Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Jan. '20- Week 3- Bethany Half Birthday, Playing in the Snow, Sadie's Wedding

Wednesday I ate and then did a ministering visit to Janel.  The afternoon was filled with driving Ben to Piano, picking up McKenna from the temple, dropping her off at piano, then heading to Bethany's preschool to present her half birthday poster.  She loved the class singing to her.  Then I drove three girls to Backstage and took Brooklyn Searle to dance since she needed to go to Centerville and Holley took Anna to dance for me.  Unfortunately we were a little late because of traffic.  That evening after dinner, Dan and McKenna went to the YM/YW activity which was a bonfire up Mueller park canyon.  After kids were in bed I looked up possible Martin Luther King Jr speeches for Ben to memorize for the speech contest.  
Thursday I drove kids to school while Dan was at the temple.  I went on a ministering visit to Amanda and took Bethany to ballet.  I had to run out to the school to drop off Ben's speech form.  I drove carpool that afternoon and forgot to take Jett to North campus and didn't even realize it until later that night. :(  Anna had music, and I helped McKenna look at possible audition songs.  We played Ticket to Ride with the kids that night and somehow we played it wrong because there was never any clear ending or winner.  Dan and I watched "Lost in Space" that night.  

Friday I exercised and also played in the snow with Alice and Bethany.  Alice was so mad to come in.  That evening McKenna had her audition at Backstage for Alice in Wonderland.  We ran Wal-Mart errands after that.  After kids were in bed Dan organized our pantry and I blogged.  
Saturday Mickelle babysat while Dan and I went to Sadie Gunnerson's sealing and luncheon.  It was catered by Mo Bettah and it was delicious!  Ben had a birthday party for Anna and Millie Fairbanks.  He said he was the only boy. :)  Ben also had play practice.  We came home for a a few hours and chilled.  McKenna made a Lego Tree of Life interpretation.  Ben finished the lighthouse puzzle!  McKenna went to a craft night at the Moulton's.  Dan performed the ring ceremony for Sadie and Brendan and then we ate a quick dinner before returning with the kids for the wedding reception.  We visited with the Gordons and Kyrenia Reid.  Dan took a smoothie to Schaefer Paulson after his wisdom teeth.  After kids were in bed, Dan and McKenna and I went to the Bountiful temple to do baptisms with cousins Joe and Katie, Whitney, and Reed and Andrew.  Their parents were there too.  Grandfather's previous secretary Wendy Kay Olsen and husband were there too.  We got ice cream afterwards.  It was a LONG but fabulous day focused on the TEMPLE!
Sunday I attended choir and we were on time for church.  I taught the "Iron Rod."  Dan took Ben to Cameron Hall's mission farewell gathering  in the afternoon and we had Webster family dinner that night.  After kids were in bed, we talked with Dan's parents about the possibility of buying their home since they are going to Hawaii and weren't sure of their plans when they return.  But they feel like their home is too big for them.  More to come!

Monday was Martin Luther King day which meant no school!  We had friends over to play (Leo, Gwen, Desi, and Lia).  Bethany went to Arlee's and Ben went to Henry's.  Ben also made a Lego interpretation of Joseph Smith's First Vision.  Jonathan came in the afternoon to play the Switch with the kids.  McKenna found out she got the role of Queen of Hearts!   We also took the kids sledding at Mueller Park with Jonathan and Swa and kids.  Bethany and Anna each took a turn getting hurt, :( but also, we had lots of fun!  Anna and I hurried off to a dance meeting and parent/teacher conference.  Anna also started a little cough that night and Dan and I talked finances.  
Tuesday I exercised and Dan went to St. George for the day.  I washed blankets and vacuumed and had a head ache.  Ben had play practice and Anna's cough/cold got worse, but she played cute with Alice.  Jett came over to play after rehearsal and the kids played with playdoh.  Dan arrived home safe and Ben wanted to help Dan cook.  

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