Monday, June 29, 2020

April 2020- Week 3- Anna Rides a Bike!, Weeding/Mulching, Puzzle, Ellie's BD Parade, Alice Sleeping at Dinner, Kids' Restaurant Downstairs

Wednesday I woke up with a bad headache.  We worked on homework.  Ben and McKenna had Zoom meetings.  We had Chick Fil A for lunch and then I helped Anna with school stuff and all three had their extra curricular activities.  Adam and Mia came over for spaghetti night.  After dinner and baths we watched Relative Race while Dan did church stuff.  I unpacked a few more boxes and chatted with Dan's parents and then had a good heart-to-heart with Dan.  

Thursday morning just as I was about to start exercising we had another 4.2 magnitude after shock.  It was a longer quake than the past, long enough it made me think I should go find Dan.  But all was well.  Grandpa bought bagels for breakfast.  I worked with Ben and Anna on school and Bethany had a Zoom preschool meeting.  Dan ran and errand to Lowe's and when he FaceTimed me, I was cracking up about how tight his mask looked.  :) After lunch, Ben and Bethany painted and Dan took a trip to the dump with Sam and Adam to get mulch.  After dinner (where Alice fell asleep), Anna learned to ride a two wheeler bike!!  She had taught herself to balance without the pedals on her bike, so once we added the pedals back on, it was a piece of cake! We watched the Disney family sing along and then kids went to bed.  
Friday we did homework and Zoom meetings (do I sound like a broken record yet?).  I took a picture of Anna for a teacher appreciation thing.  Ben had a finish his explorer essay.  I weeded after lunch for a long time while Dan edged and used the blower.  Then Dan joined me weeding and we even weeded along the gully.  To keep the kids entertained I told them to name each weed as they threw it over the edge of the gully!  We had a pizza dinner and watched "Pocahontas."  After kids were in bed, I blogged and we worked more on a temple puzzle making LOTS of progress.  
Saturday I ran two miles outside.  After breakfast I went to grocery pick up and the van battery died again.  I realized it was dying whenever I turned the van on but not the engine.  A guy from O'Riley Auto Parts came and jumped me.  After lunch Dan and his dad went around looking at the sprinklers and I started weeding the gully flower bed again.  Dan had Alton Mortensen, Nick Paulson, and Jaron Southam come over and help us finish spreading mulch.  Laurie and Reed stopped by.  Dan and Cody left to get more mulch at the dump.  While I was waiting for them to get back, Jeff Jarvis came by and we chatted for a bit.  In all, we ended up using over 3 TONS of mulch!  My parents also stopped by to say hi.  It was so nice to have so much socializing in one day!   We had Zupas for dinner and Alice was falling asleep again.  So we thought if we got her down to walk around that would wake her up.  Instead, she walked right over to grandma and snuggled into her for a quick nap.  We watched "Prince of Egypt" after kids were in bed.  I felt SO SO happy that the yard work was "finished" and now I just have to maintain it! 
Sunday we had a normal morning getting ready for church at 11; Adam joined us.  I taught a lesson about the "natural man" and the "recipe" to becoming a SAINT!  We watched the King Benjamin Book of Mormon video and after lunch (Adam made Dan his famous RAMEN sandwich) we watched two Relative Race episodes.  We got to participate in a BD parade for Ellie Winegar turning 6!  We chatted for a bit with Jake and Abril afterwards.   Dan worked on more Bishop stuff and Dan's parents went to Mantua for dinner.  After kids were in bed, McKenna had a little break down where she cried and wished everything were back to "normal."  :(  So hard when everything catches up to you.  Once Dan's parents were back, we did some shopping online for new bedding for McKenna and Ben as well as new dishes.  Alice climbed out of her bed and came upstairs.  So we spent a while rocking her back to sleep.  

Monday I ran 2 miles and helped kids with school work.  I also did laundry and showered.  Kids played outside after lunch and we worked on organizing the garage.  We were able to make it so the van could park inside!  We moved some more stuff to the basement.  Anna had dance and I put the flour and sugar in my new kitchen containers.  The kids set up a restaurant in the basement complete with entertainment.  We also had a folding party.  After kids were in bed we had popcorn and apples which we have learned is Grandpa's favorite snack.  I had to rock Alice that night at 2:15am.  Her poor sleep habits were really getting old by this time! 

Tuesday I worked with Ben and Anna a lot on homework and piano.  It seemed like everyone had a hard time before lunch and were super grumpy. We ordered Texas Roadhouse for lunch.  Afterwards I went to the girls "restaurant" down stairs.  Ben had a Zoom with Taggart and Henry.  Unfortunately we were also having issues with the internet all day.  We were trying to switch over services and it was not working well.  I made garden chowder for dinner and Dan worked on the sprinklers while kids played outside. After kids were in bed, I worked on a Costco picture order.  

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