Tuesday, September 29, 2020

July 2020- Week 1- Mia's BD, Fire in Gully, 4th of July at Mantua, WX Summer Camps

Wednesday I went walking with Rachael then McKenna had dance camp.  Bethany woke up with a croupy sounding cough.  :( I did some yard work and Alice stayed and talked with me almost the whole time!  Such a good helper. After lunch, Dan took the older three to Willard Bay for Mia's 5th BD party.  Bethany was so sad to miss it, but she really wasn't feeling well.  They played on the beach, played in the water with paddle boards, the kayak, and the boat.  At home, I let Alice and Bethany play with the water table in the backyard and after dinner we did baths.  
Thursday I exercised and McKenna had voice lessons and dance camp.  Dan went into the Murray office.  We had a chill afternoon at home.  Ben took this picture of me holding/snuggling Alice on the front porch.  And I love McKenna's selfies. :)  McKenna went to the Novak's after dinner for a swim birthday party for McKinley Ulmer.  
Friday I exercised and McKenna had her last day of dance camp.  Dan went shooting with my dad and we packed and cleaned that afternoon.  Then we hosted my family for a "3rd of July" BBQ!  We had delicious food and then did some poppers, smoke bombs, and sparklers in the cul de sac.  We had to do it while it was still light because we needed to drive to Mantua that night.  Alice got a little burn on her finger from touching a sparkler that was done burning, but the metal was still hot!  :(
Just after we finished tucking the kids into bed at Mantua, we got a call from a neighbor saying the gully by our house was on fire after some teenagers dropped a firework on the ground and it bounced into the dry grass.  They sped off and were never caught.  Thankfully, the fire fighters worked so fast our home was never really in danger.  They did a great job! I'm so thankful for neighbors who look out for us!  I'm pretty grateful we were NOT home at the time because I think our kids (or I) would have been a little traumatized.  
Early on the 4th of July, Dan got up to go golfing with some of the men.  We enjoyed lots of cousin time, swimming, going for a walk, rock painting, decorating prize bags, a candy cannon, getting hair and makeup done by aunts, face painting, outside games, and yummy food!   We did some driveway fireworks that night once it was dark.  

Sunday we had home Sacrament meeting at Mantua and Bethany loved taking selfies beforehand.  After lunch we watched the newest Little Women and Alice took a little nap on me.  We had a delicious dinner, played games, and Reed was dared to sit in the cooler full of ice water... so he did. :)  We left for home around 8pm.  
Monday I exercised... and maybe from here on out, I won't mention my workouts unless they are particularly good or significant.  :)  Since we moved into this new house, I've developed a pretty good habit of doing something physical 5 days a week!  Running for 3 days with some arms and core exercises as well, and walking for the 2 other days.  I'm feeling pretty good and strong overall.  
*Update, that croupy sounding cough Bethany woke up with on the 1st of the month, turned into colds for Dan, Me, and many others in the Webster family.  Oops!  She wore a mask at Mantua probably 50% of the time, but it wasn't enough to not "share the love."  Sorry everyone!  
Monday was also a big cleaning day.  Ben and McKenna vacuumed and I deep cleaned the basement kitchen floor.  Tanner and Cooper came over for a bit.  After lunch I snuggled Anna and worked on some computer stuff.  After dinner, we folded laundry and watched Relative Race.  After kids were in bed, we experimented with setting up an outdoor movie and then came in and started watching "Hamilton!"  

Tuesday the middle three kids had their first day of WX City Summer Camps.  Bethany did Adventure camp (with friends Caleb Day, Daisy Behunin, and Cooper Johnson), Anna did Yoga, and Ben did Pickle ball with Tanner Johnson and Mason Stewart.  I loved being able to sit and chat with all the moms while at the park!  We got Keva and Great Harvest for lunch.  After a nap, I searched for outdoor movie options.  Dan and I watched more Hamilton that night and I started to feel the beginnings of my cold from Bethany.  

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