Saturday, January 3, 2009

Jazz Game

We took McKenna to her first Jazz game the Monday after Christmas. As you will see from the following set of pictures, she was thoroughly entertained.

We arrive

First quarter

Second Quarter

Third Quarter (she actually slept for about half an hour)

Fourth Quarter

Overall, I think she had a great time- and- we WON!


Sibber said...

Oh my heck! Those pictures are so funny! McKenna IS so funny! No expression change... only sleep! I love that girl! Glad you all got to go!

Butler Family said...

HOW CUTE!! She is going to be a BIG sports fan huh?? Good for her:)

Alyson said...

I remember the days! Remember when we had just one baby who wasn't trying to get away, who didn't need a diaper bag full of little jars of food, who didn't need little toys that fall on the floor, who wasn't trying to crawl in the crud or run away...

Cherish these few months. Take her everywhere. You'll never be portable in quite the same way again! (Which isn't to say the upcoming stages aren't fun too, they definitely are...)

Mr and Mrs Smith and Co said...

We took Kaitlyn to the Circus (actually we took Kari, and Kaitlyn tagged along) and she slept for a while too. I don't know how she did it because it was so loud, but... They are amazing :) Yeah for basketball.

Becca said...

That was a great game, I can see Becca and I in your picture of the game.