Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Dec. '19- Week 2- Gingerbread Houses, Devotional, McK and Anna Doc Check-ups, School Concert, Bigler Funeral, SLC Temple, Neighbor Gifts, Jr. Jazz, Tab Choir, Grand Am, Dance and Piano

Sunday we were late for church due to Alice filling her diaper right as we were loading up and I shoveled a little even though it was mostly slush and probably would have been fine to leave alone.  I got to attend the last bit of Relief Society and enjoy socializing and eating a cinnamon roll.  Bethany left early to go home with Mickelle because of a bad/constant cough.  Later, we went to Dan's parents' for gingerbread house making and December BDs.  Then my parents came to babysit the younger three girls while Dan, McKenna, Ben and I went to the First Presidency Christmas Devotional at the Conference Center.  The Tabernacle Choir is always so amazing to hear live!  I cried LOTS during "For Unto Us" from the Messiah.  I strongly believe Handel could not have written music like that unless he KNEW Jesus!  I also had Prelude rehearsal later that night.
Monday started a week of morning carline for Dan.  The next couple days had all the (boring) news coverage of the Trump Impeachment hearings, so I watched much of my Today Show on my phone. Super annoying.  Bethany slept in that morning and woke up at 8:45am.  I did the normal laundry and volunteering in Ben's class.  I folded laundry and listened to my book.  In the afternoon, McKenna and Anna had their doctor check-ups.  

McKenna 11 Year Old Stats
Height: 56.3in (2in increase in 1 year) 40th%
Weight: 64lbs (9lbs increas in 1 year) 8th%

Anna 6.5 Year Old Stats
Height: 46in (3in increase in 1 year) 45th%
Weight: 44lbs 10oz (5lbs increase in 1 year) 35th%

On the way home, I had a little "maturation" talk with McKenna because the pediatrician had asked if she had started her period yet.  :)  Then we met at Dan's back doctor to go over the next phase of his treatment.  That evening, Ben and Anna had their school Christmas concert.  They sang great and had fun!  We came home and had hot chocolate and Dan got word that Sis. Darlene Bigler had passed away.  

Tuesday I exercised and after Dan took the kids to school, he came back home and worked on fixing our leaking toilet.  Brynn watched Alice and Bethany while Dan and I went to the Salt Lake Temple with Lindsay and Jordan Jensen.  We really wanted to go one more time before it would close for 4 years!  We made it for the 12pm session and it was packed!  We thought we'd be safe going in the middle of the day, middle of the week, but it was still so full!  Easily 140 women and over 100 men, but still a wonderful time in the temple!  I picked up Ben and Anna from school then stayed for an "Annie" parent meeting.  We worked on tying the recipe cards on our neighbor gifts and after dinner we delivered them!  Unfortunately, we realized we forgot about 10 people.  

Wednesday I worked on making more neighbor gifts and Blurbing.  When I took Bethany to preschool, I met a new neighbor that moved into Bonnie Hobb's house, last name was Mace and she told me how much they love how nice and polite people are here.  Anna played at Emi's house then had dance.  Dan took Ben to a pizza party with his Jr. Jazz team and then to his last game!  Mickelle and my parents were able to attend that game as well.  We're so grateful Ben had a great season with such kind coaches that really boosted his confidence!  Mickelle brought over some interesting cheese for us to try that night and my family did our conference call.  
Thursday I exercised and ran to the store while Bethany was at ballet.  We went to lunch at McDonald's for cousin Abby's birthday.  I did reading in Anna's class and later went to music with her.  I also ran an errand to Standard Optical to return some contacts.  McKenna had a play date at Aliza's house and we had to have Ayla Hamblin babysit while Dan was at a church appointment.  We had pizza and cake at Dan's parents' house, again for Abby's BD, then Dan, McKenna, Ben and I went to the Tabernacle Choir Concert!  We had FRONT ROW seats!  The guest soloist was amazing (Kelli O'Hara)!  Ben loved trying to catch the "snow" which were actually bubbles.  
Friday I had a slow morning and Dan conducted Sis. Bigler's funeral.  McKenna called me sick from school with a head ache, numb hands, weird eyes, and slight stomach ache.  After she took a nap, she felt much better!  After school, Ben had Prelude practice, then we went to see the Grand America Christmas window displays!  We went with the Moultons, Pugsleys, Lewises, and a new family that moved into the Roth's home, the Stewarts.  We ran into Kelli O'Hara and the narrator as they were coming off the elevators at the Grand America and I "fan girled" a bit.  The windows had a "Night Before Christmas" theme and focused mostly on the mice which was darling!  Then, after walking around seeing the windows, we ran into the Utah Football team, including Kyle Whittingham, as they were headed to their Christmas party.  That time DAN "fan girled" a bit.  For dinner, we went to the Pugsley's for some homemade gourmet pizza.  We had so much fun being with these families in the ward that we love so much!  
Saturday was a day filled with performances for our kids and I loved it!!  Anna was first up with a dance performance!  Then Ben and I rushed off to the final Prelude rehearsal.  We got some grocery things then home for lunch.  Then we went back to Viewmont High for Bethany to perform her dance!  Bethany and Alice got naps in the car.  
 The dance recital was a benefit concert for UTAH FOSTER CARE, so Dan made a little speech beforehand.  It was also awesome to see my cousin Steffanie there with her daughter Marley!  
Dan and Ben got haircuts, and after dinner, McKenna and Ben had their piano recital at the church.   They all performed so well that day and I LOVE watching my kids develop their talents and grow in confidence!  We're so grateful for all the family support as well from Grandma and Grandpas and Aunts!  After kids were in bed, I finished the additional neighbor gifts and Dan learned a little song on the Piano to play at our Mantua family talent show.  We also began studying together in Preach My Gospel.  

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