Sunday, October 18, 2020

Aug. 2020- Week 2- Swimming at Winegar's, Gma and Gpa Setting Apart, Blood Lake Hike X2,

Saturday I ran outside (instead of the treadmill) and after breakfast we did yard work then we headed to swimming at Winegar's. McKenna also had a swimming cast party for "Alice in Wonderland."  We used that evening to prepare to host all the Websters the next day.  That evening Dan and I went on a date getting food from two different fast food places, and then parking at a trail head on Legacy Parkway at 5th South.  We did more cleaning and prep before bed.

Sunday after breakfast I prepped fruit and got everyone ready for home Sacrament with ALL the Websters for Grandma and Grandpa's mission setting apart.  After church, we had lunch, played games, celebrated Hazel's BD, and played more games.  Since this was going to be our last time all together for a while, we didn't kick anyone out. Dave and Laurie and Winegar's left, but everyone else stayed and we ended up having leftovers for dinner.  
Monday was a big cleaning day.  We put all the hidden toys back, vacuumed everything, I used the magic eraser on the stairs and the fireplace upstairs and they look lots better.  McKenna worked hard on cleaning her room as well.  The other kids did homework.  I also cleaned the entry windows, then vacuumed and dusted my bedroom.  McKenna went to Lyla's.  After lunch and folding laundry, I made banana bread and took some to the Kumps since Kelly was having some health issues.  That evening, we went through school supplies and I went through my emails.  Dan worked hard on carline emails for the school and was stressed about his work getting closer to submitting their new contract proposal.  

Tuesday I went walking with Rachael.  After breakfast I ran errands with all 5 kids to Old Navy and Walmart.  They hadn't been out to a store in a long time and they were pretty over stimulated by all of it!  They had to point out and wanted me to look at so many things!  We organized more school supplies when we got home.  The kids played with playdoh, Ben played with Henry, and McKenna went to Hannah Hilbig's BD party at a park.  Tanner played here for a bit and after dinner I went to book club at the Hoppes' and discussed "The Color of Water."  

Wednesday Dan worked in Murray.  Ben and I worked on organizing his shelves. Alex Boes came here to play with Anna.  After lunch, kids ran through sprinklers.  Bethany played at her preschool friend Hallie's house.  The three older kids had piano.  We had Dan's parents, Sam, Hailey, Adam, and Mia over for one last spaghetti dinner before their mission, they we hung out outside and said our final goodbyes.  I worked on editing pictured while Dan had Bishop stuff.  

Thursday, I went walking with Dan then McKenna had voice lessons.  I watched all the back to school videos from teachers.  McKenna went to Brinley's to swim.  Anna played at Alexander's and I played with Alice outside for a bit.  She had fun with bubbles.  I called Jonathan for our weekly call.  I had a Let's Play Music parent meeting over Zoom.  After kids were in bed, Dan and I watched "Last Man."  
Friday Ben and Anna watered the Johnson's plants.  I decided to run a 5K on Davis Blvd (not an official race).  The older three went hiking with cousins to Bloods Lake again.  I didn't want to repeat a hike in the same month, and they were nice enough to take them, so I stayed home and tried to be productive.  Poor Oliver swung out on the rope and cut his knee on a rock on the swing back in.  He had to get stitches after. :( That night, Dan and I went on a date to Chile Amore and picked up movie popcorn and groceries.  Later, we had another outdoor movie with the Yeates, Moulton, and Whitchurch families.  

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