Friday, March 7, 2008


I've been seeing how much fun Laura has been having making posts, so i thought i'd give it a dance and give you some insight into my life. I'm currently working for Valley Mental Health at a day treatment facility for mothers that are in recovery from drug and alcohol addictions. My job in the program is to facilitate relationship building between the mothers and their children. And who better to help them than someone with no children, right? Part of their treatment is to attend groups taught by therapists and case managers on prevention and recovery skills, health and nutrition, prenatal classes, and love and logic parenting. It's been an interesting experience, and i've seen such great changes in these womens' lives. It has also helped me to really appreciate my family and the impact which positive influences, especially the Gospel, can have in our lives.

Anywho, the reason for this post is to share with you all an interesting group that i sat in on this morning. I heard there would be a two hour presentation on STDs and AIDS, and that all clients and staff were invited to it. Always eager to learn more about things i know very little about, a coworker and I decided to attend. Little did i know what i was in for...

First, let me explain the scene here. I'm one of two men in this group occupied by 25 women, some with newborn babies (i've discovered that this man/woman ratio is pretty typical in social work, which could be a future blog entry). The presenter begins by holding up a gallon sized ziplock bag filled with made-for-men contraceptives and explaining that we should not be shy and grab however many we want. Without going into too much detail, the scene that followed was reminiscent of giving a primary class a bag of candy. The presenter then spent the next hour and a half talking about and showing pictures of syphillis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea along with their causes and treatments...YIKES!! Again, to spare our newfound readership of the awful comments, invasive questions, and awkward situations which i witnessed, i will tell you that it was an informative presentation. I now know more than i ever thought i would regarding something that is such an ever-present force and circumstance in so many these clients' lives.

I just read this post again, and feel i must apologize for making my first post about STDs. Most people talk about how cute their kids are, the trips they've taken, or recently gained spiritual insights. But i've been told that it's entries like these that blog readers enjoy, so in a way, you asked for it. So as a consolation, and to begin a Dan-posting tradition, i'll include a picture.

This is from my sisters' wedding, where none of us had STDs. That is all.


Brynn said...

HOoray for STD-free living! And yessir...give the readers what they want!

MichiganMarshes said...

I thought your first post was very interesting. Keep it coming!

Dave said...

Hey, you and I can compare notes! They seem to love to teach us about STD's and how it affects peoples oral health. Who knew that dental school was all about STD's?

Sibber said...

Deep Danny boy, but very informative! Thanks for sharing... truly it was very interesting! Love ya..

Mindy said...

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! That last line is fabulous! I'm happy to hear! :)

Cole and Mindy Smith said...

Might i just say that you are a sad-strange little man! Oh boy...How I love those STD's! And BOY am I ever glad that you are STD free! Atta boy!

Christy said...

Thanks for the insight, I now feel like I know you a lot better, and on a different level. Oh, and it's good to know your family is free of STD's, although I can't say the same for mine - Jeff and I have Some Terrific Daughter!! (Lame, I know, but it made you laugh)

Hksedwick said...

Fanatastic post! You were very good at posting without making it too graphic...however after having had many an STD lectures in School and doing my ob/gyn rotation in south richmond this post was still filled with vivid imagery for me. Also, Rich says you rock. He really liked your post.

cat.janer said...

Dan. Sometimes I think that,in heaven, God has a large collection of DVD's that are just clips from everyone's lives. This will be one of the first 7 or 8 movies I request to watch. Well done.

emily mcd said...

"This is from my sisters' wedding, where none of us had STDs. That is all." LOL! Oh Dan, you rock.

Sibber said...

By the way, mom and I are sitting here looking at the comments and mom asked me..."what's STD stand for?" OH MAN! (this is Brynn, by the way)

joel and laura michelle said...

lol!! that was hilarious. but thanks for including what you do, cause i had no idea. what a rewarding but difficult job.!