Tuesday, October 1, 2019

July '19- Week 3- Bethany's 4th BD, Old Faces, Dan's High Adventure, Hokulia Luau, Webster Family Dinner,

Monday was Bethany's 4th BD.  McKenna and Ben had their first day at Mary Poppins rehearsal.  We had Ellie and Clara over to play for Bethany.  I worked on a personal history story and looked at baby pictures of Bethany.  We had Del Taco for dinner (her request) and opened presents and had ice cream.  We watched the Pirate Fairy (Tinkerbell) movie while folding laundry.  :)  Dan got a haircut and packed that night for the Priests' high adventure.

Tuesday I had an early dentist appointment.  After that, while M and B were at Mary Poppins, we had a slow morning and watched a Barbie show.  After lunch we went to the Personal History story class then ran some errands to the dance studio and cabinet place.  We played outside after dinner with bikes and the swings.

Wednesday Dan left early for the High Adventure.  Ivy and Emi came to play and had a tea party.  After lunch we went swimming at Eli Forbes' neighborhood pool.  McKenna went to a Bees baseball game that night with Lia.  We took dinner to Meghan Johnson and family who just had a baby.

Apricots smeared all over. :)
Messing around with the "old face" app.  Alice's cracks us up so much!  And we think Bethany's looks like my mom. :) 
Thursday I went on ministering visits to Shelly and Janel's.  Jordan came to play with Ben after lunch. We watched the old Mary Poppins to help McKenna and Ben practice their accents a little.  It was kind of a rough night with everyone missing Dan.  The kids had a sleepover in McKenna and Anna's room.

Friday my old roommate Katie stopped by to say hi with her husband Kevin and two of her kids.  It's always so good to see old friends and catch up! We bought tickets for Mary Poppins that afternoon after rehearsal and I worked on editing pictures.  After dinner we had otter pops and played on the swings outside.  I took a picture of Bethany's darling little people she draws.  Also, Ben took pictures of his LEGO General Grievous and his finger vampire.  :)  After kids were in bed (having another sleepover), I called my mom to get some family history stories about our ancestors who lived in Nauvoo.

Saturday I ran 3 miles and felt good.  We babysat the Jaynes kids so Shelly could go to a funeral for her cousins daughter.  Dan got home from the high adventure!  We did the usual grocery pick up, looked at Dan's pictures from the camping trip, and had pizza for dinner.

That night, we went to the Hokulia Luau and the kids loved dancing and meeting Moana!
Sunday we did Pioneer songs in Primary.  We watched Random Acts and then hosted the Webster family dinner at the church.  We had Sloppy Joes and celebrated the July BDs (missing Mia).  Bethany was given a rainbow, butterfly, unicorn, kitty!  We also talked about the Nauvoo trip coming up! The kids loved being able to play in the church gym!  We also got these adorable pictures of Alice.  She's learned to climb on the piano chair and she still often sleeps with her bum in the air.

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