will Alexander came over to play.  McKenna finished her "float" for her Utah county project.  Her assigned county was Sanpete.  Ben had a baseball game and McKenna and I went to her "Frozen" parent meeting with Ms. Jules.  

Thursday was my 35th birthday!  I ran 1.5 miles while Dan and the kids decorated.  This was also the day I decided to officially be done nursing Alice. :(  The ending of an era! I had only been nursing her once a day, in the morning usually.  However, lately she had been latching on, would suck for a bit, then sign "all done," like there was nothing there.  :) So it was time to be done.  
She likes to take her arm out of her jammies quite frequently.  
Bethany's preschool had an end of the year carnival at Hogan Park.  We went there towards the end of the carnival and delivered all her teacher gifts.  She had Ms. Jess, Ms. Angel, Ms. Tara, and Ms. Dani (not pictured).  They were all so sweet and kind!  It was quite chilly, but the girls loved that they got cotton candy and face paint.  Then we took Anna to school.  
Rachael Alexander was nice enough to watch Alice and Bethany that day so Dan and I could go to lunch (Acai Bowls) and then go to the temple (for Initiatories).  Dan's car got an oil change, then we went home to nap before kids got home from school.  I took McKenna to voice lessons then looked at DownEast for some possible new bar stools.  Then we met Dan and the rest of the kids at Mo Bettah's for dinner and went to Ben's Cub Scout pack meeting where we learned about flight and made paper airplanes.  Both mine and Dan's parents called me and after kids were in bed I worked on prepping their end of year teacher gifts (Simply brand Lemonade, "You are 'SIMPLY' the best teacher!") 
The kids made up a song and routine to Newsie's "Now is the Time to Seize the Day," but they sang about Alice's "rights."  :)  "Binkies, blankets, let her be free!."  Bethany started drawing people and they are so cute!  

Friday was McKenna's 4th grade Utah Day!  After the program of songs, I stayed to help with all the activities of the day.  

"29 Counties"

"Iron Wheels"

"There's No Place Like Utah"
Showing off her county report and float.  
Bethany and Alice played at Swa's and Anna went to Emi's house so I could stay at the school all day. They had a mountain man presentation, Native American presentation, digging for gold, pioneer games, and then a carnival/fair with a bounce house, games, food, and face painting.  
I even joined in on the three legged race with McKenna! 
Ben went to Taggart's after school to play.  I spent lots of time snuggling Alice that afternoon.  My BD flowers (peonies) were looking gorgeous! The girls stayed home while Dan and I went to Ben's baseball game that night.  He got three hits, 2 runs, and even got someone out!  After the game, Dan and Ben had some fun stacking cups.  Ben also learned how to make a stop motion video! 
Dan also went that night to help the Behunin's load up their moving truck.  SO sad to see them go.  But so thankful Kylee will still come to book club!

Saturday I ran 2 miles with Swa.  We moved dressers around and went through kids' clothes.  Dan worked on fixing the patio room floor now that we think we fixed the water problem.  Then Dan ran some errands with McKenna and Anna and I went through Bethany's clothes.  Dan and Ben got haircuts and after dinner McKenna and I went to Backstage to see Lia perform.  
Sunday we worked on "I Am a Child of God" in Primary.  After church we headed up to Mantua for Memorial Day.  We had fun with Snap Chat filters making ourselves look younger and the opposite gender.  I look a lot like my brother!  We also celebrated May birthdays!  After kids were in bed, we had a good discussion about "Home Centered, Church Supported."  
Monday was Memorial Day.  We had a yummy breakfast, then I ran two miles in the cold and rain.  It was tough, but I did it!  The kids enjoyed their cousin time.  
We played games and did crafts. 
Some even swam even though the air temperature was in the 50s, the pool was heated enough they weren't cold.  I didn't even bring our kids' swim stuff so we went to the theater to see the new Aladdin!  It was so good!  We met everyone at the Mantua Cemetery for our traditional picture and stories about Great Grandma and Grandpa Webster.  
After leaving Mantua we went to the Nelson Family Party at the Ringwood's.  Dan got this picture of all us girls snuggling/talking.  
Alice is into a "reading" phase and it's pretty darn cute to find her hiding and reading books.  
Tuesday I met with Amy Hamblin to plan Primary music.  We got a new gutter on our back patio.  The kids have their field day at school which was Harry Potter themed, and due to the weather, was all indoors.  McKenna played at Lia's.  Both Anna and Bethany had dance.  I did laundry and hung out in the bedroom that night while Dan had a little church meeting in the family room. 

Wednesday I ran 2 miles.  The kids had a read-a-thon at school.  We had a lot of stuff to sort through when they got home from school.  

Thursday we had Keva juice and Great Harvest bread for lunch with all the kids.  Anna went to play at Emi's house. Ben practiced making another stop motion video.  Ben had his last baseball game that night.  Unfortunately we had to leave it early in order to make it to Anna's kindergarten graduation program.  She got to be one of the black birds "baked in a pie."

7 Continents, Speaking Part, Little Miss Muffet

5s and 10s

Sing a Song of Six Pence

Mount Rushmore Presidents

If You Think You Can

Start Spreading the News

Dan had a meeting with the Gehrings that night about youth conference stuff and was not feeling real well.  

Friday was the kids' last day of school!  I picked up the girls' dance costumes and decorated the van for our "Party Van" tradition for the last day of school carpool.  

Unfortunately, McKenna was having quite an emotional afternoon.  So many emotions going on, it was hard to sort through them all.  We went to Hokulia with Winegars, Abril and kids, and some of Brynn's kids.  Dan came home from work really not feeling (man cold).  McKenna and Alice stayed home with Dan, while I took Ben, Anna, and Bethany to hike the Wild Rose trail with Moultons and Pugsleys.  We played a little at the park there then had pizza dinner at the Moulton's.  McKenna also went to a movie night at the Moulton's later that night.  

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