Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Well, it finally happened. I graduated. Sure it took much longer than most. Sure I changed my major three times. But I graduated in a profession that I believe in, and am excited to see where this degree takes me.
As part of the festivities, we went to The Pie. Oh man it was good!
My pretty lady
Here's a pic of a few of my classmates.
Everyone who came to support outside of Kingsbury Hall afterward.
The afterparty at Hires. My body was not happy with me after so much greasy food within 4 hours.
Commencement Exercises at the Huntsman Center on the next day. Our Commencement speaker was Mario Cappechi who mainly discussed how we are responsible for stopping global warming.
A political tirade for sure, but I'm glad I went.
Dad, Mom, and Jonathan Thompson with us.
Us with Mom and Dad Webster
Thanks for sticking around for the pictures. It was a great couple of days for the Webster family, and I'm so grateful for the love and support I've had from everyone. I'll be taking a year off to work, then hopefully will make it into the Advanced Standing MSW program for Fall '09. In the meantime, I'll just be working and getting ready for the BABY!!


Melissa and Nate said...

Congrats Dan!! What a huge accomplishment! I can't tell you how nice it felt when I could come home and there was NO homework to do. We're so happy for you guys!

Brandon & Meghan said...

GO DAN!!! Congrats...Would you mind e-mailing that picture with all of us!!

Brooke said...

Way to go Dan, that's such a great accomplishment, and such a worthy degree! We're three of your biggest fans and think you're the bees knees!

Brynn said...

Awwww...my little brothers' all grown up and gradiated! CONGRATULATIONS! You da bomb. And hooray for getting ready for the BABY! See you in 8! :)

Sibber said...

Ya know, I wonder if you could have gotten a bigger pizza??? HAIGH! Congrats honey!

Megan said...

Congratulations Daniel Webster! Now what is your degree in? You didn't say...unless I just missed it.

Mindy said...

Jonathan is alive!! :) I haven't seen him since EFY 2004, "Stand in the Light" when Laura and I were roommates! AND: WHO KNEW HIRES HAD AN INSIDE!??? I clearly did not! I heart Hires! Congrats on graduating, friend! :)

Kel said...

Congrats Dan! Graduating is such an accomplishment. I have to admit that I miss school. I know, it probably sounds crazy, but I can't wait to go back and get my Masters.

C C & R said...

Dan congratulations! Clark just graduated as well and I'm so excited for the world of no homework; I'm sure you can totally relate! Congrats again!

Alyson said...

(Laura's aunt Alyson here.)

Congratulations, Dan! The pizza looks fabulous, a wonderful reward for years of hard toil. :)

Cole and Mindy Smith said...

Seriously, you can't say it wasn't worth it to have all that greasy foods...you deserve it for hecks sake! Now just get that baby here!

Marie said...

Great job, Dan! That's gotta feel good. And I have to say that pizza looked delicious. :)

Tiff Rudd said...

Way to go Dan! What a great feeling huh!? I forgive you for graduating from UofU - GO AGGIES!!! :)